2016-07-20 2 views

j'ai remarqué quand je redimensionne un élément dans Visual Studio Line Splitter est peint en noir transparent solide comme celui-ci:changement Splitter Mise en évidence/Redimensionner ligne

enter image description here

Cependant, dans ma propre application Winforms je reçois ce redimensionner la ligne:

enter image description here

Je me demande comment je peux changer le tableau de cette ligne de modification de taille?


La logique de tirer ce point fort dans les méthodes privées de 'Splitter'. Si vous avez vraiment besoin de cette fonctionnalité, vous devez créer un nouveau 'Splitter'. J'ai commencé à utiliser [Splitter.cs] (http://referencesource.microsoft.com/#System.Windows.Forms/winforms/Managed/System/WinForms/Splitter.cs996b9f1de0eae14d) et a écrit mon propre [DrawSplitHelper] (http: //referencesource.microsoft.com/#System.Windows.Forms/winforms/Managed/System/WinForms/Splitter.cs,aba0d38fa9c1c11b) méthode. –


Le séparateur dans l'image ci-dessous est large juste pour montrer l'effet. Vous pouvez l'utiliser en taille normale. –


Il y a aussi [une autre question] (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28878310/custom-paint-splitter-control-in-c-sharp-winforms) à la recherche d'une solution pour customiser la surbrillance. Les réponses à cette question (y compris ma réponse) conviennent pour dessiner un gestionnaire solide (non transparent) lors du déplacement d'un séparateur. Si vous souhaitez peindre un splitter solide sans créer de nouveau contrôle, vous pouvez trouver ce post utile. –



Si vous jetez un coup d'œil à Splitter source code, vous verrez que le dessin de la surbrillance est effectué dans la méthode privée DrawSplitHelper. Étant donné que les méthodes de séparation sont étroitement dépendantes sur les membres privés du contrôle, les membres de remplacement ou les événements de gestion du contrôle qui utilisent cette méthode ne fournissent pas simplement une telle mise en évidence transparente. De même, si vous décidez d'incruster une surbrillance solide, vous ne pouvez pas avoir de dessin sans filtre à cause de la surbrillance de demi-teinte que le contrôle dessine dans les méthodes privées.

L'idée d'afficher une surbrillance transparente est basée sur l'affichage d'une fenêtre semi-transparente la plus haute qui ne s'active pas lors de l'affichage. Vous pouvez également utiliser la méthode PatBlt pour dessiner un rectangle réversible à l'aide d'un pinceau.

En option, j'ai commencé par Splitter.cs et changé pour dessiner point fort transparent désiré que vous voyez dans l'image ci-dessous:

enter image description here


En option, j'ai commencé par Splitter.cs et l'a changé pour dessiner le point culminant transparent désiré. J'ai utilisé un Form pour afficher un surlignement transparent. J'ai montré la forme sans activer, comme top-op et avec une opacité appropriée.

Vous pouvez probablement créer un séparateur en utilisant moins de code, mais j'ai préféré utiliser le code source de Splitter au lieu d'écrire mon propre séparateur. Merci à Microsoft pour le partage du code source.

using System; 
using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Drawing; 
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Security; 
using System.Security.Permissions; 
using System.Windows.Forms; 
using System.Windows.Forms.Design; 
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; 
using System.Reflection; 
public class MySplitter : Control 
    private Point anchor = Point.Empty; 
    private System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle borderStyle; 
    private const int defaultWidth = 3; 
    private const int DRAW_END = 3; 
    private const int DRAW_MOVE = 2; 
    private const int DRAW_START = 1; 
    private static readonly object EVENT_MOVED = new object(); 
    private static readonly object EVENT_MOVING = new object(); 
    private int initTargetSize; 
    private int lastDrawSplit = -1; 
    private int maxSize; 
    private int minExtra = 25; 
    private int minSize = 25; 
    private int splitSize = -1; 
    private Control splitTarget; 
    private SplitterMessageFilter splitterMessageFilter; 
    private int splitterThickness = 3; 
    [Description("Occurs when the splitter is done being moved.")] 
    public event SplitterEventHandler SplitterMoved 
      base.Events.AddHandler(EVENT_MOVED, value); 
      base.Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_MOVED, value); 
    [Description("Occurs when the splitter is being moved.")] 
    public event SplitterEventHandler SplitterMoving 
      base.Events.AddHandler(EVENT_MOVING, value); 
      base.Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_MOVING, value); 
    HighLight highlight; 
    public MySplitter() 
     base.SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, false); 
     this.TabStop = false; 
     this.minSize = 0x19; 
     this.minExtra = 0x19; 
     this.Dock = DockStyle.Left; 
     highlight = new HighLight(); 
    private void ApplySplitPosition() 
     this.SplitPosition = this.splitSize; 
    private SplitData CalcSplitBounds() 
     SplitData data = new SplitData(); 
     Control control = this.FindTarget(); 
     data.target = control; 
     if (control != null) 
      switch (control.Dock) 
       case DockStyle.Top: 
       case DockStyle.Bottom: 
        this.initTargetSize = control.Bounds.Height; 

