2008-11-10 6 views

Y at-il quelque chose dans Visual Studio qui signale des fuites de mémoire comme Codeguard?Est-ce que Visual Studio a quelque chose comme CodeGuard de Borland?

par exemple:

Error 00001. 0x300010 (Thread 0x0FA4): 
Resource leak: The object (0xC65D84) was never deleted 

The object (0x00C65D84) [size: 4 bytes] was created with new 
| element2.cpp line 3: 
| #include "element2.h" 
|>CS225::Element2::Element2(int _val) : p_val(new int(_val)) { } 
| CS225::Element2::Element2(const Element2& rhs) 
Call Tree: 
    0x0040E3A7(=bcc_cg.exe:0x01:00D3A7) element2.cpp#3 
    0x00409116(=bcc_cg.exe:0x01:008116) element-factory.h#19 
    0x0040D964(=bcc_cg.exe:0x01:00C964) array.cpp#87 
    0x00405308(=bcc_cg.exe:0x01:004308) driver.cpp#394 
    0x004054B5(=bcc_cg.exe:0x01:0044B5) driver.cpp#415 
    0x00405522(=bcc_cg.exe:0x01:004522) driver.cpp#420 

Error 00002. 0x300010 (Thread 0x0FA4): 
Resource leak: The object (0xC65D58) was never deleted 

The object (0x00C65D58) [size: 4 bytes] was created with new 
| element2.cpp line 6: 
| CS225::Element2::Element2(const Element2& rhs) 
|> : AbstractElement(), p_val(new int(*rhs.p_val)) 
| { } 
Call Tree: 
    0x0040E4B7(=bcc_cg.exe:0x01:00D4B7) element2.cpp#6 
    0x0040E652(=bcc_cg.exe:0x01:00D652) element2.cpp#26 
    0x0040D8CD(=bcc_cg.exe:0x01:00C8CD) array.cpp#81 
    0x00405308(=bcc_cg.exe:0x01:004308) driver.cpp#394 
    0x004054B5(=bcc_cg.exe:0x01:0044B5) driver.cpp#415 
    0x00405522(=bcc_cg.exe:0x01:004522) driver.cpp#420 



intégré, non. Il a <crtdbg.h>, mais ce n'est pas aussi complet que l'indique votre exemple. Il existe différents add-ons qui fournissent cette fonctionnalité. Boundschecker est un populaire et populaire.

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