J'utilisais truffle-webpack-demo mais j'ai commencé à recevoir des erreurs depuis que j'ai mis à jour la truffe 3.2.1. J'ai trouvé la config new branch of the same repo et copié à partir de là. Ce qui devrait fonctionner, mais maintenant npm start me donne l'erreur suivante.Truffle solidity loader Ne fonctionne pas avec Truffle 3.2.1

Starting the development server... 

Failed to compile. 

Error in ./contracts/MetaCoin.sol 
Module build failed: Error: You must specify the network name to deploy to. (network) 
@ ./src/components/AccountList/AccountListContainer.js 37:16-49 

J'ai mis à niveau vers les versions suivantes de la truffe, webpack-dev-serveur, webpack et truffe solidité chargeur

truffle-solidity-loader: "git+https://github.com/sogoiii/truffle-solidity-loader.git#1f1e213d52f033b6863218307b8968ae68220fe1" 
truffle: 3.2.1 
webpack-dev-server: 2.4.1 
webpack: 2.2.1 

Ci-dessous mon config/webpack.config.dev.js

var path    = require('path') 
var autoprefixer  = require('autoprefixer') 
var webpack   = require('webpack') 
var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin') 
var precss   = require('precss') 

// TODO: hide this behind a flag and eliminate dead code on eject. 
// This shouldn't be exposed to the user. 
var isInNodeModules = path.basename(path.resolve(path.join(__dirname, '..', '..'))) === 'node_modules' 
var relativePath = isInNodeModules ? '../../..' : '..' 
var isInDebugMode = process.argv.some(arg => 
    arg.indexOf('--debug-template') > -1 

if (isInDebugMode) { 
    relativePath = '../template' 

var srcPath   = path.resolve(__dirname, relativePath, 'src') 
var nodeModulesPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'node_modules') 
var indexHtmlPath = path.resolve(__dirname, relativePath, 'index.html') 
var faviconPath  = path.resolve(__dirname, relativePath, 'favicon.ico') 
var buildPath  = path.join(__dirname, isInNodeModules ? '../../..' : '..', 'build') 

var provided = { 
    'Web3': 'web3' 

module.exports = { 
    devtool: 'eval', 
    entry: [ 
    require.resolve('webpack-dev-server/client') + '?http://localhost:3000', 
    path.join(srcPath, 'index') 
    output: { 
    // Next line is not used in dev but WebpackDevServer crashes without it: 
    path: buildPath, 
    pathinfo: true, 
    filename: 'bundle.js', 
    publicPath: '/' 
    resolve: { 
    root: srcPath, 
    extensions: ['', '.js'], 
    alias: { 
     contracts: path.resolve('contracts'), 
     // config: require('../truffle').networks.development, 
     config: path.resolve('truffle.js') 
    module: { 
    preLoaders: [ 
     test: /\.js$/, 
     loader: 'eslint', 
     include: srcPath 
    loaders: [ 
     test: /\.js$/, 
     include: srcPath, 
     loader: 'babel', 
     query: require('./babel.dev') 
     test: /\.css$/, 
     include: srcPath, 
     loader: 'style!css!postcss' 
     test: /\.json$/, 
     loader: 'json' 
     test: /\.(jpg|png|gif|eot|svg|ttf|woff|woff2)$/, 
     loader: 'file' 
     test: /\.(mp4|webm)$/, 
     loader: 'url?limit=10000' 
     test: /\.sol/, 
     loader: 'truffle-solidity', 
     loaders: ['json-loader', 'truffle-solidity-loader?migrations_directory=' + path.resolve(__dirname, '../migrations') + '&network=development&contracts_build_directory=' + path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist/contracts')] 
    eslint: { 
    configFile: path.join(__dirname, 'eslint.js'), 
    useEslintrc: false 
    postcss: function() { 
    return [precss, autoprefixer] 
    plugins: [ 
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ 
     inject: true, 
     template: indexHtmlPath, 
     favicon: faviconPath 
    new webpack.ProvidePlugin(provided), 
    new webpack.DefinePlugin({ 
     'myEnv': JSON.stringify(require('../truffle').networks.development), 
     'process.env.NODE_ENV': '"development"' 
    new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin(['NODE_ENV']), 
    new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin() 

