2008-11-14 11 views

Dans un programme Windows, comment canaliser la ligne de commande obtenue à partir de GetCommandLine en plusieurs arguments, similaire au tableau argv sous Unix? Il semble que CommandLineToArgvW le fasse pour une ligne de commande Unicode, mais je ne trouve pas d'équivalent non-Unicode. Devrais-je utiliser Unicode ou non? Si non, comment puis-je analyser la ligne de commande?Méthode canonique pour analyser la ligne de commande en arguments en langage C Windows API



This article prétend fournir une version ANSI de CommandLineToArgvW.


CommandLineToArgvW() est dans shell32.dll. J'imagine que les développeurs de Shell ont créé la fonction pour leur propre usage, et cela a été rendu public soit parce que quelqu'un a décidé que les développeurs de tierce partie le trouveraient utile ou parce que certaines actions en justice les ont fait faire.

Depuis que les développeurs Shell ont seulement besoin d'une version Unicode, ils ont tout ce qu'ils ont écrit. Il serait assez simple d'écrire un wrapper ANSI pour la fonction qui convertit l'ANSI en Unicode, appelle la fonction et convertit les résultats Unicode en ANSI (et si Shell32.dll a déjà fourni une variante ANSI de cette API, c'est probablement exactement ce que faire).


Apparemment, vous pouvez utiliser en dehors __argv main() pour accéder au vecteur d'arguments préanalysée ...


parfait, je pense. – zerm


Voici une implémentation de CommandLineToArgvA que délégué le travail à CommandLineToArgvW, MultiByteToWideChar et WideCharToMultiByte.

LPSTR* CommandLineToArgvA(LPSTR lpCmdLine, INT *pNumArgs) 
    int retval; 
    retval = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, lpCmdLine, -1, NULL, 0); 
    if (!SUCCEEDED(retval)) 
     return NULL; 

    LPWSTR lpWideCharStr = (LPWSTR)malloc(retval * sizeof(WCHAR)); 
    if (lpWideCharStr == NULL) 
     return NULL; 

    retval = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, lpCmdLine, -1, lpWideCharStr, retval); 
    if (!SUCCEEDED(retval)) 
     return NULL; 

    int numArgs; 
    LPWSTR* args; 
    args = CommandLineToArgvW(lpWideCharStr, &numArgs); 
    if (args == NULL) 
     return NULL; 

    int storage = numArgs * sizeof(LPSTR); 
    for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; ++ i) 
     BOOL lpUsedDefaultChar = FALSE; 
     retval = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, args[i], -1, NULL, 0, NULL, &lpUsedDefaultChar); 
     if (!SUCCEEDED(retval)) 
      return NULL; 

     storage += retval; 

    LPSTR* result = (LPSTR*)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, storage); 
    if (result == NULL) 
     return NULL; 

    int bufLen = storage - numArgs * sizeof(LPSTR); 
    LPSTR buffer = ((LPSTR)result) + numArgs * sizeof(LPSTR); 
    for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; ++ i) 
     assert(bufLen > 0); 
     BOOL lpUsedDefaultChar = FALSE; 
     retval = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, args[i], -1, buffer, bufLen, NULL, &lpUsedDefaultChar); 
     if (!SUCCEEDED(retval)) 
      return NULL; 

     result[i] = buffer; 
     buffer += retval; 
     bufLen -= retval; 


    *pNumArgs = numArgs; 
    return result; 

Pour des raisons de portabilité, devrait-on utiliser '_ASSERT' par opposition à' assert'? –


Aucun de ces résolu le problème parfaitement quand ne veulent pas l'analyse syntaxique UNICODE, donc ma solution est modifiée à partir WINE projets, ils l'ont modifié contient le code source de CommandLineToArgvW de shell32.dll, ci-dessous et il est un travail parfaitement pour moi :

