2017-06-01 5 views

J'essaie d'obtenir des titres de montage div, jusqu'ici tout va bien. Mais sachez que j'ai eu des problèmes avec les espaces par défaut des caractères ( en particulier avec les pairs comme I, L, P, H). J'ai essayé de le gérer avec l'espacement des lettres (ne fonctionne pas), que j'ai essayé de résoudre avec la justification du texte (n'a pas obtenu une solution aussi bien) ... Est-ce que quelqu'un sait un moyen de le gérer ? MerciSupprimer les espaces du premier et du dernier caractère sur plusieurs tailles de titre

function scaleHeader() { 
    var vw = ($(window).width())* 0.01; 
    var scalable = document.querySelectorAll('h1'); 
    for (var i = 0; i < scalable.length; i++) { 
    var scalableContainer = scalable[i].parentNode; 
    scalable[i].style.transform = 'scale(1)'; 
    var scalableContainerWidth = scalableContainer.offsetWidth; 
    var scalableWidth = scalable[i].offsetWidth; 
    scalable[i].style.transform = 'scale(' + scalableContainerWidth/scalableWidth + ')'; 
    var firstletter = $(scalable[i]).text().slice(0,1); 
    var lastletter = $(scalable[i]).text().slice(-1); 
    if((firstletter.match(/(B|D|E|F|H|I|K|L|M|N|P|R|U|b|i|k|l|m|n|p|r)/)) && (lastletter.match(/(I|U|i|j|l|q|u)/))){ 
     //Here I don't know what to do! 
    if ($(scalableContainer).text().match(/(g|y|j|q|p)/)){ 
     scalableContainer.style.height = scalable[i].getBoundingClientRect().height * 1.05 + 'px' ; 
    } else { 
     scalableContainer.style.height = scalable[i].getBoundingClientRect().height * 0.85 + 'px' ; 

window.addEventListener('resize', scaleHeader);
* { 
    box-sizing: border-box; 
    margin: 0; 
    padding: 0; 
    font-size: 32px; 
    line-height: 32px; 

body { 
    font-family: sans-serif; 

.third { 
    text-align: left; 
    background-color: red; 
    margin-bottom: 20px; 
    width: 33vw; 
    heigth: auto; 

.half { 
    text-align: left; 
    background-color: red; 
    margin-bottom: 20px; 
    width: 49.5vw; 
    heigth: auto; 

.scale--js { 
    display: inline-block; 
    transform-origin: 0 0; 
    transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.min.js"></script> 

<div class="third"> 
     <h1 class="scale--js">Mai</h1> 

<div class="third"> 
     <h1 class="scale--js">Juni</h1> 

<div class="third"> 
     <h1 class="scale--js">Heute</h1> 

<div class="half"> 
    <h1 class="scale--js">A'm full widthq</h1> 

<div class="third"> 
     <h1 class="scale--js">ij</h1> 

<div class="half"> 
     <h1 class="scale--js">Aktuell</h1> 


[Peut-être essayer d'obtenir la taille de la police] (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15195209/how-to-get-font-size-in-html) et le traitement de la largeur différemment en fonction de ce que la première et la dernière lettre sont en combinaison avec la taille de la police? C'est un problème intéressant ... – Reed


Le problème est que tous ont la même taille de police, parce que j'essaie d'adapter le div à la mise à l'échelle du texte à la bonne largeur. –



Je l'ai résolu en utilisant un modifiction de bigtext.js. Au cas où quelqu'un d'autre en aurait besoin.

