2017-07-12 1 views

J'ai généré une clé API à partir du panneau d'administration osticket (v.1.10) et défini mon adresse IP sur, et j'ai téléchargé le script this php mais je ne connais pas le chemin vers enregistrer ce document et ce que l'URL doit être (est-ce l'URL de mon panneau d'administration ou autre?) et comment puis-je le tester?comment utiliser osticket API Key

#!/usr/bin/php -q 
# Configuration: Enter the url and key. That is it. 
# url => URL to api/task/cron e.g # http://yourdomain.com/support/api/tickets.json 
# key => API's Key (see admin panel on how to generate a key) 
# $data add custom required fields to the array. 
# Originally authored by [email protected] 
# Modified by [email protected]/tmib.net 

// If 1, display things to debug. 

// You must configure the url and key in the array below. 

$config = array(
     'url'=>'http://site.tld/api/tickets.json', // URL to site.tld/api/tickets.json 
\t \t  'key'=>'27ADED3FED6AC18D8068FCB942DB4442' // API Key goes here 
# NOTE: some people have reported having to use "http://your.domain.tld/api/http.php/tickets.json" instead. 

if($config['url'] === 'http://site.tld/api/tickets.json') { 
    echo "<p style=\"color:red;\"><b>Error: No URL</b><br>You have not configured this script with your URL!</p>"; 
    echo "Please edit this file ".__FILE__." and add your URL at line 18.</p>"; 
} \t \t 
if(IsNullOrEmptyString($config['key']) || ($config['key'] === '27ADED3FED6AC18D8068FCB942DB4442')) { 
    echo "<p style=\"color:red;\"><b>Error: No API Key</b><br>You have not configured this script with an API Key!</p>"; 
    echo "<p>Please log into osticket as an admin and navigate to: Admin panel -> Manage -> Api Keys then add a new API Key.<br>"; 
    echo "Once you have your key edit this file ".__FILE__." and add the key at line 19.</p>"; 
\t \t 
# Fill in the data for the new ticket, this will likely come from $_POST. 
# NOTE: your variable names in osT are case sensiTive. 
# So when adding custom lists or fields make sure you use the same case 
# For examples on how to do that see Agency and Site below. 
$data = array(
    'name'  =>  'John Doe', // from name aka User/Client Name 
    'email'  =>  '[email protected]', // from email aka User/Client Email 
    'phone' \t => \t \t '1234567890', // phone number aka User/Client Phone Number 
    'subject' =>  'Test API message', // test subject, aka Issue Summary 
    'message' =>  'This is a test of the osTicket API', // test ticket body, aka Issue Details. 
    'ip'  =>  $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], // Should be IP address of the machine thats trying to open the ticket. 
\t 'topicId' =>  '1', // the help Topic that you want to use for the ticket 
\t //'Agency' => \t \t '58', //this is an example of a custom list entry. This should be the number of the entry. 
\t //'Site' \t => \t \t 'Bermuda'; // this is an example of a custom text field. You can push anything into here you want. \t 
    'attachments' => array() 

# more fields are available and are documented at: 
# https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/blob/develop/setup/doc/api/tickets.md 

if($debug=='1') { 

# Add in attachments here if necessary 
# Note: there is something with this wrong with the file attachment here it does not work. 
$data['attachments'][] = 
array('file.txt' => 
      .base64_encode(file_get_contents('/file.txt'))); // replace ./file.txt with /path/to/your/test/filename.txt 

function_exists('curl_version') or die('CURL support required'); 
function_exists('json_encode') or die('JSON support required'); 

#set timeout 

#curl post 
$ch = curl_init(); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $config['url']); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data)); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'osTicket API Client v1.8'); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Expect:', 'X-API-Key: '.$config['key'])); 
$code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); 

if ($code != 201) 
    die('Unable to create ticket: '.$result); 

$ticket_id = (int) $result; 

# Continue onward here if necessary. $ticket_id has the ID number of the 
# newly-created ticket 

function IsNullOrEmptyString($question){ 
    return (!isset($question) || trim($question)===''); 

Merci à l'avance


alors avez-vous édité 'http: // site.tld/api/tickets.json'? – Scuzzy


Je n'ai rien édité, sauf la partie 'api key'. Je ne sais pas ce que 'site.tld' devrait être, est-ce qu'il se réfère au panneau d'administration osticket ou autre? @Scuzzy – may


Je suppose que cela devrait être votre domian/chemin. Regardez le code 'if ($ config ['url'] === 'http: //site.tld/api/tickets.json') {' son test si vous avez changé cela ou pas. – Scuzzy



Il est avéré que je viens de changer l'URL et clé à l'intérieur $config=array(). Et si vous avez le même problème que moi d'essayer de tester un nouveau ticket depuis l'API sur localhost, tout ce que vous devez faire est de changer l'URL en