2017-07-07 3 views

Je suis en train de développer une application de type Xamarin PCL ... gérer la recherche d'imprimantes, connecter l'imprimante, mais quand je veux imprimer mes variables, elles ne sont pas imprimées .... (Mais si vous imprimez le coupon qui apporte par défaut) J'occupe le SDK Zebra LinkOS_XamarinSDK, j'ai joint mon code .... de l'aide pour moi?Impression Bluetooth Xamarin

Mes SelectPrinterView.cs

public SelectPrinterView(UsuariosMovil usuarioMovil) 

     Title = "Seleccione una Impresora";   

     printerList = new ObservableCollection<IDiscoveredPrinter>(); 

     printerLv = new ListView 
      ItemsSource = printerList, 
      ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(() => 
       printerLbl = new Label { Text = "No hay Impresoras Seleccionadas" }; 

       Label addressLbl = new Label(); 
      addressLbl.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "Address"); 

      Label friendlyLbl = new Label(); 
      friendlyLbl.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "FriendlyName"); 

      return new ViewCell 
       View = new StackLayout 
        Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, 
        Children = { addressLbl, friendlyLbl } 
    printerLv.ItemSelected += PrinterLv_ItemSelected; 

Mon impression Fonction:

private void sendZplReceipt(IConnection printerConnection) 
      String tmpHeader = 
        Some basics of ZPL. Find more information here : http://www.zebra.com 

        ^XA indicates the beginning of a label 
        ^PW sets the width of the label (in dots) 
        ^MNN sets the printer in continuous mode (variable length receipts only make sense with variably sized labels) 
        ^LL sets the length of the label (we calculate this value at the end of the routine) 
        ^LH sets the reference axis for printing. 
         You will notice we change this positioning of the 'Y' axis (length) as we build up the label. Once the positioning is changed, all new fields drawn on the label are rendered as if '0' is the new home position 
        ^FO sets the origin of the field relative to Label Home ^LH 
        ^A sets font information 
        ^FD is a field description 
        ^GB is graphic boxes (or lines) 
        ^B sets barcode information 
        ^XZ indicates the end of a label 

        "^XA" + 

        "^POI^PW400^MNN^LL325^LH0,0" + "\r\n" + 

        "^FO50,50" + "\r\n" + "^A0,N,70,70" + "\r\n" + "^FD Infraccion^FS" + "\r\n" + 

        "^FO50,130" + "\r\n" + "^A0,N,35,35" + "\r\n" + "^FDMunicipal^FS" + "\r\n" + 

        "^FO50,180" + "\r\n" + "^A0,N,25,25" + "\r\n" + "^FDUsuario Movil:^FS" + "\r\n" + 

        "^FO225,180" + "\r\n" + "^A0,N,25,25" + "\r\n" + "^FD" + "" +"^FS" + "\r\n" + 

        "^FO50,220" + "\r\n" + "^A0,N,25,25" + "\r\n" + "^FDFecha:^FS" + "\r\n" + 

        "^FO225,220" + "\r\n" + "^A0,N,25,25" + "\r\n" + "^FD"+ DateTime.Now +"^FS" + "\r\n" + 

        "^FO50,273" + "\r\n" + "^A0,N,30,30" + "\r\n" + "^FDDatos de la Infraccion^FS" + "\r\n" + 

        "^FO280,273" + "\r\n" + "^A0,N,25,25" + "\r\n" + "^FD^FS" + "\r\n" + 

        "^FO50,300" + "\r\n" + "^GB350,5,5,B,0^FS" + "^XZ"; 

      int headerHeight = 325; 

      DateTime date = new DateTime(); 
      string sdf = "yyyy/MM/dd"; 
      string dateString = date.ToString(sdf); 

      string header = string.Format(tmpHeader, dateString); 


      int heightOfOneLine = 40; 

      Double totalPrice = 0; 

      Dictionary<string, string> itemsToPrint = createListOfItems(); 

      foreach (string productName in itemsToPrint.Keys) 
       string price; 
       itemsToPrint.TryGetValue(productName, out price); 