/*! BigText - v1.0.1 - 2017-06-01 
* https://github.com/zachleat/bigtext 
* Copyright (c) 2017 Zach Leatherman (@zachleat) 
* MIT License */ 

(function(window, $) { 
    "use strict"; 

    var counter = 0, 
    $headCache = $('head'), 
    oldBigText = window.BigText, 
    oldjQueryMethod = $.fn.bigtext, 
    BigText = { 
     DEBUG_MODE: false, 
     DEFAULT_MAX_FONT_SIZE_PX: 100000000, 
     GLOBAL_STYLE_ID: 'bigtext-style', 
     STYLE_ID: 'bigtext-id', 
     LINE_CLASS_PREFIX: 'bigtext-line', 
     EXEMPT_CLASS: 'bigtext-exempt', 
     noConflict: function(restore) 
     if(restore) { 
      $.fn.bigtext = oldjQueryMethod; 
      window.BigText = oldBigText; 
     return BigText; 
     supports: { 
     wholeNumberFontSizeOnly: (function() { 
      if(!('getComputedStyle' in window)) { 
      return true; 
      var test = $('<div/>').css({ 
       position: 'absolute', 
       'font-size': '14.1px', 
      computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(test[0], null); 

      var ret = computedStyle && computedStyle.getPropertyValue('font-size') === '14px'; 
      return ret; 
     init: function() { 
     if(!$('#'+BigText.GLOBAL_STYLE_ID).length) { 
      $headCache.append(BigText.generateStyleTag(BigText.GLOBAL_STYLE_ID, ['.bigtext * { white-space: nowrap; } .bigtext > * { display: block; }', 
              '.bigtext .' + BigText.EXEMPT_CLASS + ', .bigtext .' + BigText.EXEMPT_CLASS + ' * { white-space: normal; }'])); 
     bindResize: function(eventName, resizeFunction) { 
     var timeoutId; 
     $(window).unbind(eventName).bind(eventName, function() { 
      if(timeoutId) { 
      timeoutId = setTimeout(resizeFunction, 100); 
     getStyleId: function(id) 
     return BigText.STYLE_ID + '-' + id; 
     generateStyleTag: function(id, css) 
     return $('<style>' + css.join('\n') + '</style>').attr('id', id); 
     clearCss: function(id) 
     var styleId = BigText.getStyleId(id); 
     $('#' + styleId).remove(); 
     generateCss: function(id, linesFontSizes, lineWordSpacings, minFontSizes) 
     var css = []; 


     for(var j=0, k=linesFontSizes.length; j<k; j++) { 
      css.push('#' + id + ' .' + BigText.LINE_CLASS_PREFIX + j + ' {' + 
      (minFontSizes[j] ? ' white-space: normal;' : '') + 
      (linesFontSizes[j] ? ' font-size: ' + linesFontSizes[j] + 'px;' : '') + 
      (lineWordSpacings[j] ? ' word-spacing: ' + lineWordSpacings[j] + 'px;' : '') + 

     return BigText.generateStyleTag(BigText.getStyleId(id), css); 
     jQueryMethod: function(options) 

     options = $.extend({ 
      minfontsize: BigText.DEFAULT_MIN_FONT_SIZE_PX, 
      maxfontsize: BigText.DEFAULT_MAX_FONT_SIZE_PX, 
      childSelector: '', 
      resize: true 
     }, options || {}); 

      var $t = $(this).addClass('bigtext'), 
      maxWidth = $t.width(), 
      id = $t.attr('id'), 
      $children = options.childSelector ? $t.find(options.childSelector) : $t.children(); 

      if(!id) { 
      id = 'bigtext-id' + (counter++); 
      $t.attr('id', id); 

      if(options.resize) { 
      BigText.bindResize('resize.bigtext-event-' + id, function() 
       // TODO only call this if the width has changed. 
       BigText.jQueryMethod.call($('#' + id), options); 


