2010-11-23 4 views



utilisation wget , avec l'URL vidéo youtube et ajouter un fmt = 22 pour 720p ou fmt = 387 pour 1080p


ne fonctionne pas ... s'il vous plaît mettre à jour la réponse. – Frankie


Quelque chose a peut-être changé, j'ai trouvé ce lien qui pourrait suffire à expliquer votre situation: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/youtube/thread?tid=66bc2a57362400b2&hl=fr –


J'utilise un addon Firefox appelé EmbeddedObjects qui, lorsque je suis sur cette page, me fait savoir qu'il y a quelque chose à télécharger et qu'il télécharge le fichier derrière le fichier flash en tant qu'avi.


Ah je suis désolé, je pense que vous avez ajouté le commentaire dans depuis mon poste d'origine, mais je ne peux pas dire que j'ai vu le commentaire de ne pas utiliser webtools ... – R4D4


1.Faites un clic droit sur la vidéo et sélectionnez 'sortir'.
2.Attendez que la vidéo commence à être mise en mémoire tampon.
3.Faites un clic droit sur la vidéo et sélectionnez 'Enregistrer la vidéo sous'.


le format vidéo est le fichier téléchargé encodé? J'ai pu télécharger une vidéo de 375 Mo en utilisant cette méthode, mais je n'ai pas pu la lire (j'ai essayé les extensions .flv, .mp4 et .avi sur Mac). –


J'ai essayé 'ouvrir avec' le fichier avec le lecteur multimédia VLC et son fonctionnement bien. Vous n'avez aucune idée de Mac. –


Essayez cette

#!/usr/bin/perl -T 

use strict; 
use warnings; 

## ,:, Download Youtube videos and music using wget 
## Script Name : youtube_wget_video.pl 
## Version  : 0.34 
## Valid from : May 2013 
## OS Support : Linux, Mac OSX, OpenBSD, FreeBSD or any system with perl 
#    `:` 
## Two arguments 
## $1 Youtube URL from the browser 
## $2 prefix to the file name of the video (optional) 

############ options ########################################## 

# Option: what file type do you want to download? The string is used to search 
# in the youtube URL so you can choose mp4, webm, avi or flv. mp4 seems to 
# work on the most players like android, ipod, ipad, iphones, vlc and mplayer. 
my $fileType = "mp4"; 

# Option: what visual resolution or quality do you want to download? List 
# multiple values just in case the highest quality video is not available, the 
# script will look for the next resolution. You can choose "highres" for 4k 
# (4096x2304), "hd1080" for 1080p, "hd720" for 720p, "itag=18" which means 
# standard definition 640x380 and "itag=17" which is mobile resolution 144p 
# (176x144). The script will always prefer to download the highest resolution 
# video format from the list if available. Do not download highres 4k content 
# unless you have a 4k tv. That would just be silly. 
my $resolution = "hd1080,hd720,itag=18"; 

# Option: How many times should the script retry the download if wget fails for 
# any reason? Do not make this too high as a reoccurring error will just hit 
# youtube over and over again. A value of 3 to 10 works well. 
my $retryTimes = 5; 

# Option: do you want the resolution of the video in the file name? zero(0) is 
# no and one(1) is yes. This option simply puts "_hd1080.mp4" or similar at the 
# end of the file name. 
my $resolutionFilename = 0; 

# Option: turn on DEBUG mode. Use this to reverse engineering this code if you are 
# making changes or you are building your own youtube download script. 
my $DEBUG=0; 


## clear the environment and set our path 
$ENV{ENV} =""; 
$ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin"; 

## initialize retry loop and resolution variables 
my $prefix = ""; 
my $retry = 1; 
my $retryCounter = 0; 
my $resFile = "unknown"; 
my $user_url = ""; 
my $user_prefix = ""; 
my $url = ""; 

## collect the URL from the command line argument and untaint the input 
if (defined($ARGV[0])) { 
    chomp($user_url = $ARGV[0]); 
    $url = "$1" if ($user_url =~ m/^([a-zA-Z0-9\-\&\?\=\:\.\/\_]+)$/ or die "\nError: Illegal characters in YouTube URL\n\n"); 
} else { 
    print "\nError: You Must specify a Youtube URL\n\n"; 

## declare the user defined file name prefix if specified and untaint the input 
if (defined($ARGV[1])) { 
    chomp($user_prefix = $ARGV[1]); 
    $prefix = "$1" if ($user_prefix =~ m/^([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\.\ ]+)$/ or die "\nError: Illegal characters in filename prefix\n\n"); 

