2017-08-04 1 views

J'ai un script qui s'exécute correctement si je l'initie à partir de l'éditeur VBA, mais pas lorsque je l'initie à partir de Word.Supprimer la mise en évidence d'une sélection

Le script définit des acronymes dans les documents Word. Avant que le fichier Word ne me parvienne, il passe par une édition de premier niveau dans laquelle l'éditeur met en évidence les termes vérifiés. Parce que mon script utilise également la mise en évidence, je l'ai remplacer la mise en évidence existante avec du texte coloré. Lorsque j'exécute le script à partir de Word, il ignore ce bloc de code entier. Lorsque j'apporte d'autres modifications (par exemple, je viens de mettre à jour l'une des formes appelées par la macro pour ajouter une explication au texte vert), elles arrivent, peu importe d'où je commence le script.

Ci-dessous le script complet.

Option Explicit 
Public Definitions(5) As String 

Sub Acronym_Definer() 
'Defines Workbook and Worksheet, Opens Excel 
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application 
Dim xlWbk As Workbook 
Dim FN As String: FN = "C:\Users\" & Environ$("Username") & "\AppData\Roaming\Gartner\AcronymDefiner\AcronymDefiner.xlsx" 

Dim Current_Row As Long: Current_Row = 2 

Set xlApp = New Excel.Application 
xlApp.Visible = False 
Set xlWbk = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(FN) 

'Determines whether Track Changes is on or off so it can be returned to original state at end of macro 
Dim Track_Changes As Boolean 
If ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = False Then 

    Track_Changes = False 

End If 

'Changes to Simple View in Track Changes to keep deleted text from coming up in searches throughout the macro 
With ActiveWindow.View.RevisionsFilter 
    .Markup = wdRevisionsMarkupSimple 
    .View = wdRevisionsViewFinal 
End With 

'Turn track changes off, replace yellow highlighting from FLEs with colored text to avoid confusion between 
'FLE highlighting and acronym defininer highlighting 
ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = False 

With Selection.Find 

    .Highlight = True 

    With .Replacement 

     .Highlight = False 
     .Font.Color = RGB(155, 187, 89) 

    End With 

    .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll, Wrap:=wdFindStop 

End With 


'Begins acronym definition loop 
Do While Current_Row <= xlWbk.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count 

    'Use to decide which column to check for NNTD status 
    Dim NNTD_Column As Integer 
    Dim NNTD As Boolean: NNTD = False 

    Dim Chosen_Definition As String 
    Dim Current_Acronym As String: Current_Acronym = xlWbk.ActiveSheet.Cells(Current_Row, 1) 
    Dim User_Skip As Boolean 

    Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdStory 

    With Selection.Find 

     '.Font.Color = wdColorAutomatic 
     .Text = Current_Acronym 
     .MatchCase = True 
     .MatchWholeWord = True 
     .Wrap = wdFindStop 

    End With 

    'Check for presence of acronym 
    If Selection.Find.Execute Then 

     'How many definitions does this acronym have? 
     Dim Number_Definitions As Integer: Number_Definitions = xlWbk.ActiveSheet.Cells(Current_Row, 2) 

     'There's only one definition; the definition is in column 3 and the NNTD status is in column 4 
     If Number_Definitions = 1 Then 

      Chosen_Definition = xlWbk.ActiveSheet.Cells(Current_Row, 3) 
      NNTD_Column = 4 
      NNTD = xlWbk.ActiveSheet.Cells(Current_Row, NNTD_Column) 
      User_Skip = False 

     'There's more than one definition; put definitions into array and get definition from user form 

      'Ensures Array is empty at start of each loop 
      Erase Definitions 

      'Adds the definitions to Definitions array 
      Dim i As Integer 
      Dim Current_Column As Integer: Current_Column = 3 

      For i = 1 To Number_Definitions 

       Definitions(i - 1) = xlWbk.ActiveSheet.Cells(Current_Row, Current_Column) 
       Current_Column = Current_Column + 2 

      Next i 

      'Opens userform to allow user to choose from the available definitions 
      Load DefinitionList 
      DefinitionList.lstAvailableDefinitions.List = Definitions 

