2009-11-19 3 views

Existe-t-il une bibliothèque ou une classe gratuite pour mettre en forme une date de façon jolie comme "5 minutes" ou "hier"?Joli texte de date en Flex/Flash/Java/C#

Je serais satisfait avec le même code dans une autre langue que je pouvais port Actionscript (comme Java ou C#)



serait cette aide? Devrait être très facile à mettre en communication avec AS3.

* JavaScript Pretty Date 
* Copyright (c) 2008 John Resig (jquery.com) 
* Licensed under the MIT license. 

// Takes an ISO time and returns a string representing how 
// long ago the date represents. 
function prettyDate(time){ 
    var date = new Date((time || "").replace(/-/g,"/").replace(/[TZ]/g," ")), 
     diff = (((new Date()).getTime() - date.getTime())/1000), 
     day_diff = Math.floor(diff/86400); 

    if (isNaN(day_diff) || day_diff < 0 || day_diff >= 31) 

    return day_diff == 0 && (
      diff < 60 && "just now" || 
      diff < 120 && "1 minute ago" || 
      diff < 3600 && Math.floor(diff/60) + " minutes ago" || 
      diff < 7200 && "1 hour ago" || 
      diff < 86400 && Math.floor(diff/3600) + " hours ago") || 
     day_diff == 1 && "Yesterday" || 
     day_diff < 7 && day_diff + " days ago" || 
     day_diff < 31 && Math.ceil(day_diff/7) + " weeks ago"; 

// If jQuery is included in the page, adds a jQuery plugin to handle it as well 
if (typeof jQuery != "undefined") 
    jQuery.fn.prettyDate = function(){ 
     return this.each(function(){ 
      var date = prettyDate(this.title); 
      if (date) 

J'utilise ce code Relative Time pour un widget Twitter je travaille. C'est PHP, mais rien de spécifique aux fonctionnalités donc un port devrait être assez facile.


Également un bel échantillon. Merci! –


J'ai fini par écrire le mien.

* Takes a Date object and returns a string in the format 
* "X UNITS ago" where X is a number and UNITS is a unit of 
* time. Also has some other strings like "yesterday". 
* @author Mims Wright (with thanks to John Resig) 
* @param date The date to convert to a past string. 
* @param now Optional time to compare against. Default will be the present. 
public function getTimeElapsedString(date:Date, now:Date = null):String { 

    const SEC_PER_MINUTE:int = 60; 
    const SEC_PER_HOUR:int = SEC_PER_MINUTE * 60; 
    const SEC_PER_DAY:int = SEC_PER_HOUR * 24; 
    const SEC_PER_WEEK:int = SEC_PER_DAY * 7; 
    const SEC_PER_MONTH:int = SEC_PER_DAY * 30; 
    const SEC_PER_YEAR:int = SEC_PER_MONTH * 12; 

    // if now isn't defined, make it a new Date object (the present) 
    if (!now) { now = new Date(); } 

    // don't use secondsElapsed here because the values are 
    // huge so they use uints and are never negative 
    if (now.time < date.time) { return "in the future"; } 

    // get the difference in seconds between the two values. 
    var secondsElapsed:uint = Math.floor((now.time - date.time)/1000); 

    // seconds 
    if (secondsElapsed < SEC_PER_MINUTE) { return "just now"; } 

    // minutes 
    if (secondsElapsed < SEC_PER_HOUR) { 
     var minutes:int = int(secondsElapsed/SEC_PER_MINUTE); 
     return formatAgoString(minutes, "minute"); 

    // hours 
    if (secondsElapsed < SEC_PER_DAY) { 
     var hours:int = int(secondsElapsed/SEC_PER_HOUR); 
     return formatAgoString(hours, "hour"); 

    // days 
    if (secondsElapsed < SEC_PER_WEEK) { 
     var days:int = int(secondsElapsed/SEC_PER_DAY); 
     if (days == 1) { return "yesterday"; } 

     return formatAgoString(days, "day"); 

    // weeks 
    if (secondsElapsed < SEC_PER_MONTH) { 
     var weeks:int = int(secondsElapsed/SEC_PER_WEEK); 
     return formatAgoString(weeks, "week"); 

    // months 
    if (secondsElapsed < SEC_PER_YEAR) { 
     var months:int = int(secondsElapsed/SEC_PER_MONTH); 
     return formatAgoString(months, "month"); 

    // years 
    return "more than a year ago"; 

    // Returns a string in the format "count unit(s) ago" 
    function formatAgoString(count:int, unit:String):String { 
     return count + " " + unit + (count > 1 ? "s" : "") + " ago"; 

Vais essayer PrettyTime (github) en Java maintenant. Multi-langue et personnalisable.

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