2016-11-25 1 views

J'ai installé Android Studio et essayé de lancer AVD pour un exemple d'application. Je reçois erreur suivante sur le lancement de AVD. J'utilise Android Studio 2.2.2. Quelle est la solution pour résoudre ce problème?Problème lors du lancement d'AVD dans Android Studio

Cannot launch AVD in emulator. 
init: Could not find wglGetExtensionsStringARB! 
Hax is enabled 
Hax ram_size 0x60000000 
HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode. 
emulator: Listening for console connections on port: 5554 
Failed to sync vcpu reg 
emulator: Serial number of this emulator (for ADB): emulator-5554 
emulator: ERROR: Unfortunately, there's an incompatibility between HAXM hypervisor and VirtualBox 4.3.30+ which doesn't allow multiple hypervisors to co-exist. It is being actively worked on; you can find out more about the issue at http://b.android.com/197915 (Android) and https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/14294 (VirtualBox) 
Failed to sync vcpu reg 
Failed to sync vcpu reg 
Failed to sync vcpu reg 
Failed to sync vcpu reg 
Internal error: initial hax sync failed 



Pour moi, ce fut VirtualBox qui est en conflit avec l'exécution emulator. Après avoir tué VirtualBox, j'ai pu exécuter emulator.