* CommandLineToArgvA   [[email protected]] 
* MODIFIED FROM https://www.winehq.org/ project 
* We must interpret the quotes in the command line to rebuild the argv 
* array correctly: 
* - arguments are separated by spaces or tabs 
* - quotes serve as optional argument delimiters 
* '"a b"' -> 'a b' 
* - escaped quotes must be converted back to '"' 
* '\"'  -> '"' 
* - consecutive backslashes preceding a quote see their number halved with 
* the remainder escaping the quote: 
* 2n backslashes + quote -> n backslashes + quote as an argument delimiter 
* 2n+1 backslashes + quote -> n backslashes + literal quote 
* - backslashes that are not followed by a quote are copied literally: 
* 'a\b'  -> 'a\b' 
* 'a\\b' -> 'a\\b' 
* - in quoted strings, consecutive quotes see their number divided by three 
* with the remainder modulo 3 deciding whether to close the string or not. 
* Note that the opening quote must be counted in the consecutive quotes, 
* that's the (1+) below: 
* (1+) 3n quotes -> n quotes 
* (1+) 3n+1 quotes -> n quotes plus closes the quoted string 
* (1+) 3n+2 quotes -> n+1 quotes plus closes the quoted string 
* - in unquoted strings, the first quote opens the quoted string and the 
* remaining consecutive quotes follow the above rule. 

LPSTR* WINAPI CommandLineToArgvA(LPSTR lpCmdline, int* numargs) 
    DWORD argc; 
    LPSTR *argv; 
    LPSTR s; 
    LPSTR d; 
    LPSTR cmdline; 
    int qcount,bcount; 

    if(!numargs || *lpCmdline==0) 
     return NULL; 

    /* --- First count the arguments */ 
    /* The first argument, the executable path, follows special rules */ 
    if (*s=='"') 
     /* The executable path ends at the next quote, no matter what */ 
     while (*s) 
      if (*s++=='"') 
     /* The executable path ends at the next space, no matter what */ 
     while (*s && *s!=' ' && *s!='\t') 
    /* skip to the first argument, if any */ 
    while (*s==' ' || *s=='\t') 
    if (*s) 

    /* Analyze the remaining arguments */ 
    while (*s) 
     if ((*s==' ' || *s=='\t') && qcount==0) 
      /* skip to the next argument and count it if any */ 
      while (*s==' ' || *s=='\t') 
      if (*s) 
     else if (*s=='\\') 
      /* '\', count them */ 
     else if (*s=='"') 
      /* '"' */ 
      if ((bcount & 1)==0) 
       qcount++; /* unescaped '"' */ 
      /* consecutive quotes, see comment in copying code below */ 
      while (*s=='"') 
      qcount=qcount % 3; 
      if (qcount==2) 
      /* a regular character */ 

    /* Allocate in a single lump, the string array, and the strings that go 
    * with it. This way the caller can make a single LocalFree() call to free 
    * both, as per MSDN. 
    argv=LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (argc+1)*sizeof(LPSTR)+(strlen(lpCmdline)+1)*sizeof(char)); 
    if (!argv) 
     return NULL; 
    strcpy(cmdline, lpCmdline); 

    /* --- Then split and copy the arguments */ 
    /* The first argument, the executable path, follows special rules */ 
    if (*d=='"') 
     /* The executable path ends at the next quote, no matter what */ 
     while (*s) 
      if (*s=='"') 
     /* The executable path ends at the next space, no matter what */ 
     while (*d && *d!=' ' && *d!='\t') 
     if (*s) 
    /* close the executable path */ 
    /* skip to the first argument and initialize it if any */ 
    while (*s==' ' || *s=='\t') 
    if (!*s) 
     /* There are no parameters so we are all done */ 
     return argv; 

    /* Split and copy the remaining arguments */ 
    while (*s) 
     if ((*s==' ' || *s=='\t') && qcount==0) 
      /* close the argument */ 

      /* skip to the next one and initialize it if any */ 
      do { 
      } while (*s==' ' || *s=='\t'); 
      if (*s) 
     else if (*s=='\\') 
     else if (*s=='"') 
      if ((bcount & 1)==0) 
       /* Preceded by an even number of '\', this is half that 
       * number of '\', plus a quote which we erase. 
       /* Preceded by an odd number of '\', this is half that 
       * number of '\' followed by a '"' 
      /* Now count the number of consecutive quotes. Note that qcount 
      * already takes into account the opening quote if any, as well as 
      * the quote that lead us here. 
      while (*s=='"') 
       if (++qcount==3) 
      if (qcount==2) 
      /* a regular character */ 

    return argv; 

