2016-05-26 1 views

kubectl get commande a cet indicateur -o pour formater la sortie.Comment formater la sortie de kubectl décrire à JSON

Existe-t-il une manière similaire de formater la sortie de la commande kubectl describe?

Par exemple:

kubectl describe -o="jsonpath={...}" pods my-rc 

imprimerait un format JSON pour la liste des gousses dans my-rc contrôleur de réplication. Toutefois, la commande describe n'est pas acceptée.



kubectl describe ne supporte pas -o ou équivalent. Il est censé être lisible par l'homme plutôt que par script. Vous pouvez réaliser ce que vous avez décrit avec kubectl get pods -l <selector_of_your_rc> -o <output_format>, par exemple:

$ kubectl get pods -l app=guestbook,tier=frontend -o name 

Basé sur la sortie de kubectl help describe, on dirait qu'il ne supporte pas la sortie structurée:

$ kubectl help describe 
Show details of a specific resource or group of resources. 

This command joins many API calls together to form a detailed description of a 
given resource or group of resources. 

$ kubectl describe TYPE NAME_PREFIX 

will first check for an exact match on TYPE and NAME_PREFIX. If no such resource 
exists, it will output details for every resource that has a name prefixed with NAME_PREFIX 

Possible resource types include (case insensitive): pods (po), services (svc), deployments, 
replicasets (rs), replicationcontrollers (rc), nodes (no), events (ev), limitranges (limits), 
persistentvolumes (pv), persistentvolumeclaims (pvc), resourcequotas (quota), namespaces (ns), 
serviceaccounts, ingresses (ing), horizontalpodautoscalers (hpa), daemonsets (ds), configmaps, 
componentstatuses (cs), endpoints (ep), and secrets. 

    kubectl describe (-f FILENAME | TYPE [NAME_PREFIX | -l label] | TYPE/NAME) [flags] 

# Describe a node 
kubectl describe nodes kubernetes-minion-emt8.c.myproject.internal 

# Describe a pod 
kubectl describe pods/nginx 

# Describe a pod identified by type and name in "pod.json" 
kubectl describe -f pod.json 

# Describe all pods 
kubectl describe pods 

# Describe pods by label name=myLabel 
kubectl describe po -l name=myLabel 

# Describe all pods managed by the 'frontend' replication controller (rc-created pods 
# get the name of the rc as a prefix in the pod the name). 
kubectl describe pods frontend 

    -f, --filename=[]: Filename, directory, or URL to a file containing the resource to describe 
    -l, --selector="": Selector (label query) to filter on 

Global Flags: 
     --alsologtostderr[=false]: log to standard error as well as files 
     --certificate-authority="": Path to a cert. file for the certificate authority. 
     --client-certificate="": Path to a client certificate file for TLS. 
     --client-key="": Path to a client key file for TLS. 
     --cluster="": The name of the kubeconfig cluster to use 
     --context="": The name of the kubeconfig context to use 
     --insecure-skip-tls-verify[=false]: If true, the server's certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure. 
     --kubeconfig="": Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests. 
     --log-backtrace-at=:0: when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace 
     --log-dir="": If non-empty, write log files in this directory 
     --log-flush-frequency=5s: Maximum number of seconds between log flushes 
     --logtostderr[=true]: log to standard error instead of files 
     --match-server-version[=false]: Require server version to match client version 
     --namespace="": If present, the namespace scope for this CLI request. 
     --password="": Password for basic authentication to the API server. 
    -s, --server="": The address and port of the Kubernetes API server 
     --stderrthreshold=2: logs at or above this threshold go to stderr 
     --token="": Bearer token for authentication to the API server. 
     --user="": The name of the kubeconfig user to use 
     --username="": Username for basic authentication to the API server. 
     --v=0: log level for V logs 
     --vmodule=: comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging 

Dans mon cas, je avais besoin pour obtenir l'adresse d'équilibrage de charge du service. Je l'ai fait en utilisant kubectl get service:

$ kubectl -n <namespace> -ojson get service <service> 

    "apiVersion": "v1", 
    "kind": "Service", 
    "status": { 
     "loadBalancer": { 
      "ingress": [ 
        "hostname": "internal-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-yyyyyyyyyy.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com" 