       String lineItem = "^XA^POI^LL40" + "^FO50,10" + "\r\n" + "^A0,N,28,28" + "\r\n" + "^FD{0}^FS" + "\r\n" + "^FO280,10" + "\r\n" + "^A0,N,28,28" + "\r\n" + "^FD${1}^FS" + "^XZ"; 
       Double tempPrice; 
       Double.TryParse(price, out tempPrice); 
       totalPrice += tempPrice; 
       String oneLineLabel = String.Format(lineItem, productName, price); 



      long totalBodyHeight = (itemsToPrint.Count + 1) * heightOfOneLine; 

      long footerStartPosition = headerHeight + totalBodyHeight; 

      string tPrice = Convert.ToString(Math.Round((totalPrice), 2)); 

      String footer = String.Format("^XA^POI^LL600" + "\r\n" + 

      "^FO50,1" + "\r\n" + "^GB350,5,5,B,0^FS" + "\r\n" + 

      "^FO50,15" + "\r\n" + "^A0,N,40,40" + "\r\n" + "^FD^FS" + "\r\n" + 

      "^FO175,15" + "\r\n" + "^A0,N,40,40" + "\r\n" + "^FD$^FS" + "\r\n" + 

      "^FO50,130" + "\r\n" + "^A0,N,45,45" + "\r\n" + "^FDFirma Inspector^FS" + "\r\n" + 

      "^FO50,190" + "\r\n" + "^GB350,200,2,B^FS" + "\r\n" + 

      "^FO50,400" + "\r\n" + "^GB350,5,5,B,0^FS" + "\r\n" + 

      "^FO50,420" + "\r\n" + "^A0,N,30,30" + "\r\n" + "^FDwww.AHSEGROUP.com^FS" + "\r\n" + 

      "^FO50,470" + "\r\n" + "^B3N,N,45,Y,N" + "\r\n" + "^FD^FS" + "\r\n" + "^XZ", tPrice); 



     private Dictionary<string, string> createListOfItems() 
      String[] names = { "Motivo: ", "Lugar: ", "RUT: ", "Automovil: ", "Modelo: ", "Color: " }; 
      String[] prices = { "", "", "", "", "", "" }; 
      Dictionary<string, string> retVal = new Dictionary<string, string>(); 

      for (int ix = 0; ix < names.Length; ix++) 
       retVal.Add(names[ix], prices[ix]); 
      return retVal;    

Toute idée comment appeler les paramètres à imprimer? .... J'ai associé 2 modèles UsuariosMovil et Violations ... quelqu'un peut m'aider?


Pouvez-vous ajouter une image de ce que j'imprime? – banno


Une image de mon coupon? Ou une image de mon écran? @banno –



J'ai copié et collé vos méthodes sendZplReceipt(IConnection printerConnection) et createListOfItems() et testé pour voir ce qui est réellement imprimé. Si vous remplissez les valeurs de votre tableau String[] prices, les valeurs seront remplies corrigées dans le reçu. Cependant, le prix total n'est pas ajouté au reçu. Pour résoudre ce problème, j'ai ajouté {0} dans

"^FO175,15" + "\r\n" + "^A0,N,40,40" + "\r\n" + "^FD$^FS" + "\r\n" 

qui a changé la ligne

"^FO175,15" + "\r\n" + "^A0,N,40,40" + "\r\n" + "^FD${0}^FS" + "\r\n" 

Ce fixe la question du prix total ne sont pas imprimées sur le reçu.

String footer = String.Format("^XA^POI^LL600" + "\r\n" + 

     "^FO50,1" + "\r\n" + "^GB350,5,5,B,0^FS" + "\r\n" + 

     "^FO50,15" + "\r\n" + "^A0,N,40,40" + "\r\n" + "^FD^FS" + "\r\n" + 

     "^FO175,15" + "\r\n" + "^A0,N,40,40" + "\r\n" + "^FD${0}^FS" + "\r\n" + 

     "^FO50,130" + "\r\n" + "^A0,N,45,45" + "\r\n" + "^FDFirma Inspector^FS" + "\r\n" + 

     "^FO50,190" + "\r\n" + "^GB350,200,2,B^FS" + "\r\n" + 

     "^FO50,400" + "\r\n" + "^GB350,5,5,B,0^FS" + "\r\n" + 

     "^FO50,420" + "\r\n" + "^A0,N,30,30" + "\r\n" + "^FDwww.AHSEGROUP.com^FS" + "\r\n" + 

     "^FO50,470" + "\r\n" + "^B3N,N,45,Y,N" + "\r\n" + "^FD^FS" + "\r\n" + "^XZ", tPrice);