2017-03-19 2 views

J'écris un programme maintenant. Un de mes tests échoue lorsque j'essaie de tester mes constructeurs. Je reçois ce message ci-dessous comme une erreur. J'ai essayé les deux VS: Communauté 2017 et Terminal Linux mais les deux ne me donne pas assez d'informations pour résoudre le problème. Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait me diriger où je devrais regarder? Selon g ++ Je pense que quelque chose ne va pas avec opérateur >> mais idk quoi faire.Erreur de compilation C++ avec opérateur >>

terminal Linux g ++

/tmp/cc2iecjr.o:test3.cpp:(.text+0x289): undefined reference to `ict::operator>>(std::istream&, ict::Date const&)' 
/tmp/cc2iecjr.o:test3.cpp:(.text+0x289): relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32 against undefined symbol `ict::operator>>(std::istream&, ict::Date const&)' 
/tmp/cc2iecjr.o:test3.cpp:(.text+0x3bf): undefined reference to `ict::operator>>(std::istream&, ict::Date const&)' 
/tmp/cc2iecjr.o:test3.cpp:(.text+0x3bf): relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32 against undefined symbol `ict::operator>>(std::istream&, ict::Date const&)' 
/tmp/cc2iecjr.o:test3.cpp:(.text+0x4f2): undefined reference to `ict::operator>>(std::istream&, ict::Date const&)' 
/tmp/cc2iecjr.o:test3.cpp:(.text+0x4f2): relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32 against undefined symbol `ict::operator>>(std::istream&, ict::Date const&)' 
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status 

Visual Studio 2017

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State 
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol "class std::basic_istream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > & __cdecl ict::operator>>(class std::basic_istream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > &,class ict::Date const &)" ([email protected]@[email protected][email protected]@[email protected]@@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@Z) referenced in function main Milestone1 C:\Users\Anthony Elistratov\Documents\cPlusPlusCodeSnippets\OOP244\Final Project\Milestone1\Milestone1\02-ConstructorTester.obj 1 


#include <iostream> 
#include <sstream> 
#include <cstdlib> 
#include <ctime> 
#include <iomanip> 
#include "Date.h" 
#include "POS.h" 
using namespace std; 
using namespace ict; 

bool equalDates(const Date& A, const Date& B); 
bool yes(); 
int main(){ 
    int ret = 0; 
    bool ok = true; 
    if (ok){ 
    cout << "Testing Date constructors and operator<< overload; " << endl; 
    time_t t = time(NULL); 
    Date Cur; 
    tm lt = *localtime(&t); 
    Date tCur(lt.tm_year + 1900, lt.tm_mon + 1, lt.tm_mday, lt.tm_hour, lt.tm_min); 
    cout << tCur << (equalDates(tCur, Cur) ? " is the same as " : " is not the same as ") << Cur << endl; 

    if (equalDates(tCur, Cur)){ 
     cout << "Passed!" << endl; 
     cout << "One or more of the Date constructors or operator<< are not implemented correctly." << endl; 
     ok = false; 
    if (ok){ 
    Date A(2018, 10, 18); 
    Date B = A; 
    cout << "Testing Date(int, int, int) constructor and operator>> overload; " << endl; 
    cout << "enter the following date, 2018/10/18" << endl << ">"; 
    cin >> B; 

    if (!equalDates(A, B)){ 
     cout << "Either the constructor or operator>> is not implemented correctly." << endl; 
     ok = false; 
     cout << "Passed!" << endl; 
    if (ok){ 
    Date A(2015, 9, 7, 14, 30); 
    Date B = A; 
    cout << "Testing Date(int, int, int,int,int) constructor and operator>> overload; " << endl; 
    cout << "enter the following date, 2015/9/7, 14:30" << endl << ">"; 
    cin >> B; 

    if (!equalDates(A, B)){ 
     cout << "Either the constructor or operator>> is not implemented correctly." << endl; 
     ok = false; 
     cout << "Passed!" << endl; 
    if (ok){ 
    Date A(2015, 9, 7, 15); 
    Date B = A; 
    cout << "Testing Date(int, int, int,int,int=0) constructor and operator>> overload; " << endl; 
    cout << "enter the following date, 2015/9/7, 15:0" << endl << ">"; 
    cin >> B; 

    if (!equalDates(A, B)){ 
     cout << "Either the constructor or operator>> is not implemented correctly." << endl; 
     ok = false; 
     cout << "Passed!" << endl; 
    if (ok){ 
    cout << "You passed all Constructor tests, run test no 3!" << endl; 
    cout << "You did not pass all the tests, keep working on your project!" << endl; 
    ret = 1; 

    return ret; 
bool equalDates(const Date& A, const Date& B) { 
    ostringstream Astr, Bstr; 
    Astr << A; 
    Bstr << B; 
    return (Astr.str() == Bstr.str()); 

bool yes(){ 
    char ch; 
    ch = cin.get(); 
    cin.ignore(1000, '\n'); 
    return ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y'; 


