2011-04-17 2 views

comment puis-je convertir l'entité de bloch qui prend 4 entrées à 2 entrées? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2879760/sample.PNG
A vous voyez ici, j'utilise trois le même MUX :(comment prendre en etykieta2 deux entrées Code:quartus comment convertir quatre entrées en deux entrées dans le bloc?

library ieee; 
    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 
    library work; --domyslnie zawieta moj pakiet 

    use work.mux_package.all; 

    entity glowny is 

       n : integer := 4; 
       k : integer := 2 
       a, b, c, d,e,f,g,h : in std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0); 
       s : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); 
       t : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); 
       y, x, z : out std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0) 
     end glowny; 

architecture multiplekser of glowny is 

signal xx,yy,zz : std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0); 

    for etykieta: mux use entity work.mux(arch_mux5); 
    for etykieta1: mux use entity work.mux(arch_mux6); 
    for etykieta2: mux use entity work.mux(arch_mux3); 


    mux generic map (n=>n) port map (a=> a, b=>b, c=>c, d=>d,s=>s, y=>xx); 

    mux generic map (n=>n) port map (a=> e, b=>f, c=>g, d=>h,s=>s,y=>yy); 

    mux generic map (n=>n) port map (a=> yy , b=>yy, c=> xx, d=>xx, s=>t ,y=>zz); 

end multiplekser; 


library ieee; 
     use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 
     entity mux is 

       n : integer := 4 
       a, b, c, d : in std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0); 
       s : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); 
       y : out std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0) 
     end mux; 

     -- przypisanie podstawowe - concurrent signal assigment 

     architecture arch_mux1 of mux is 


      y(0) <= (a(0) and not(s(1)) and not(s(0))) 
       or (b(0) and not(s(1)) and s(0)) 
       or (c(0) and s(1) and not(s(0))) 
       or (d(0) and s(1) and s(0)); 

      y(1) <= (a(1) and not(s(1)) and not(s(0))) 
       or (b(1) and not(s(1)) and s(0)) 
       or (c(1) and s(1) and not(s(0))) 
       or (d(1) and s(1) and s(0)); 

      y(2) <= (a(2) and not(s(1)) and not(s(0))) 
       or (b(2) and not(s(1)) and s(0)) 
       or (c(2) and s(1) and not(s(0))) 
       or (d(2) and s(1) and s(0)); 

      y(3) <= (a(3) and not(s(1)) and not(s(0))) 
       or (b(3) and not(s(1)) and s(0)) 
       or (c(3) and s(1) and not(s(0))) 
       or (d(3) and s(1) and s(0)); 

     end arch_mux1; 

     -- przypisanie warunkowe - conditional signal assigment 
     architecture arch_mux2 of mux is 
      with s select 
       y <= a when "00", 
       b when "01", 
       c when "10", 
       d when others; 
     end arch_mux2; 

     -- przypisanie selektywne - selected signal assigment 

     architecture arch_mux3 of mux is 
      y <= a when (s = "00") else 
      b when (s = "01") else 
      c when (s = "10") else 
     end arch_mux3; 

     architecture arch_mux4 of mux is 
      pr_if: process(a,b,c,d,s) --lista czulosci 

       case s is 
        when "00" => y <= a; -- czytamy y := 
        when "01" => y <= b; 
        when "10" => y <= c; 
        --when "11" => y <= d; 
         y <= (others => '0'); 
        when others => y <= d; 
       end case; 

      end process; 

     end arch_mux4; 

     architecture arch_mux5 of mux is 
      pr_if: process(a,b,c,d,s) --lista czulosci 

       if s ="00" then 
        y <= a; 
       elsif s="01" then 
        y <=b; 
       elsif s="10" then 
        y <=c; 
        y <=d; 
       end if; 
      end process; 

     end arch_mux5; 

     architecture arch_mux6 of mux is 
      pr_if: process(a,b,c,d,s) --lista czulosci 


       if s ="00" then 
        y <= a; 
       end if; 

       if s ="01" then 
        y <= b; 
       end if; 

       if s ="10" then 
        y <= c; 
       end if; 

--    if s ="11" then 
--     y <= d; 
--    end if; 

      end process; 

     end arch_mux6; 

     architecture arch_mux7 of mux is 
      pr_if: process(a,b,c,d,s) --lista czulosci 

        --w procesie jak najbardziej jest to prawidlowe, tylko warningi sa (LACHE - pamieci) 
      if s = "00" then 
       y <= a; 
       y <=(others => '0'); 
      end if; 

      if s = "01" then 
       y <= b; 
       y <=(others => '0'); 
      end if; 

      if s = "10" then 
       y <= c; 
       y <=(others => '0'); 
      end if; 

      if s = "11" then -- zadziala tylko ten if bo jest sekwencyjnie ywkonywane i albo da 'd' albo 0000 
       y <= d; 
       y <=(others => '0'); 
      end if; 

      end process; 

     end arch_mux7; 

    -- configuration conf_mux of mux is 
     --for arch_mux6 
     --end for; 
     --end conf_mux; 

Tout d'abord, il devrait être clair que ce code est uniquement conçu comme un exercice éducatif. Personne n'écrit (ou devrait écrire) de mux à ce détail, ou dans sept implémentations différentes pour le même mux. Peut-être que vous devriez étiqueter votre question comme "devoirs" – Philippe


Il semble que votre code reflète votre diagramme. Que voulez-vous changer exactement? Quelle est ta question? – Philippe



Comment convertir entité de bloch qui prend 4 entrées à 2 entrées?

Voulez-vous dire faire votre entrée a à h et la sortie x, y, z 2 bits de large plutôt que 4?

Il suffit de changer le generic pertinent, sûrement!

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