       case DockStyle.Left: 
       case DockStyle.Right: 
        this.initTargetSize = control.Bounds.Width; 
      Control parentInternal = this.Parent; 
      Control.ControlCollection controls = parentInternal.Controls; 
      int count = controls.Count; 
      int num2 = 0; 
      int num3 = 0; 
      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) 
       Control control3 = controls[i]; 
       if (control3 != control) 
        switch (control3.Dock) 
         case DockStyle.Top: 
         case DockStyle.Bottom: 
          num3 += control3.Height; 

         case DockStyle.Left: 
         case DockStyle.Right: 
          num2 += control3.Width; 
      Size clientSize = parentInternal.ClientSize; 
      if (this.Horizontal) 
       this.maxSize = (clientSize.Width - num2) - this.minExtra; 
       this.maxSize = (clientSize.Height - num3) - this.minExtra; 
      data.dockWidth = num2; 
      data.dockHeight = num3; 
     return data; 
    private Rectangle CalcSplitLine(int splitSize, int minWeight) 
     Rectangle bounds = base.Bounds; 
     Rectangle rectangle2 = this.splitTarget.Bounds; 
     switch (this.Dock) 
      case DockStyle.Top: 
       if (bounds.Height < minWeight) 
        bounds.Height = minWeight; 
       bounds.Y = rectangle2.Y + splitSize; 
       return bounds; 

      case DockStyle.Bottom: 
       if (bounds.Height < minWeight) 
        bounds.Height = minWeight; 
       bounds.Y = ((rectangle2.Y + rectangle2.Height) - splitSize) - bounds.Height; 
       return bounds; 

      case DockStyle.Left: 
       if (bounds.Width < minWeight) 
        bounds.Width = minWeight; 
       bounds.X = rectangle2.X + splitSize; 
       return bounds; 

      case DockStyle.Right: 
       if (bounds.Width < minWeight) 
        bounds.Width = minWeight; 
       bounds.X = ((rectangle2.X + rectangle2.Width) - splitSize) - bounds.Width; 
       return bounds; 
     return bounds; 
    private int CalcSplitSize() 
     Control control = this.FindTarget(); 
     if (control != null) 
      Rectangle bounds = control.Bounds; 
      switch (this.Dock) 
       case DockStyle.Top: 
       case DockStyle.Bottom: 
        return bounds.Height; 

       case DockStyle.Left: 
       case DockStyle.Right: 
        return bounds.Width; 
     return -1; 
    private void DrawSplitBar(int mode) 
     if ((mode != 1) && (this.lastDrawSplit != -1)) 
      this.lastDrawSplit = -1; 
     else if ((mode != 1) && (this.lastDrawSplit == -1)) 
     if (mode != 3) 
      this.lastDrawSplit = this.splitSize; 
      if (this.lastDrawSplit != -1) 
      this.lastDrawSplit = -1; 
    private void DrawSplitHelper(int splitSize) 
     if (this.splitTarget != null) 
      Rectangle rectangle = this.CalcSplitLine(splitSize, 3); 
      var r = this.Parent.RectangleToScreen(rectangle); 
      if (!highlight.Visible) 
      highlight.Location = r.Location; 
      highlight.Size = r.Size; 
    private Control FindTarget() 
     Control parentInternal = this.Parent; 
     if (parentInternal != null) 
      Control.ControlCollection controls = parentInternal.Controls; 
      int count = controls.Count; 
      DockStyle dock = this.Dock; 
      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) 
       Control control2 = controls[i]; 
       if (control2 != this) 
        switch (dock) 
         case DockStyle.Top: 
          if (control2.Bottom != base.Top) 
          return control2; 

         case DockStyle.Bottom: 
          if (control2.Top != base.Bottom) 
          return control2; 

         case DockStyle.Left: 
          if (control2.Right != base.Left) 
          return control2; 

