2011-12-02 3 views

J'utilise Nhibernate 3.2 GA et je suis mappé par code.Les composants NHibernate ne sont pas sauvegardés?

J'ai une classe simple avec 2 composants:

public class Organization : EntityBase 
    public Organization() 
     Users = new List<User>(); 
     BankAccounts = new List<BankAccount>(); 

    public virtual Guid ExternalID { set; get; } 

    public virtual Int64 Number { set; get; } 

    public virtual string Name { set; get; } 

    public virtual Person Contact { set; get; } 

    public virtual Address Address { set; get; } 

    public virtual string Email { set; get; } 

    public virtual string Website { set; get; } 

    public virtual IList<BankAccount> BankAccounts { set; get; } 

    public virtual IList<User> Users { set; get; } 


L'entité est enregistrée avec succès lors de sa création sans composants.

Cependant, quand je récupère l'entité et essaye de mettre à jour les composants rien ne se passe vraiment!

est ici le code de cartographie:

var mapper = new ConventionModelMapper(); 

var entityBaseType = typeof(EntityBase); 

// define root entity and ignore base from being mapped. 
mapper.IsEntity((t, declared) => entityBaseType.IsAssignableFrom(t) && !t.IsInterface && !t.IsAbstract); 

mapper.IsRootEntity((t, declared) => entityBaseType.Equals(t.BaseType) 
            || t.BaseType == typeof(InvoiceBase) 
            || t.BaseType == typeof(InvoiceItemBase)); 

mapper.IsComponent((t, declared) => t.Namespace.EndsWith("Components")); 

// column naming and cascading configuration 
mapper.BeforeMapManyToOne += (insp, prop, map) => map.Column(prop.LocalMember.GetPropertyOrFieldType().Name + "Id"); 
mapper.BeforeMapManyToOne += (insp, prop, map) => map.Cascade(Cascade.Persist); 
mapper.BeforeMapBag += (insp, prop, map) => map.Key(km => km.Column(prop.GetContainerEntity(insp).Name + "Id")); 
mapper.BeforeMapBag += (insp, prop, map) => map.Cascade(Cascade.All); 

// enitity class mapping 
mapper.Class<EntityBase>(map => { 

    map.Id(e => e.ID, m => m.Generator(Generators.Identity)); 

    map.Property(e => e.CreatedOn); 
    map.Property(e => e.DeletedOn); 
    map.Property(e => e.UpdatedOn); 

    map.ManyToOne<User>(e => e.CreatedBy, m => { m.Column("CreatedBy"); }); 
    map.ManyToOne<User>(e => e.DeletedBy, m => { m.Column("DeletedBy"); }); 
    map.ManyToOne<User>(e => e.UpdateBy, m => { m.Column("UpdateBy"); }); 


//define components 
mapper.Component<Person>(map => { 

    map.Property(p => p.Email, m => m.Column("Preson_Email")); 
    map.Property(p => p.Name, m => m.Column("Preson_Name")); 
    map.Property(p => p.Surname, m => m.Column("Preson_Surname")); 



mapper.Component<Address>(map => { 

    map.Property(a => a.City, m => m.Column("Address_City")); 
    map.Property(a => a.Street, m => m.Column("Address_Street")); 
    map.Property(a => a.Zipcode, m => m.Column("Address_Zipcode")); 



//TODO: move to different class (cleaner) 
//all entities mapping 
mapper.Class<User>(map => { 
    map.ManyToOne(u => u.Organization); 

mapper.Class<Organization>(map => { 

    map.Component<Person>(o => o.Contact); 
    map.Component<Address>(o => o.Address); 

    map.Bag<User>(o => o.Users, cm => cm.Inverse(true), r => { }); 

var mapping = mapper.CompileMappingFor(entityBaseType.Assembly.GetExportedTypes().Where(t => t.Namespace.EndsWith("Domain"))); 

Voici comment j'enregistrer dans la base de données:

// get user domain object 
       var user = UserService.GetById((int)membershipUser.ProviderUserKey); 
       // get the organization to continue the profile 
       var organization = OrganizationService.GetByExternalId(model.ExternalID); 

       organization.Address = new Address 
         City = model.OrganizationAddressCity, 
         Street = model.OrganizationAddressStreet, 
         Zipcode = model.OrganizationAddressZip 

       organization.Contact = new Person 
         Email = model.OrganizationContactEmail, 
         Name = model.OrganizationContactName, 
         Surname = model.OrganizationContactSurname 

        //organization.CreatedBy = user; 
        organization.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now; 

       // add the user to the organization 

       //save organization profile 

Le référentiel organisation à l'aide Spring.Net Gestion des transactions:

    public virtual void Update(T entity) 
     entity.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now; 

REMARQUE: méthodes décorées avec la gestion des transactions Spring.Net, donc je n'appelle pas explicitement Commit.


Montrez votre code qui effectue la mise à jour. – jasonp


@jasonp: J'ai mis à jour la question –



ok, cela n'a rien à voir avec le mapping. la cartographie est correcte!

c'est le problème de Spring Transaction, je ne sais pas si c'est mon erreur de configurer Spring.Net SessionFactory.

La solution consiste à appeler explicitement:

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