2017-03-06 5 views

Dans le code ci-dessous, il est dit: « SyntaxWarning: nom de « couleur » est attribué à avant la déclaration globale couleur globale » Cependant, je déclarai couleur globale avant de l'assigner? Je suis très confus. Je l'ai couru et il fonctionne, mais je ne comprends pas ce que l'avertissement de syntaxe pointe vers ...SyntaxWarning: nom de « couleur » est attribué à avant que la couleur globale globale déclaration Python

from Tkinter import * 
from sys  import exit 
from random import * 

color = "black" #Sets default color to black 
w,h=640,480 #Width, height of canvas 
pixelcount = 0 #Sets the inital pixelcount to 1 
tool = 1 #Sets deafu 
ptX, ptY, ptX2, ptY2 = 0, 0, 0, 0 
cnvs=Canvas(root,width=w,height=h,bg='#D2B48C') # 210 180 140 
cnvs.pack(side = RIGHT) 
buttons = Frame(root, width = 80, height = h) #Creates region for buttons 
buttons.pack(side = LEFT) #Put button region on left 

def quit(evt): 

def menu(arg): #Accepts arguments from button clicks and binds appropriate stimulus to appropriate tool function 
    print arg 
    global tool 
    if arg == 1: 
     cnvs.bind('<Button-1>', line) 
    elif arg == 2: 
     cnvs.bind('<Button-1>', poly) 
    elif arg == 3: 
     cnvs.bind('<Button-1>', rect) 
    elif arg == 4: 
     cnvs.bind('<B1-Motion>', pencil) 
    elif arg == 5: 
     cnvs.bind('<B1-Motion>', spray) 
    elif arg == 6: 
     cnvs.bind('<B1-Motion>', blotter) 
    elif arg == 7: 
     global color 
     color = "red" 
    elif arg == 8: 
     global color 
     color = "black" 
    elif arg == 9: 
     global color 
     color = "blue" 
    elif arg == 10: 
     global color 
     color = "purple" 

def line(evt): #Line function 
    global pixelcount 
    global color 
    pixelcount += 1 
    if pixelcount % 2 == 1: 
     ptX, ptY, = (evt.x, evt.y) 
     global ptX, ptY 
     print ptX, ptY 

     ptX2, ptY2, = (evt.x, evt.y) 
     cnvs.create_line(ptX, ptY, ptX2, ptY2, fill = color) 

def lineButtonClick(): #Activated when line button clicked 

lineButton = Button(root, text = "line", command = lineButtonClick) 
lineButton.config(width = 10) 

def poly(evt): #Poly function 

    global pixelcount 
    pixelcount += 1 
    global color 
    print str(pixelcount) + "pixel" 
    if pixelcount == 1: 
     global ptX, ptY 
     ptX, ptY, = (evt.x, evt.y) 
     print ptX, ptY 

     global ptX2, ptY2 
     ptX2, ptY2, = (evt.x, evt.y) 
     print str(ptX2) + " " + " " +str(ptY2) + "pt2" 
     cnvs.create_line(ptX, ptY, ptX2, ptY2, fill = color) 
     ptX, ptY = ptX2, ptY2 

def polyButtonClick(): #Activated when poly button clicked 

polyButton = Button(root, text = "poly", command = polyButtonClick) 
polyButton.config(width = 10) 

def rect(evt): #Rectangle function 
    global pixelcount 
    if pixelcount % 2 == 0: 
     global ptX, ptY  
     ptX, ptY, = (evt.x, evt.y) 
     print ptX, ptY 
     pixelcount += 1 

     global ptX2, ptY2 
     ptX2, ptY2, = (evt.x, evt.y) 
     pixelcount += 1 
     cnvs.create_rectangle(ptX, ptY, ptX2, ptY2, fill = color, outline = color) 

def rectButtonClick(): #Activated when rectangle button clicked 

rectButton = Button(root, text = "rect", command = rectButtonClick) 
rectButton.config(width = 10) 

def pencil(evt):#Pencil function 
    global pixelcount 
    if cnvs.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>'): 
     pixelcount = 0 
    pixelcount += 1 
    print str(pixelcount) + "pixel" 
    if pixelcount == 1: 
     global ptX, ptY 
     ptX, ptY, = (evt.x, evt.y) 
     print ptX, ptY 

     global ptX2, ptY2 
     ptX2, ptY2, = (evt.x, evt.y) 
     print str(ptX2) + " " + " " +str(ptY2) + "pt2" 
     cnvs.create_line(ptX, ptY, ptX2, ptY2, fill = color) 
     ptX, ptY = ptX2, ptY2 

def pencilButtonClick(): 
pencilButton = Button(root, text = "pencil", command = pencilButtonClick) 
pencilButton.config(width = 10) 

def spray(evt): #Spray function 
    global pixelcount 
    if cnvs.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>'): 
     pixelcount = 0 
    pixelcount += 1 
    print str(pixelcount) + "pixel" 
    ptX, ptY, = (evt.x, evt.y) 
    randomX = evt.x + randint(-10, 10) 
    randomY = evt.y + randint(-10, 10) 
    cnvs.create_oval(randomX -1, randomY-1, randomX + 1, randomY + 1, fill = color) 

def sprayButtonClick():#Activated when spray button clicked 

sprayButton = Button(root, text = "spray", command = sprayButtonClick) 
sprayButton.config(width = 10) 

def blotter(evt): #Blotter function 
    global pixelcount 
    if cnvs.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>'): 
     pixelcount = 0 
    pixelcount += 1 
    print str(pixelcount) + "pixel" 
    ptX, ptY, = (evt.x, evt.y) 
    cnvs.create_oval(ptX-5, ptY-5,ptX + 5, ptY + 5, fill = color) 

def blotterButtonClick():#Activated when blotter button clicked 

blotterButton = Button(root, text = "blotter", command = blotterButtonClick) 
blotterButton.config(width = 10) 

def red(): #Red color function 
redButton = Button(root, text = "red", command = red) 
redButton.config(width = 10) 

def black(): #Black color function 
blackButton = Button(root, text = "black", command = black) 
blackButton.config(width = 10) 

def blue(): #Blue color function 
blueButton = Button(root, text = "blue", command = blue) 
blueButton.config(width = 10) 

def purple(): #Purple color function 
purpleButton = Button(root, text = "purple", command = purple) 
purpleButton.config(width = 10) 


Merci beaucoup !!!



Vous ne mettez pas de déclaration global immédiatement avant chaque utilisation de la variable; vous l'utilisez une fois, au début de la fonction dans laquelle la variable est déclarée globale:

def menu(arg): 
    global tool 
    global color 

    if arg == 1: 
     cnvs.bind('<Button-1>', line) 
    elif arg == 2: 
     cnvs.bind('<Button-1>', poly) 
    elif arg == 3: 
     cnvs.bind('<Button-1>', rect) 
    elif arg == 4: 
     cnvs.bind('<B1-Motion>', pencil) 
    elif arg == 5: 
     cnvs.bind('<B1-Motion>', spray) 
    elif arg == 6: 
     cnvs.bind('<B1-Motion>', blotter) 
    elif arg == 7: 
     color = "red" 
    elif arg == 8: 
     color = "black" 
    elif arg == 9: 
     color = "blue" 
    elif arg == 10: 
     color = "purple" 

Je vois, je vous remercie beaucoup pour la clarification! –