         case DockStyle.Right: 
          if (control2.Left != base.Right) 
          return control2; 
     return null; 
    private int GetSplitSize(int x, int y) 
     int num; 
     if (this.Horizontal) 
      num = x - this.anchor.X; 
      num = y - this.anchor.Y; 
     int num2 = 0; 
     switch (this.Dock) 
      case DockStyle.Top: 
       num2 = this.splitTarget.Height + num; 
      case DockStyle.Bottom: 
       num2 = this.splitTarget.Height - num; 
      case DockStyle.Left: 
       num2 = this.splitTarget.Width + num; 
      case DockStyle.Right: 
       num2 = this.splitTarget.Width - num; 
     return Math.Max(Math.Min(num2, this.maxSize), this.minSize); 
    protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e) 
     if ((this.splitTarget != null) && (e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape)) 
    protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) 
     if ((e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) && (e.Clicks == 1)) 
      this.SplitBegin(e.X, e.Y); 
    protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) 
     if (this.splitTarget != null) 
      int x = e.X + base.Left; 
      int y = e.Y + base.Top; 
      Rectangle rectangle = this.CalcSplitLine(this.GetSplitSize(e.X, e.Y), 0); 
      int splitX = rectangle.X; 
      int splitY = rectangle.Y; 
      this.OnSplitterMoving(new SplitterEventArgs(x, y, splitX, splitY)); 
    protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) 
     if (this.splitTarget != null) 
      Rectangle rectangle = this.CalcSplitLine(this.GetSplitSize(e.X, e.Y), 0); 
    protected virtual void OnSplitterMoved(SplitterEventArgs sevent) 
     SplitterEventHandler handler = (SplitterEventHandler)base.Events[EVENT_MOVED]; 
     if (handler != null) 
      handler(this, sevent); 
     if (this.splitTarget != null) 
      this.SplitMove(sevent.SplitX, sevent.SplitY); 
    protected virtual void OnSplitterMoving(SplitterEventArgs sevent) 
     SplitterEventHandler handler = (SplitterEventHandler)base.Events[EVENT_MOVING]; 
     if (handler != null) 
      handler(this, sevent); 
     if (this.splitTarget != null) 
      this.SplitMove(sevent.SplitX, sevent.SplitY); 
    protected override void SetBoundsCore(int x, int y, int width, int height, BoundsSpecified specified) 
     if (this.Horizontal) 
      if (width < 1) 
       width = 3; 
      this.splitterThickness = width; 
      if (height < 1) 
       height = 3; 
      this.splitterThickness = height; 
     base.SetBoundsCore(x, y, width, height, specified); 
    private void SplitBegin(int x, int y) 
     SplitData data = this.CalcSplitBounds(); 
     if ((data.target != null) && (this.minSize < this.maxSize)) 
      this.anchor = new Point(x, y); 
      this.splitTarget = data.target; 
      this.splitSize = this.GetSplitSize(x, y); 
       if (this.splitterMessageFilter != null) 
        this.splitterMessageFilter = new SplitterMessageFilter(this); 
      finally { } 
      this.Capture = true; 
    private void SplitEnd(bool accept) 
     this.splitTarget = null; 
     this.Capture = false; 
     if (this.splitterMessageFilter != null) 
      this.splitterMessageFilter = null; 
     if (accept) 
     else if (this.splitSize != this.initTargetSize) 
      this.SplitPosition = this.initTargetSize; 
     this.anchor = Point.Empty; 
    private void SplitMove(int x, int y) 
     int splitSize = this.GetSplitSize((x - base.Left) + this.anchor.X, (y - base.Top) + this.anchor.Y); 
     if (this.splitSize != splitSize) 
      this.splitSize = splitSize; 
    public override string ToString() 
     string str = base.ToString(); 
     string[] textArray1 = new string[] { str, ", MinExtra: ", this.MinExtra.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), ", MinSize: ", this.MinSize.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }; 
     return string.Concat(textArray1); 
    [Description("The border type of the control.")] 
    public System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle BorderStyle 
      return this.borderStyle; 
      if (!IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, 0, 2)) 
       throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle)); 
      if (this.borderStyle != value) 
       this.borderStyle = value; 
    protected override System.Windows.Forms.CreateParams CreateParams 
      System.Windows.Forms.CreateParams createParams = base.CreateParams; 
      createParams.ExStyle &= -513; 
      createParams.Style &= -8388609; 
      System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle borderStyle = this.borderStyle; 
      if (borderStyle != System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle) 
       if (borderStyle == System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D) 
        createParams.ExStyle |= 0x200; 
       return createParams; 
      createParams.Style |= 0x800000; 
      return createParams; 
    protected override Cursor DefaultCursor 
      switch (this.Dock) 
       case DockStyle.Top: 
       case DockStyle.Bottom: 
        return Cursors.HSplit; 
       case DockStyle.Left: 
       case DockStyle.Right: 
        return Cursors.VSplit; 
      return base.DefaultCursor; 
    protected override System.Windows.Forms.ImeMode DefaultImeMode 
      return System.Windows.Forms.ImeMode.Disable; 
    protected override Size DefaultSize 
     get { return new Size(3, 3); } 
    [Localizable(true), DefaultValue(3)] 
    public override DockStyle Dock 
     get { return base.Dock; } 
      if (((value != DockStyle.Top) && (value != DockStyle.Bottom)) && ((value != DockStyle.Left) && (value != DockStyle.Right))) 
       throw new ArgumentException("Splitter control must be docked left, right, top, or bottom."); 
      int splitterThickness = this.splitterThickness; 
      base.Dock = value; 
      switch (this.Dock) 
       case DockStyle.Top: 
       case DockStyle.Bottom: 
        if (this.splitterThickness == -1) 
        base.Height = splitterThickness; 
       case DockStyle.Left: 
       case DockStyle.Right: 
        if (this.splitterThickness != -1) 
         base.Width = splitterThickness; 
    private bool Horizontal 
      DockStyle dock = this.Dock; 
      if (dock != DockStyle.Left) 
       return (dock == DockStyle.Right); 
      return true; 
    [Description("Specifies the minimum size of the undocked area.")] 
    public int MinExtra 
     get { return this.minExtra; } 
      if (value < 0) 
       value = 0; 
      this.minExtra = value; 
    [Description("Specifies the minimum size of the control being resized.")] 
    public int MinSize 
     get { return this.minSize; } 
      if (value < 0) 
       value = 0; 
      this.minSize = value; 
    [Description("The current position of the splitter, or -1 if it is not bound to a control.")] 
    public int SplitPosition 
      if (this.splitSize == -1) 
       this.splitSize = this.CalcSplitSize(); 
      return this.splitSize; 
      SplitData data = this.CalcSplitBounds(); 
      if (value > this.maxSize) 
       value = this.maxSize; 
      if (value < this.minSize) 
       value = this.minSize; 
      this.splitSize = value; 
      if (data.target == null) 
       this.splitSize = -1; 
       Rectangle bounds = data.target.Bounds; 
       switch (this.Dock) 
        case DockStyle.Top: 
         bounds.Height = value; 