      $children.addClass(function(lineNumber, className) 
      // remove existing line classes. 
      return [className.replace(new RegExp('\\b' + BigText.LINE_CLASS_PREFIX + '\\d+\\b'), ''), 
       BigText.LINE_CLASS_PREFIX + lineNumber].join(' '); 

      var sizes = BigText.calculateSizes($t, $children, maxWidth, options.maxfontsize, options.minfontsize); 
      $headCache.append(BigText.generateCss(id, sizes.fontSizes, sizes.wordSpacings, sizes.minFontSizes)); 


     return this.trigger('bigtext:complete'); 
     testLineDimensions: function($line, maxWidth, property, size, interval, units, previousWidth) 
     var width; 
     previousWidth = typeof previousWidth === 'number' ? previousWidth : 0; 
     $line.css(property, size + units); 

     width = $line.width(); 

     if(width >= maxWidth) { 
    // console.log(width, ' previous: ' + previousWidth, property + ' at ' + interval, 'prior: ' + (parseFloat(size) - interval), 'new:' + parseFloat(size)); 
      $line.css(property, ''); 

      if(width === maxWidth) { 
      return { 
       match: 'exact', 
       size: parseFloat((parseFloat(size) - 0.1).toFixed(3)) 

      // Since this is an estimate, we calculate how far over the width we went with the new value. 
      // If this is word-spacing (our last resort guess) and the over is less than the under, we keep the higher value. 
      // Otherwise, we revert to the underestimate. 
      var under = maxWidth - previousWidth, 
      over = width - maxWidth; 

      return { 
      match: 'estimate', 
      size: parseFloat((parseFloat(size) - (property === 'word-spacing' && previousWidth && (over < under) ? 0 : interval)).toFixed(3)) 

     return width; 
     calculateSizes: function($t, $children, maxWidth, maxFontSize, minFontSize) 
     var $c = $t.clone(true) 
      fontFamily: $t.css('font-family'), 
      textTransform: $t.css('text-transform'), 
      wordSpacing: $t.css('word-spacing'), 
      letterSpacing: $t.css('letter-spacing'), 
      position: 'absolute', 
      left: BigText.DEBUG_MODE ? 0 : -9999, 
      top: BigText.DEBUG_MODE ? 0 : -9999 

     // font-size isn't the only thing we can modify, we can also mess with: 
     // word-spacing and letter-spacing. WebKit does not respect subpixel 
     // letter-spacing, word-spacing, or font-size. 
     // TODO try -webkit-transform: scale() as a workaround. 
     var fontSizes = [], 
      wordSpacings = [], 
      minFontSizes = [], 
      ratios = []; 

     $children.css('float', 'left').each(function() { 
      var $line = $(this), 
      // TODO replace 8, 4 with a proportional size to the calculated font-size. 
      intervals = BigText.supports.wholeNumberFontSizeOnly ? [8, 4, 1] : [8, 4, 1, 0.1], 

      if($line.hasClass(BigText.EXEMPT_CLASS)) { 

      // TODO we can cache this ratio? 
      var autoGuessSubtraction = 32, // font size in px 
      currentFontSize = parseFloat($line.css('font-size')), 
      ratio = ($line.width()/currentFontSize).toFixed(6); 

      newFontSize = parseInt(maxWidth/ratio, 10) - autoGuessSubtraction; 

      outer: for(var m=0, n=intervals.length; m<n; m++) { 
      inner: for(var j=1, k=10; j<=k; j++) { 
       if(newFontSize + j*intervals[m] > maxFontSize) { 
       newFontSize = maxFontSize; 
       break outer; 

       lineMax = BigText.testLineDimensions($line, maxWidth, 'font-size', newFontSize + j*intervals[m], intervals[m], 'px', lineMax); 
       if(typeof lineMax !== 'number') { 
       newFontSize = lineMax.size; 

       if(lineMax.match === 'exact') { 
        break outer; 
       break inner; 


      if(newFontSize > maxFontSize) { 
      } else if(!!minFontSize && newFontSize < minFontSize) { 
      } else { 
     }).each(function(lineNumber) { 
      var $line = $(this), 
      wordSpacing = 0, 
      interval = 1, 

      if($line.hasClass(BigText.EXEMPT_CLASS)) { 

      // must re-use font-size, even though it was removed above. 
      $line.css('font-size', fontSizes[lineNumber] + 'px'); 

      for(var m=1, n=3; m<n; m+=interval) { 
      maxWordSpacing = BigText.testLineDimensions($line, maxWidth, 'word-spacing', m, interval, 'px', maxWordSpacing); 
      if(typeof maxWordSpacing !== 'number') { 
       wordSpacing = maxWordSpacing.size; 