Soyez prudent lorsque l'analyse syntaxique chaîne vide "", il est de retour NULL au lieu de chemin exécutable, qui est le comportement différent avec le CommandLineToArgvW standard, l'utilisation recommandée est ci-dessous:

int argc; 
LPSTR * argv = CommandLineToArgvA(GetCommandLineA(), &argc); 

// AFTER consumed argv 

J'ai suivi la source de parse_cmd (voir « argv_parsing.cpp » dans le dernier SDK) et modifié pour correspondre au paradigme et de fonctionnement pour CommandLineToArgW et développé ci-après. Remarque: au lieu d'utiliser LocalAlloc, conformément aux recommandations de Microsoft (voir https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa366723(v=vs.85).aspx), j'ai remplacé HeapAlloc. De plus, un changement dans la notation SAL. Je dévier légèrement énoncer _In_opt_ pour lpCmdLine - comme CommandLineToArgvW permet que ce soit NULL, auquel cas il renvoie une liste d'arguments contenant juste le nom du programme. Une dernière mise en garde, parse_cmd analysera la ligne de commande légèrement différente de CommandLineToArgvW dans un seul aspect: deux caractères de guillemets doubles dans une ligne alors que l'état est en mode de guillemets sont interprétés comme un caractère guillemet double échappé. Les deux fonctions consomment la première et sortent la seconde. La différence est que pour CommandLineToArgvW, il y a une transition en mode 'in quote', alors que parse_cmdline reste en mode 'in quote'. Ceci est correctement reflété dans la fonction ci-dessous.

Vous devez utiliser la fonction ci-dessous comme suit:

int argc = 0; LPSTR *argv = CommandLineToArgvA(GetCommandLineA(), &argc); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), NULL, argv);

LPSTR* CommandLineToArgvA(_In_opt_ LPCSTR lpCmdLine, _Out_ int *pNumArgs) 
    if (!pNumArgs) 
     return NULL; 
    *pNumArgs = 0; 
    /*follow CommandLinetoArgvW and if lpCmdLine is NULL return the path to the executable. 
    Use 'programname' so that we don't have to allocate MAX_PATH * sizeof(CHAR) for argv 
    every time. Since this is ANSI the return can't be greater than MAX_PATH (260 
    CHAR programname[MAX_PATH] = {}; 
    /*pnlength = the length of the string that is copied to the buffer, in characters, not 
    including the terminating null character*/ 
    DWORD pnlength = GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, programname, MAX_PATH); 
    if (pnlength == 0) //error getting program name 
     //GetModuleFileNameA will SetLastError 
     return NULL; 
    if (*lpCmdLine == NULL) 