        case DockStyle.Bottom: 
         bounds.Y += bounds.Height - this.splitSize; 
         bounds.Height = value; 

        case DockStyle.Left: 
         bounds.Width = value; 

        case DockStyle.Right: 
         bounds.X += bounds.Width - this.splitSize; 
         bounds.Width = value; 
       data.target.Bounds = bounds; 
       this.OnSplitterMoved(new SplitterEventArgs(base.Left, base.Top, base.Left + (bounds.Width/2), base.Top + (bounds.Height/2))); 
    private class SplitData 
     public int dockHeight = -1; 
     public int dockWidth = -1; 
     internal Control target; 
    private class SplitterMessageFilter : IMessageFilter 
     private MySplitter owner; 
     public SplitterMessageFilter(MySplitter splitter) 
      this.owner = splitter; 
     public bool PreFilterMessage(ref Message m) 
      if ((m.Msg < 0x100) || (m.Msg > 0x108)) 
       return false; 
      if ((m.Msg == 0x100) && (((int)((long)m.WParam)) == 0x1b)) 
      return true; 
    private static bool IsEnumValid(Enum enumValue, int value, int minValue, int maxValue) 
     return ((value >= minValue) && (value <= maxValue)); 

public class MySplitterDesigner : ControlDesigner 
    public MySplitterDesigner() { base.AutoResizeHandles = true; } 
    private void DrawBorder(Graphics graphics) 
     Color white; 
     Control control = this.Control; 
     Rectangle clientRectangle = control.ClientRectangle; 
     if (control.BackColor.GetBrightness() < 0.5) 
      white = Color.White; 
      white = Color.Black; 
     using (Pen pen = new Pen(white)) 
      pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash; 
      graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, clientRectangle); 
    protected override void OnPaintAdornments(PaintEventArgs pe) 
     if (((MySplitter)base.Component).BorderStyle == BorderStyle.None) 
    protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) 
     if (m.Msg == 0x47) 
     base.WndProc(ref m); 

est ici fort forme:

public class HighLight : Form 
    public HighLight() 
     FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; 
     BackColor = Color.Black; 
     Opacity = 0; 
     ShowInTaskbar = false; 
     StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; 
    protected override void OnDeactivate(EventArgs e) 
    private const int SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE = 4; 
    private const int HWND_TOPMOST = -1; 
    private const uint SWP_NOACTIVATE = 0x0010; 

    [DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "SetWindowPos")] 
    static extern bool SetWindowPos(int hWnd, int hWndInsertAfter, 
     int X, int Y, int cx, int cy, uint uFlags); 

    static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow); 

    public void ShowInactiveTopmost() 
     ShowWindow(this.Handle, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); 
     SetWindowPos(this.Handle.ToInt32(), HWND_TOPMOST, 
     this.Left, this.Top, this.Width, this.Height, 
     this.Opacity = 0.3; 