      $line.css('font-size', ''); 

     if(!BigText.DEBUG_MODE) { 
     } else { 
      'background-color': 'rgba(255,255,255,.4)' 

     return { 
      fontSizes: fontSizes, 
      wordSpacings: wordSpacings, 
      ratios: ratios, 
      minFontSizes: minFontSizes 

    $.fn.bigtext = BigText.jQueryMethod; 
    window.BigText = BigText; 

})(this, jQuery); 



//Here is my modification 




    childSelector: '> p', 


    $('p').each(function() { 
    var firstletter = $(this).text().slice(0,1); 
    var lastletter = $(this).text().slice(-1); 
    var fontSize = $(this).css('fontSize'); 
    var fontSizeRaw = parseInt(fontSize, 10); 

    if((firstletter.match(/(B|D|E|F|H|I|K|L|M|N|P|R|U|b|i|k|l|m|n|p|r)/)) && (lastletter.match(/(I|U|i|j|l|q|u)/))){ 
     var mrg= - fontSizeRaw/36; 


     $(this).html(function (i, html) { 
     var chars = $.trim(html).split(""); 
     return '<span>' + chars.join('</span><span>') + '</span>'; 

     $(this).children(":first").css('marginLeft', mrg + 'px'); 
     $(this).children(":last").css('marginRight', mrg + 'px'); 
    } else if (firstletter.match(/(B|D|E|F|H|I|K|L|M|N|P|R|U|b|i|k|l|m|n|p|r)/)){ 
     var mrg= - fontSizeRaw/36; 

     $(this).html(function (i, html) { 
     var chars = $.trim(html).split(""); 
     return html.replace(/\S/g, '<span>$&</span>'); 

     $(this).children(":first").css('marginLeft', mrg + 'px'); 
    } else if (lastletter.match(/(I|U|i|j|l|q|u)/)){ 
     var mrg= - fontSizeRaw/36; 

     $(this).html(function (i, html) { 
     var chars = $.trim(html).split(""); 
     return html.replace(/\S/g, '<span>$&</span>'); 

     $(this).children(":last").css('marginRight', mrg + 'px'); 
    } else { 

     $(this).html(function (i, html) { 
     var chars = $.trim(html).split(""); 
     return html.replace(/\S/g, '<span>$&</span>'); 


    if ($(this).text().match(/(g|y|j|q|p)/)){ 
     $(this).children().css('marginTop', '-' + fontSizeRaw * 0.1 + 'px'); 
     $(this).css('height', fontSizeRaw * 0.80 + 'px'); 
    } else { 
     $(this).children().css('marginTop', '-' + fontSizeRaw * 0.1 + 'px'); 
     $(this).css('height', fontSizeRaw * 0.63 + 'px'); 

    font-family: "FoundersGroteskXCond-Med", sans-serif; 
    margin: 0; 
    padding: 0; 

\t font-weight: normal; 
\t margin: 0 !important 

    height: auto; 
    width: 32.33333vw; 
    background-color: red; 

    width: 65.666vw; 
    background-color: red; 

.grid > div{ 
    display: inline-block; 
\t margin: 0.5vw; 


    zoom: 103%; 

p { 
\t padding-top: 0; 
    display: flex !important; 
    justify-content: space-between; 
    /*background-color: blue;*/ 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<div class="grid"> 

    <div class="quater"> 
     <p>Wolfgang Mattheuer</p> 

    <div class="quater"> 

    <div class="quater"> 

    <div class="quater"> 

    <div class="half"> 
     <p>Tanja Zimmermann</p> 

    <div class="quater"> 

    <div class="quater"> 

    <div class="quater"> 
    <div class="half"> 
    <div class="quater"> 

    <div class="quater"> 