## retry getting the video if the script fails for any reason 
while ($retry != 0 && $retryCounter < $retryTimes) { 

## download the html code from the youtube page suppling the page title and the 
## video url. The page title will be used for the local video file name and the 
## url will be sanitized and passed to wget for the download. 
my $html = `wget -Ncq -e convert-links=off --keep-session-cookies --save-cookies /dev/null --no-check-certificate "$url" -O-` or die "\nThere was a problem downloading the HTML file or the video is not open to the public.\n\n"; 

## format the title of the page to use as the file name 
my ($title) = $html =~ m/<title>(.+)<\/title>/si; 
$title =~ s/[^\w\d]+/_/g or die "\nError: title of the HTML page not found. Check the URL.\n\n"; 
$title =~ s/_youtube//ig; 
$title =~ s/^_//ig; 
$title = lc ($title); 
$title =~ s/_amp//ig; 

## collect the URL of the video from the HTML page 
my ($download) = $html =~ /"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map"(.*)/ig; 

# Print all of the separated strings in the HTML page 
print "\n$download\n\n" if ($DEBUG == 1); 

# This is where we look through the HTML code and select the file type and 
# video quality. 
my @urls = split(',', $download); 
foreach my $val (@urls) { 
# print "\n$val\n\n"; 

    if ($val =~ /$fileType/) { 
     my @res = split(',', $resolution); 
     foreach my $ress (@res) { 
     if ($val =~ /$ress/) { 
     print "\n\nGOOD\n\n" if ($DEBUG == 1); 
     print "$val\n" if ($DEBUG == 1); 
     $resFile = $ress; 
     $resFile = "sd640" if ($ress =~ /itag=18/); 
     $resFile = "mb144" if ($ress =~ /itag=17/); 
     $download = $val; 
     last OUTERLOOP; 

## clean up the url by translating unicode and removing unwanted strings 
$download =~ s/\:\ \"//; 
$download =~ s/%3A/:/g; 
$download =~ s/%2F/\//g; 
$download =~ s/%3F/\?/g; 
$download =~ s/%3D/\=/g; 
$download =~ s/%252C/%2C/g; 
$download =~ s/%26/\&/g; 
$download =~ s/sig=/signature=/g; 
$download =~ s/\\u0026/\&/g; 
$download =~ s/(type=[^&]+)//g; 
$download =~ s/(fallback_host=[^&]+)//g; 
$download =~ s/(quality=[^&]+)//g; 

## collect the url and sig since the html page randomizes their order 
my ($signature) = $download =~ /(signature=[^&]+)/; 
my ($youtubeurl) = $download =~ /(http?:.+)/; 
$youtubeurl =~ s/&signature.+$//; 

## combine the url and sig in order 
$download = "$youtubeurl\&$signature"; 

## a bit more cleanup as youtube 
$download =~ s/&+/&/g; 
$download =~ s/&itag=\d+&signature=/&signature=/g; 

## combine file variables into the full file name 
my $filename = "unknown"; 
if ($resolutionFilename == 1) { 
    $filename = "$prefix$title\_$resFile.$fileType"; 
    } else { 
    $filename = "$prefix$title.$fileType"; 

## Process check: Are we currently downloading this exact same video? Two of the 
## same wget processes will overwrite themselves and corrupt the video. 
my $running = `ps auwww | grep [w]get | grep -c "$filename"`; 
print "\nNumber of the same wgets running: $running\n" if ($DEBUG == 1); 
if ($running >= 1) 
    print "\nAlready downloading the same filename, exiting: $filename\n"; 
    exit 0; 

## Print the long, sanitized youtube url for testing and debugging 
print "\n$download\n" if ($DEBUG == 1); 

## print the file name of the video collected from the web page title for us to see on the cli 
print "\n Download: $filename\n\n"; 

## Background the script. Use "ps" if you need to look for the process 
## running or use "ls -al" to look at the file size and date. 
fork and exit; 

## Download the video 
system("wget", "-Ncq", "-e", "convert-links=off", "--load-cookies", "/dev/null", "--tries=200", "--timeout=20", "--no-check-certificate", "$download", "-O", "$filename"); 

## Print the error code of wget 
print "  error code: $?\n" if ($DEBUG == 1); 

## Exit Status: Check if the file exists and we received the correct error code 
## from system call. If the download experienced any problems the script will run again and try 
## continue the download till the file is downloaded. 

if($? == 0 && -e "$filename" && ! -z "$filename") 
     print " Finished: $filename\n\n" if ($DEBUG == 1); 
     $retry = 0; 
    print STDERR "\n FAILED: $filename\n\n" if ($DEBUG == 1); 
    $retry = 1; 
    sleep $retryCounter; 

#### EOF ##### 
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