      'Did the user select an option? 
      If IsNull(DefinitionList.lstAvailableDefinitions.Value) Then 

       User_Skip = True 


       'Assigns user selection to Chosen_Definition variable 
       Chosen_Definition = DefinitionList.lstAvailableDefinitions.Value 

       User_Skip = False 

       'Determines NNTD column 
       Dim j As Integer 
       For j = LBound(Definitions) To UBound(Definitions) 

        If Definitions(j) = Chosen_Definition Then 
        NNTD_Column = (2 * j) + 4 
        Exit For 
        End If 

       Next j 

       Unload DefinitionList 

      NNTD = xlWbk.ActiveSheet.Cells(Current_Row, NNTD_Column) 

      End If 

     End If 

     'Acronym is NNTD 
     If NNTD = True Then 

      'Highlights NNTD acronyms in yellow. 
      Options.DefaultHighlightColorIndex = wdYellow 
      Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdStory 

      With Selection.Find 

       '.Font.Color = wdColorAutomatic 
       .Text = Current_Acronym 
       .MatchCase = True 
       .MatchWholeWord = True 

       With .Replacement 

        .Highlight = True 
        .Text = "" 

       End With 

       .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll, Wrap:=wdFindStop 

      End With 

     'User chose to skip or clicked OK without selecting an option; highlight all instances of acronym in red 
     ElseIf User_Skip = True Then 

      Unload DefinitionList 

      Options.DefaultHighlightColorIndex = wdRed 
      Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdStory 

      With Selection.Find 

       '.Font.Color = wdColorAutomatic 
       .Text = Current_Acronym 
       .MatchCase = True 
       .MatchWholeWord = True 

       With .Replacement 

        .Highlight = True 
        .Text = "" 

       End With 

       .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll, Wrap:=wdFindStop 

      End With 

     'Acronym needs to be defined 

      'Selects first instance of acronym. Get start position of first instance of acronym. 
      Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdStory 
      Selection.Find.Execute Current_Acronym 
      Dim AcronymStart As Long: AcronymStart = Selection.Start 

      'Determines whether definition occurs in document 
      Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdStory 
      With Selection.Find 

       '.Font.Color = wdColorAutomatic 
       .Text = Chosen_Definition 
       .MatchCase = False 
       .Execute Wrap:=wdFindStop 

      End With 

      'Definition doesn't occur; insert definition before first definition of acronym and add 
      'parentheses around acronym 
      If Selection.Find.Found = False Then 

       Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdStory 

       With Selection.Find 

        '.Font.Color = wdColorAutomatic 
        .Text = Current_Acronym 
        .MatchCase = True 

       End With 

       With Selection 

        .InsertBefore Chosen_Definition & " (" 
        .InsertAfter ")" 

       End With 

      'Definition occurs in document; get end position of definition and compare to start position of acronym 
      '(should be two lower than acronym) 

       Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdStory 
       Selection.Find.Execute Chosen_Definition 
       Dim DefinitionEnd As Long: DefinitionEnd = Selection.End 

       'Acronym is correctly defined; no further action is needed to define the acronym 
       If DefinitionEnd = AcronymStart - 2 Then 

       'Definition occurs after acronym; insert definition before first instance of acronym 
       ElseIf DefinitionEnd > AcronymStart Then 

        'Moves to first instance of acronym 
        Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdStory 

        'Adds definition and places parentheses around acronym 
        With Selection.Find 

         '.Font.Color = wdColorAutomatic 
         .Text = Current_Acronym 
         .MatchCase = True 

        End With 

        With Selection 

         .InsertBefore Chosen_Definition & " (" 
         .InsertAfter ")" 

        End With 

       'Definition occurs before (but not immediately prior to) acronym 

        Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdStory 
        Selection.Find.Execute Chosen_Definition 

        'Inserts acronym (surrounded by parentheses) after definition 
        With Selection 

         .InsertAfter " (" & Current_Acronym & ")" 

        End With 

       End If 

      End If 

      'Replace subsequent instances of acronym *and* definition with just acronym 
      Dim Defined_Acronym As String: Defined_Acronym = Chosen_Definition & " (" & Current_Acronym & ")" 