// compilation safegaurds 
#ifndef ICT_DATE_H_ 
#define ICT_DATE_H_ 

#include <iostream> 
//ict namespace 
namespace ict { 
    //Date defined Error values 
    const int NO_ERROR = 0;//No error - the date is valid 
    const int CIN_FAILED = 1;//istream failed on accepting information using cin 
    const int YEAR_ERROR = 2;//Year value is invalid 
    const int MON_ERROR = 3;//Month value is invalid 
    const int DAY_ERROR = 4;//Day value is invalid 
    const int HOUR_ERROR = 5;//Hour value is invalid 
    const int MIN_ERROR = 6;//Minute value is invalid 

    class Date { 
     //member variables 
     int m_year;//Year; a four digit integer between MIN_YEAR and MAX_YEAR, as defined in “POS.h” 
     int m_mon;//Month of the year, between 1 to 12 
     int m_day;//Day of the month, note that in a leap year February has 29 days, (see mday() member function) 
     int m_hour;//A two digit integer between 0 and 23 for the hour the a day. 
     int m_min;//A two digit integer between 0 and 59 for the minutes passed the hour 
     int m_readErrorCode; 
     bool m_dateOnly;//A flag that is true if the object is to only hold the date and not the time. In this case the values for hour and minute are zero. 

     //private methods 
     int value()const; 
     void errCode(int errorCode); 
     void set(int year, int mon, int day, int hour, int min);//Sets the member variables to the corresponding arguments and then sets the m_readErrorCode to NO_ERROR. 
     Date(int year, int mon, int day); //m_dateOnly = true 
     Date(int year, int mon, int day, int hour, int min = 0);//m_dateOnly = false //m_readErrorCode = no error 

     void set(); 

     //operator ovrloads 
     bool operator==(const Date& D)const; 
     bool operator!=(const Date& D)const; 
     bool operator<(const Date& D)const; 
     bool operator>(const Date& D)const; 
     bool operator<=(const Date& D)const; 
     bool operator>=(const Date& D)const; 

     int errCode()const;//Returns the m_readErrorCode value. 
     bool bad()const;//Returns true if m_readErrorCode is not equal to zero. 
     bool dateOnly()const;//Returns the m_dateOnly attribute. 
     void dateOnly(bool value);//Sets the m_dateOnly attribute to the “value” argument.Also if the “value” is true, then it will set m_hour and m_min to zero. 

     int mdays()const; 

     //istream and ostream read and write methods 
     std::istream& read(std::istream& is = std::cin); 
     std::ostream& write(std::ostream& ostr = std::cout)const; 
    // operator<<and>> overload prototypes for cout and cin 
    std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, const Date& D); 
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ostr, const Date& D); 



#include <iomanip> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <ctime> 
using namespace std; 
#include "Date.h" 
#include "POS.h" 

namespace ict{ 
    void Date::set(){ 
    time_t t = time(NULL); 
    tm lt = *localtime(&t); 
    m_day = lt.tm_mday; 
    m_mon = lt.tm_mon + 1; 
    m_year = lt.tm_year + 1900; 
    if (dateOnly()){ 
     m_hour = m_min = 0; 
     m_hour = lt.tm_hour; 
     m_min = lt.tm_min; 

    int Date::value()const{ 
    return m_year * 535680 + m_mon * 44640 + m_day * 1440 + m_hour * 60 + m_min; 

    int Date::mdays()const{ 
    int days[] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, -1 }; 
    int mon = m_mon >= 1 && m_mon <= 12 ? m_mon : 13; 
    return days[mon] + int((mon == 1)*((m_year % 4 == 0) && (m_year % 100 != 0)) || (m_year % 400 == 0)); 

    //no argument constructor 
    Date::Date() { 
     m_dateOnly = false; 
    //3 argument constructor 
    Date::Date(int year, int mon, int day) { 
     m_dateOnly = true; 
     //setting variables; 
     m_year = year; 
     m_mon = mon; 
     m_day = day; 
     //not going to be displayed 
     m_hour = 0; 
     m_min = 0; 

     //error code 
     m_readErrorCode = 0; 
    //5 argument constructor added 
    Date::Date(int year, int mon, int day, int hour, int min) { 
     m_dateOnly = false; 

     //setting variables 
     m_year = year; 
     m_mon = mon; 
     m_day = day; 
     m_hour = hour; 
     m_min = min; 

     //error code 
     m_readErrorCode = 0; 
    //void @errCode(int errorCode); 
    //Sets the m_readErrorCode member variable to one of the possible values listed above. 
    void Date::errCode(int errorCode) { 
     m_readErrorCode = errorCode; 

    //void @set(int year, int mon, int day, int hour, int min) 
    //Sets the member variables to the corresponding arguments and then sets the m_readErrorCode to NO_ERROR. 
    void Date::set(int year, int mon, int day, int hour, int min) { 

     //setting variables 
     m_year = year; 
     m_mon = mon; 
     m_day = day; 
     m_hour = hour; 
     m_min = min; 

     //error code 
     m_readErrorCode = NO_ERROR; 