Voici mon MetaCoin.sol

pragma solidity ^0.4.4; 
import "./ConvertLib.sol"; 

// This is just a simple example of a coin-like contract. 
// It is not standards compatible and cannot be expected to talk to other 
// coin/token contracts. If you want to create a standards-compliant 
// token, see: https://github.com/ConsenSys/Tokens. Cheers! 

contract MetaCoin { 
    mapping (address => uint) balances; 

    event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value); 

    function MetaCoin() { 
     balances[tx.origin] = 6000000000; 

    function sendCoin(address receiver, uint amount) returns(bool sufficient) { 
     if (balances[msg.sender] < amount) return false; 
     balances[msg.sender] -= amount; 
     balances[receiver] += amount; 
     Transfer(msg.sender, receiver, amount); 
     return true; 

    function getBalanceInEth(address addr) returns(uint){ 
     return convert(getBalance(addr),2); 

    function getBalance(address addr) returns(uint) { 
     return balances[addr]; 

    function convert(uint amount,uint conversionRate) returns (uint convertedAmount) 
     return amount * conversionRate; 


Voici mon AccountListContainer.js

import React, { Component } from 'react' 
import AccountList from 'components/AccountList/AccountList' 
import SendCoin from 'components/SendCoin/SendCoin' 

import Contract from 'truffle-contract' 
import MetaCoinArtifact from 'contracts/MetaCoin.sol'; 
const MetaCoin = Contract(MetaCoinArtifact) 

import Web3 from 'web3'; 

const provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8545') 

class AccountListContainer extends Component { 
    constructor(props) { 

    this.state = { 
     accounts: [], 
     coinbase: '' 

    this._getAccountBalance = this._getAccountBalance.bind(this) 
    this._getAccountBalances = this._getAccountBalances.bind(this) 

    _getAccountBalance (account) { 
    return MetaCoin.deployed() 
     .then(meta => { 
     return meta.getBalance.call(account, {from: account}) 
     .then(function (value) { 
     return { account: value.valueOf() } 
     .catch(function (e) { 
     throw e 

    _getAccountBalances() { 
    this.props.web3.eth.getAccounts(function (err, accs) { 
     if (err != null) { 
     window.alert('There was an error fetching your accounts.') 

     if (accs.length === 0) { 
     window.alert("Couldn't get any accounts! Make sure your Ethereum client is configured correctly.") 

     this.setState({coinbase: accs[0]}) 

     var accountsAndBalances = accs.map((account) => { 
     return this._getAccountBalance(account).then((balance) => { return { account, balance } }) 

     Promise.all(accountsAndBalances).then((accountsAndBalances) => { 
     this.setState({accounts: accountsAndBalances, coinbaseAccount: accountsAndBalances[0]}) 

    componentDidMount() { 
    const refreshBalances =() => { 


     return refreshBalances 
    }, 5000) 

    render() { 
    return (
     <AccountList accounts={this.state.accounts} /> 
     <SendCoin sender={this.state.coinbase} /> 

export default AccountListContainer 

Voici le truffle.js

module.exports = { 
    networks: { 
    development: { 
     host: "localhost", 
     port: 8545, 
     network_id: "*" 
    staging: { 
     host: "localhost", 
     port: 8546, 
     network_id: 1337 



Compte tenu de l'erreur Module build failed: Error: You must specify the network name to deploy to. (network), je soupçonne que votre fichier truffle.js n'a pas été mis à jour à la nouvelle truffe 3 spec.

Vérifiez comment la configuration a été modifiée au niveau migration guided. Ça devrait ressembler à quelque chose comme ça.

module.exports = { 
     networks: { 
     development: { 
      host: "localhost", 
      port: 8545, 
      network_id: "*" 
     staging: { 
      host: "localhost", 
      port: 8546, 
      network_id: 1337 
     ropsten: { 
      host: "", 
      port: 8545, 
      network_id: 3 