2012-05-16 3 views

Au lieu d'écrire un grand texte explicatif je veux le montrer avec des imagesgroupe Linq par plusieurs colonnes et les additionner ensemble


Comment puis-je groupe ces données dans quelque chose comme ceci:

enter image description here

Librement avec quelque chose comme:

var obj = (
    from f in context.assets 
    group f by new 
    into gvc 
    select new 
     Signed = sum(Signed) 
     Unsigned = Sum(Unsigned) 
     NotAvailable = Sum(NotAvailable) 
     SumOfWorth = Sum(Signed + Unsigned + NotAvailable) 

Toute aide serait appréciée

Sincerly AGH


Je ne pense pas que vous vraiment envie de grouper par f.signed vous? –


Fondamentalement, vous voulez Row à la colonne (pivot) – Tilak


Je crois que le code linq ne fait aucun sens :) – aghaux



la suite est le code pour faire pivoter les données

Linq Query

 Random rand = new Random(); 
     var data = Enumerable.Range(0,15).Select(x=> new {Company= "Company" + rand.Next(1,100), 
        Signed="Sign" + rand.Next(1,4), StockType= "Type"+rand.Next(1,4), Worth=rand.Next(1000,2000)}); 

     var sampleData = data.GroupBy(x=>x.StockType).Select(x=> new {StockType=x.Key, Signed = x.Count()}); 

     var pivotData = data.GroupBy(x=>x.StockType).Select( 
      { StockType=x.Key, 
       Signed = x.Where(y=>y.Signed=="Sign1").Count(), 
       UnSigned = x.Where(y=>y.Signed=="Sign2").Count(), 
       NA = x.Where(y=>y.Signed=="Sign3").Count(), 
       Total = x.Where(y=>y.Signed=="Sign1"||y.Signed=="Sign2"||y.Signed=="Sign3").Count() 


données UNPIVOT (entrée simulée)

 Company Signed StockType WorthΞΞ 
    Company42 Sign1 Type3 1884 
    Company35 Sign2 Type3 1437 
    Company30 Sign1 Type2 1781 
    Company50 Sign2 Type3 1747 
    Company57 Sign1 Type2 1116 
    Company32 Sign1 Type2 1350 
    Company83 Sign3 Type2 1027 
    Company2 Sign1 Type3 1983 
    Company74 Sign1 Type2 1690 
    Company77 Sign3 Type1 1502 
    Company2 Sign1 Type1 1797 
    Company18 Sign1 Type1 1768 
    Company39 Sign1 Type1 1715 
    Company1 Sign1 Type2 1143 
    Company50 Sign2 Type1 1420 

Sortie (Pas complètement pivotés, mais selon cette exigence de question)

 StockType Signed1 Signed2 Signed3 TotalΞΞ 
     Type2 1 0 2 3 
     Type1 2 3 1 6 
     Type3 3 2 1 6 

Salut exactement ce que je cherchais, à la place du compte j'ai utilisé SUM parce que c'est le montant de l'argent. – aghaux


Tout d'abord, vous n'êtes pas obligé de groupe par Signed propriété. En second lieu, voici la requête:

var result = 
from g in context.Assets.GroupBy(x=>x.StockType) 
let signed = g.Where(x => x.Signed == "signed").Sum(x=>x.Worth) 
let unsigned = g.Where(x => x.Signed == "unsigned").Sum(x => x.Worth) 
let notAvailable = g.Where(x => x.Signed == "notAvail").Sum(x => x.Worth) 
select new 
    Signed = signed, 
    Unsigned = unsigned, 
    NotAvailable = notAvailable, 
    SumOfWorth = signed + unsigned + notAvailable 

Essayez ceci:

var obj = (
    from f in context.assets 
    group f by f.typeOfInvestment into gvc 
    let lookup = gvc.ToLookup(x => x.signed, x => x.worth) 
    select new 
     TypeOfInvestment = gvc.Key, 
     Signed = lookup["signed"].Sum(), 
     Unsigned = lookup["unsigned"].Sum(), 
     NotAvailable = lookup["notAvail"].Sum(), 
     SumOfWorth = gvc.Select(x => x.worth).Sum(), 

