2017-07-21 1 views

Donc, j'ai ce code avec moi et je le veux quand j'appuie sur "pavé numero 1" je peux activer et désactiver "LBouton". Script fonctionne réellement si je le lance mais comme j'utilise LButton (bouton gauche de la souris) pour changer certaines options et faire d'autres tâches dans un jeu, si je le laisse juste je ne pourrai pas utiliser LButton pour autre chose que juste le script, donc je veux être en mesure d'activer et de désactiver. Je ne sais pas vraiment si je me suis fait comprendre mais j'espère l'avoir fait. Merci de répondre!Désactiver une partie d'un script/ou raccourci clavier en utilisant un autre

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. 
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. 
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. 
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. 
Gui,Show,w500 h500 Center,AlwaysOnTop Window 
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y15 w105 h90 , Choose your weapon. 
Gui, Show, x127 y87 h269 w246, Recoilbot 
Gui, Add, DropDownList, x120 y10 w50 vList1 gOnSelect, Off|AK-47|M4A4 

Gui, Add, Checkbox, vSjekkboksen, Status 

;;;no reason to set the same info every time you click so define outside/before the label 
active_pattern := ak_pattern ;semi-redundant and will make sense later 

;instead of having 29 separate dllcalls with a bunch of if->elses, use an array so you can loop over them 
no_pattern := {} 
ak_pattern := {1: "-4,7",  2: "4,19",  3: "-3,29" 
       ,4: "-1,31",  5: "13,31",  6: "8,28" 
       ,7: "13,21",  8: "-17,12", 9: "-42,-3" 
       ,10: "-21,2",  11: "12,11", 12: "-15,7" 
       ,13: "-26,-8", 14: "-3,4",  15: "40,1" 
       ,16: "19,7",  17: "14,10", 18: "27,0" 
       ,19: "33,-10", 20: "-21,-2", 21: "7,3" 
       ,22: "-7,9",  23: "-8,4",  24: "19,-3" 
       ,25: "5,6",  26: "-20,-1", 27: "-33,-4" 
       ,28: "-45,-21", 29: "-14,1"} 
;"another" pattern, just an example of adding more 
m416_pattern := {1: "-4,7",  2: "4,19",  3: "-3,29" 
       ,4: "-1,31",  5: "13,31",  6: "8,28" 
       ,7: "13,21",  8: "-17,12", 9: "-42,-3" 
       ,10: "-21,2",  11: "12,11", 12: "-15,7" 
       ,13: "-26,-8", 14: "-3,4",  15: "40,1" 
       ,16: "19,7",  17: "14,10", 18: "27,0"} 

active_pattern := no_pattern ;setting the ak_pattern as the default one at launch, demo purposes  

1::active_pattern := ak_pattern 
2::active_pattern := m416_patternpattern 
3::active_pattern := no_pattern 

#IfWInActive, Recoilbot 
    ControlGet, outPutVar, Checked , , Button1, Recoilbot 

    If outPutVar 
     GuiControl, , Sjekkboksen, 0 

     GuiControl, , Sjekkboksen, 1 

    ControlGet, outPutVar, Checked , , Button1, Recoilbot 

    If outPutVar 
     GuiControl, , Sjekkboksen, 1 

     GuiControl, , Sjekkboksen, 0 
Gui, show 

Gui, Submit, nohide 
if (List1 = "AK-47") { 
Else if (List1 = "M4A4") { 
Else if (List1 = "Off") { 
    active_pattern:= no_pattern 
;using right button so I can close script easier (will change it once script is finished). 
     DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 2, int, 0, int, 0, uint, 0, int, 0) ;send the mouse down like in your script 
     loop { ;loop "until" key_shoot is released or you've reached the end (empty mag) "a_index > active_pattern.maxindex()" 
      x := strsplit(active_pattern[a_index],",")[1] ;get the "x" from the item at a_index in active_pattern 
      y := strsplit(active_pattern[a_index],",")[2] ;get the "y" from the item at a_index in active_pattern 
      dllcall("mouse_event","UInt",0x01,"UInt",x*modifier,"UInt",y*modifier) ;same relative dllcall like in your script 
      sleep, 99 ;same... 
     } until % !GetKeyState(key_shoot,"P") || a_index > active_pattern.maxindex() ;see loop comment 
     DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 4, int, 0, int, 0, uint, 0, int, 0) ;send the mouse up like in your script 