    //Public member-functions (methods) and operators 
    bool Date::operator==(const Date& D)const { 
     return (this->value() == D.value()); 
    bool Date::operator!=(const Date& D)const { 
     return (this->value() != D.value()); 
    bool Date::operator<(const Date& D)const { 
     return (this->value() < D.value()); 
    bool Date::operator>(const Date& D)const { 
     return (this->value() > D.value()); 
    bool Date::operator<=(const Date& D)const { 
     return (this->value() <= D.value()); 
    bool Date::operator>=(const Date& D)const { 
     return (this->value() >= D.value()); 

    //Accessor or getter member functions (methods): 
    //Returns the m_readErrorCode value. 
    int Date::errCode()const { 
     return m_readErrorCode; 
    //Returns true if m_readErrorCode is not equal to zero. 
    bool Date::bad()const { 
     bool error; 

     if (m_readErrorCode != 0) { 
      error = true; 
     else { 
      error = false; 

     return error; 
    //Returns the m_dateOnly attribute. 
    bool Date::dateOnly()const { 
     return m_dateOnly; 
    //Sets the m_dateOnly attribute to the “value” argument.Also if the “value” is true, then it will set m_hour and m_min to zero. 
    void Date::dateOnly(bool value) { 
     m_dateOnly = value; 

     if (m_dateOnly) { 
      m_hour = 0; 
      m_min = 0; 

    //istream and ostream read and write methods 
    //Reads the date in the following format: YYYY/MM/DD (e.g. 2015/03/24) from the console if _date only is true 
    std::istream& Date::read(std::istream& is) { 
     is >> m_year; 
     if (is.get() != '/') { 
      m_readErrorCode = CIN_FAILED; 
      return is; 
     is >> m_mon; 
     if (is.get() != '/') { 
      m_readErrorCode = CIN_FAILED; 
      return is; 
     is >> m_readErrorCode; 
     return is; 

    std::ostream& Date::write(std::ostream& ostr)const { 
     if (m_dateOnly) { 
      ostr << m_year << "/" << m_mon << "/" << m_day; 
     else { 
      ostr << m_year << "/" << m_mon << "/" << m_day << ", " << m_hour << ":" << m_min; 
     return ostr; 

    std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Date& D) { 
     return D.read(is); 
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ostr, const Date& D) { 
     return D.write(ostr); 



    // compilation safegaurds 
#ifndef ICT_ERROR_H_ 
#define ICT_ERROR_H_ 

#include <iostream> 
namespace ict { 
    class Error { 
     char* m_message; 
    // constructors 
     //Sets the m_message member variable to nullptr. 
     //Sets the m_message member variable to nullptr and then uses the message() setter member function to set the error message to the errorMessage argument. 
     Error(const char* errorMessage); 
     //A deleted copy constructor to prevent an Error object to be copied. 
     Error(const Error& em) = delete; //no implementation needed 
    // destructor 

    // deleted constructor and operator= 
     //A deleted assignment operator overload to prevent an Error object to be assigned to another. 
     Error& operator=(const Error& em) = delete;//no implementation needed 
    // operator= for c-style strings 
     void operator=(const char* errorMessage); 
    // methods 
     virtual ~Error(){ delete [] m_message; m_message = nullptr;}; 
     void clear(); 
     bool isClear()const; 
     void message(const char* value); 
     operator const char*() const; 
     operator bool()const; 
    // cast overloads 

    // operator << overload prototype for cout 

    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ostr, const Error& em); 
#endif //ICT_ERROR_H_ 




#include "Error.h" 
#include <cstring> 

namespace ict{ 
    Error::Error() { 
     m_message = nullptr; 

    Error::Error(const char* errorMessage) { 
     m_message = nullptr; 

    //have a look 
    void Error::operator=(const char* errorMessage) { 
     clear();//dealloc m_message 

    void Error::clear() { 
     delete[] m_message; 
     m_message = nullptr; 


    bool Error::isClear()const { 
     bool clear; 
     if (m_message == nullptr) { 
      clear = true; 
     else { 
      clear = false; 

     return clear; 

    void Error::message(const char* value) { 
     clear();//dealloc m_message 
     m_message = new char[strlen(value + 1)]; 
     strcpy(m_message, value); 

    Error::operator const char*() const { 
     return m_message; 

    Error::operator bool()const { 
     return isClear(); 

    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ostr, const Error& em) { 
     //to be coded 
     //do some stuff with ostr 

     if (em.isClear()) { 
     else { 
      ostr << "error"; 

     return ostr; 

}//namespace ict 


// compilation safeguards 
#ifndef ICT_POS_H_ 
#define ICT_POS_H_ 

// defined values 
#define TAX 0.13 
#define MAX_SKU_LEN 7 
#define MIN_YEAR 2000 
#define MAX_YEAR 2030 
#define MAX_NO_ITEMS 2000 


Votre définition et la déclaration de 'std :: istream & operator >> (std :: istream & est, Date & D)' sont différentes. 'const Date & D' contre' Date & D'. – JustRufus


S'il vous plaît [Modifier] votre question pour fournir un [mcve]. –



Date.h a la déclaration

std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, const Date& D); 

tout Date.cpp a la définition:

std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Date& D) 

qui ne sont pas les mêmes ...