Le code:

public class MainClass 
    enum SignEnum { signed, unsigned, notAvail } 
    class Element 
     public string Company; 
     public SignEnum Signed; 
     public string TypeOfInvestment; 
     public decimal Worth; 
    class GroupedResult 
     public string TypeOfInvestment; 
     public decimal signed, unsigned, notAvailable; 
     public decimal Sum; 
    public static void Main() 
     List<Element> elements = new List<Element>() 
      new Element { Company = "JPMORGAN CHASE", Signed = SignEnum.signed, 
       TypeOfInvestment = "Stocks", Worth = 96983 }, 
      new Element { Company = "AMER TOWER CORP", Signed = SignEnum.unsigned, 
       TypeOfInvestment = "Securities", Worth = 17141 }, 
      new Element { Company = "ORACLE CORP", Signed = SignEnum.unsigned, 
       TypeOfInvestment = "Assets", Worth = 59372 }, 
      new Element { Company = "PEPSICO INC", Signed = SignEnum.notAvail, 
       TypeOfInvestment = "Assets", Worth = 26516 }, 
      new Element { Company = "PROCTER & GAMBL", Signed = SignEnum.signed, 
       TypeOfInvestment = "Stocks", Worth = 387050 }, 
      new Element { Company = "QUASLCOMM INC", Signed = SignEnum.unsigned, 
       TypeOfInvestment = "Bonds", Worth = 196811 }, 
      new Element { Company = "UTD TECHS CORP", Signed = SignEnum.signed, 
       TypeOfInvestment = "Bonds", Worth = 257429 }, 
      new Element { Company = "WELLS FARGO-NEW", Signed = SignEnum.unsigned, 
       TypeOfInvestment = "Bank Account", Worth = 106600 }, 
      new Element { Company = "FEDEX CORP", Signed = SignEnum.notAvail, 
       TypeOfInvestment = "Stocks", Worth = 103955 }, 
      new Element { Company = "CVS CAREMARK CP", Signed = SignEnum.notAvail, 
       TypeOfInvestment = "Securities", Worth = 171048 }, 

     string header = "Company".PadLeft(15) + " " + 
      "Signed".PadLeft(10) + " " + 
      "Type Of Investment".PadLeft(20) + " " + 
     Console.WriteLine(new string('-', header.Length)); 
     foreach (var e in elements) 
      Console.WriteLine(e.Company.PadLeft(15) + " " + 
       e.Signed.ToString().PadLeft(10) + " " + 
       e.TypeOfInvestment.PadLeft(20) + " " + 


     var query = from e in elements 
                 group e by e.TypeOfInvestment into eg 
                 select new GroupedResult 
                  TypeOfInvestment = eg.Key, 
                  signed = eg.Where(x => x.Signed == SignEnum.signed).Sum(y => y.Worth), 
                  unsigned = eg.Where(x => x.Signed == SignEnum.unsigned).Sum(y => y.Worth), 
                  notAvailable = eg.Where(x => x.Signed == SignEnum.notAvail).Sum(y => y.Worth), 
                  Sum = eg.Sum(y => y.Worth) 

     string header2 = "Type of investment".PadRight(20) + " " + 
      "signed".PadLeft(8) + " " + 
      "unsigned".PadLeft(8) + " " + 
      "notAvailable".PadLeft(13) + " " + 
     Console.WriteLine(new string('-', header2.Length)); 
     foreach (var item in query) 
      Console.WriteLine(item.TypeOfInvestment.PadRight(20) + " " + 
       item.signed.ToString().PadLeft(8) + " " + 
       item.unsigned.ToString().PadLeft(8) + " " + 
       item.notAvailable.ToString().PadLeft(13) + " " + 

Et le résultat:

 Company  Signed Type Of Investment  Worth 
JPMORGAN CHASE  signed    Stocks  96983 
AMER TOWER CORP unsigned   Securities  17141 
    ORACLE CORP unsigned    Assets  59372 
    PEPSICO INC notAvail    Assets  26516 
PROCTER & GAMBL  signed    Stocks  387050 
    QUASLCOMM INC unsigned    Bonds  196811 
UTD TECHS CORP  signed    Bonds  257429 
WELLS FARGO-NEW unsigned   Bank Account  106600 
    FEDEX CORP notAvail    Stocks  103955 
CVS CAREMARK CP notAvail   Securities  171048 

Type of investment  signed unsigned notAvailable Sum 
Stocks     484033  0  103955 587988 
Securities     0 17141  171048 188189 
Assets      0 59372   26516 85888 
Bonds     257429 196811    0 454240 
Bank Account    0 106600    0 106600 
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