2016-04-12 2 views

Je suis en train d'écrire une interface web pour un périphérique matériel et je suis en train de faire l'assistant de configuration réseau. Je veux que l'utilisateur choisisse le SSID et s'il est sécurisé, alors entrez un mot de passe. Je veux vérifier alors et là que le mot de passe est correct sans aller plus loin dans l'assistant.Comment vérifier le bon mot de passe SSID sur Linux

Existe-t-il un moyen plus simple de faire cela que de lancer les détails à wpa_supplicant et d'analyser la sortie du journal?



Eh bien, pourrait trouver beaucoup, peut-être mon Google fu suce. J'ai fini par faire ce script pour le faire pour moi. Il utilise wpa_supplicant pour essayer de se connecter, puis analyse les journaux pour rechercher certaines chaînes indiquant l'échec ou le succès de l'authentification. Il est uniquement testé avec v2.3, si la sortie du journal est différente dans d'autres versions, il peut ne pas fonctionner correctement.

La connexion en cours sur l'interface sans fil à partir de laquelle vous testez est toujours interrompue, mais elle sera rétablie dès que le script wpa_supplicant démarré par ce script sera détruit par le script existant.

#!/usr/bin env ruby 

# This script will run WPA to check authentication to a Wifi AP. It will return status 0 for success 
# or status 1 for failure, as well as logging some information about what the script is doing. 
# It has a built in timeout (default 15sec) in case something holds the script up, on a BeagleboneBlack 
# this typically took ~10s for a failed auth, and ~2s for a successful auth. In most cases the WPA 
# supplicant was killed before DHCP could configure the interface. 
# In the case where the interface is already connected to an AP and configured via WPA/DHCP, this script 
# will cause that connection to drop, regardless of AP auth success or failure. With the latter the 
# connection is promptly restored after the script is finished, however with the former the connection 
# may be momentarily reconfigured via DHCP to the new APs details, before control is given back to the 
# original WPA process. It is unclear if this disconnection can be avoided. 
# This has only been tested with wpa_supplicant v2.3 

require 'logger' 
require 'fileutils' 

LOG_FILE = "/tmp/wpalog" 
PIDFILE = "/tmp/wpapid" 
LOG  = Logger.new(STDOUT) 

ssid = ARGV[0] 
pass = ARGV[1] 
timeout = 15 
dev  = "wlan0" 

abort "Usage: #{$0} <ssid> <pass>" if ssid.nil? or pass.nil? 

File.write(LOG_FILE, "") 

# make sure we don't leave wpa running 
at_exit do 

# kill the auth process if it's pidfile exists 
def kill_wpa! 
    if File.exist?(PIDFILE) 
    pid = File.read(PIDFILE).strip 
    LOG.info "Killing WPA on PID #{pid}" 
    Process.kill 9, pid.to_i 
    FileUtils.rm PIDFILE 

# parse the log for indications of auth success/failure 
def parse_log 
    log = File.read(LOG_FILE) 
    if log.include? "WPA: Key negotiation completed" 
    return true 

    if log.include?("pre-shared key may be incorrect") || log.include?("auth_failures=1") 
    return false 


# timeout so we don't keep going forever if theres some issue 
Thread.new do 
    sleep timeout 
    LOG.fatal "Operation timed out" 

# run the process to try to auth to the AP 
s = Time.now 
LOG.info "Starting WPA Supplicant" 
system "bash -c 'wpa_supplicant -Dwext -c <(wpa_passphrase \"#{ssid}\" \"#{pass}\") -B -P #{PIDFILE} -f #{LOG_FILE} -i #{dev} 2>/dev/null'" 

result = nil 

# loop until the parse_log gives us a non nil result indicating auth success or failure 
LOG.info "Searching WPA log for authentication state" 
loop do 
    result = parse_log 
    sleep 0.2 and next if result.nil? 

f = Time.now 
duration = (f - s).to_f.round(2) 
LOG.info "Found authentication state in #{duration} seconds" 

# kill WPA ASAP before DHCP takes over and changes the interface config 

if result 
    LOG.info "Authentication successful" 
    LOG.error "Authentication failed" 

# empty the log in case there are creds in it 
File.write(LOG_FILE, "") 

# use return values to signal auth failure or success 
exit result ? 0 : 1