      'Moves cursor to follow first instance of Defined_Acronym 
      Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdStory 

      With Selection.Find 

       '.Font.Color = wdColorAutomatic 
       .Text = Defined_Acronym 
       .MatchCase = False 

      End With 

      'Performs actual replacement of all but first instance of Defined_Acronym with acronym. 
      Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdStory 

      With Selection.Find 

       '.Font.Color = wdColorAutomatic 
       .Text = Defined_Acronym 
       .MatchCase = False 

      End With 

      Selection.EndOf unit:=wdWord, Extend:=wdMove 

      With Selection.Find 

       '.Font.Color = wdColorAutomatic 
       .Text = Defined_Acronym 
       .MatchCase = False 

       With .Replacement 

        .Highlight = False 
        .Text = Current_Acronym 

       End With 

       .Execute Wrap:=wdFindStop, Replace:=wdReplaceAll 

      End With 

      'Replace subsequent instances of definition (by itself) with acronym 
      'Moves cursor to follow first instance of Defined_Acronym 
      Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdStory 

      With Selection.Find 

       '.Font.Color = wdColorAutomatic 
       .Text = Defined_Acronym 
       .MatchCase = False 

      End With 

      Selection.EndOf unit:=wdWord, Extend:=wdMove 

      With Selection.Find 

       '.Font.Color = wdColorAutomatic 
       .Text = Chosen_Definition 
       .MatchCase = False 

       With .Replacement 

        .Text = Current_Acronym 

       End With 

       .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll, Wrap:=wdFindStop 

      End With 

      'Set highlight color to teal for non-NNTD acronyms, highlight all instances of Current_Acronym 
      Options.DefaultHighlightColorIndex = wdTeal 
      Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdStory 

      With Selection.Find 

       '.Font.Color = wdColorAutomatic 
       .Text = Current_Acronym 
       .MatchCase = True 
       .MatchWholeWord = True 

       With .Replacement 

        .Highlight = True 
        .Text = "" 

       End With 

       .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll, Wrap:=wdFindStop 

      End With 

     End If 

    End If 

    'Ends acronym definition loop 
    Current_Row = Current_Row + 1 


'Returns track changes to same status it was in when script began 
If Track_Changes = False Then 

    ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = False 

End If 

'Returns view to show all track changes 
With ActiveWindow.View.RevisionsFilter 
    .Markup = wdRevisionsMarkupAll 
    .View = wdRevisionsViewFinal 
End With 

Load Instructions 


'Closes Excel 
xlWbk.Close SaveChanges:=False 

End Sub 

Function Define_Acronym() 

End Function 

Je recommanderais de spécifier la plage au lieu d'utiliser la sélection. Par exemple 'ActiveDocument.Range' au lieu de' Selection' – Slai



En fonction de l'appel de la macro, une sélection peut ne pas exister au début. Gardez à l'esprit que Selection.Find signifie essentiellement "Trouver [tout] dans la plage spécifiée par la sélection en cours". Voyant que vous réduisez la sélection à rien avec Selection.Homekey Unit:=WdStory J'ai essayé de comprendre pourquoi votre code fonctionne du tout et a échoué. Pour une raison plus connue de lui-même Word semble accepter de rechercher le document entier lorsque la sélection est 0 (ou 1). Mais zéro n'est pas la même chose que Rien.

Le meilleur moyen est de spécifier la plage ou la sélection que vous souhaitez rechercher. De toute façon, il devrait être ActiveDocument.Content si vous souhaitez effectuer une recherche dans le corps entier du document. Alors que votre code est basé sur l'utilisation de l'objet Selection, vous devez effectuer une telle sélection, par exemple, ActiveDocument.Content.Select.

@Slai et je recommanderais de ne pas utiliser l'objet de sélection du tout. Utilisez un objet Range à la place. Lire à propos de la différence at MSDN


Merci pour la réponse. La prochaine fois que j'aurai l'occasion de travailler sur ce sujet, je verrai à changer les choses. Comme j'utilise tellement la selection.homekey, je vais devoir refactoriser pas mal de choses. Je vais mettre à jour à ce moment-là. –