     /*In keeping with CommandLineToArgvW the caller should make a single call to HeapFree 
     to release the memory of argv. Allocate a single block of memory with space for two 
     pointers (representing argv[0] and argv[1]). argv[0] will contain a pointer to argv+2 
     where the actual program name will be stored. argv[1] will be nullptr per the C++ 
     specifications for argv. Hence space required is the size of a LPSTR (char*) multiplied 
     by 2 [pointers] + the length of the program name (+1 for null terminating character) 
     multiplied by the sizeof CHAR. HeapAlloc is called with HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS flag, 
     so if there is a failure on allocating memory an exception will be generated.*/ 
     LPSTR *argv = static_cast<LPSTR*>(HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 
      (sizeof(LPSTR) * 2) + ((pnlength + 1) * sizeof(CHAR)))); 
     memcpy(argv + 2, programname, pnlength+1); //add 1 for the terminating null character 
     argv[0] = reinterpret_cast<LPSTR>(argv + 2); 
     argv[1] = nullptr; 
     *pNumArgs = 1; 
     return argv; 
    /*We need to determine the number of arguments and the number of characters so that the 
    proper amount of memory can be allocated for argv. Our argument count starts at 1 as the 
    first "argument" is the program name even if there are no other arguments per specs.*/ 
    int argc  = 1; 
    int numchars = 0; 
    LPCSTR templpcl = lpCmdLine; 
    bool in_quotes = false; //'in quotes' mode is off (false) or on (true) 
    /*first scan the program name and copy it. The handling is much simpler than for other 
    arguments. Basically, whatever lies between the leading double-quote and next one, or a 
    terminal null character is simply accepted. Fancier handling is not required because the 
    program name must be a legal NTFS/HPFS file name. Note that the double-quote characters are 
    not copied.*/ 
    do { 
     if (*templpcl == '"') 
      //don't add " to character count 
      in_quotes = !in_quotes; 
      templpcl++; //move to next character 
     ++numchars; //count character 
     templpcl++; //move to next character 
     if (_ismbblead(*templpcl) != 0) //handle MBCS 
      templpcl++; //skip over trail byte 
    } while (*templpcl != '\0' && (in_quotes || (*templpcl != ' ' && *templpcl != '\t'))); 
    //parsed first argument 
    if (*templpcl == '\0') 
     /*no more arguments, rewind and the next for statement will handle*/ 
    //loop through the remaining arguments 
    int slashcount  = 0; //count of backslashes 
    bool countorcopychar = true; //count the character or not 
    for (;;) 
     if (*templpcl) 
      //next argument begins with next non-whitespace character 
      while (*templpcl == ' ' || *templpcl == '\t') 
     if (*templpcl == '\0') 
      break; //end of arguments 

     ++argc; //next argument - increment argument count 
     //loop through this argument 
     for (;;) 
       2N  backslashes + " ==> N backslashes and begin/end quote 
       2N + 1 backslashes + " ==> N backslashes + literal " 
       N  backslashes  ==> N backslashes*/ 
      slashcount  = 0; 
      countorcopychar = true; 
      while (*templpcl == '\\') 
       //count the number of backslashes for use below 
      if (*templpcl == '"') 
       //if 2N backslashes before, start/end quote, otherwise count. 
       if (slashcount % 2 == 0) //even number of backslashes 
        if (in_quotes && *(templpcl +1) == '"') 
         in_quotes = !in_quotes; //NB: parse_cmdline omits this line 
         templpcl++; //double quote inside quoted string 
         //skip first quote character and count second 
         countorcopychar = false; 
         in_quotes = !in_quotes; 
       slashcount /= 2; 
      //count slashes 
      while (slashcount--) 
      if (*templpcl == '\0' || (!in_quotes && (*templpcl == ' ' || *templpcl == '\t'))) 
       //at the end of the argument - break 
      if (countorcopychar) 
       if (_ismbblead(*templpcl) != 0) //should copy another character for MBCS 
        ++templpcl; //skip over trail byte 
     //add a count for the null-terminating character 
    /*allocate memory for argv. Allocate a single block of memory with space for argc number of 
    pointers. argv[0] will contain a pointer to argv+argc where the actual program name will be 
    stored. argv[argc] will be nullptr per the C++ specifications. Hence space required is the 
    size of a LPSTR (char*) multiplied by argc + 1 pointers + the number of characters counted 
    above multiplied by the sizeof CHAR. HeapAlloc is called with HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS 
    flag, so if there is a failure on allocating memory an exception will be generated.*/ 
    LPSTR *argv = static_cast<LPSTR*>(HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 
     (sizeof(LPSTR) * (argc+1)) + (numchars * sizeof(CHAR)))); 
    //now loop through the commandline again and split out arguments 
    in_quotes  = false; 
    templpcl  = lpCmdLine; 
    argv[0]  = reinterpret_cast<LPSTR>(argv + argc+1); 
    LPSTR tempargv = reinterpret_cast<LPSTR>(argv + argc+1); 
    do { 
     if (*templpcl == '"') 
      in_quotes = !in_quotes; 
      templpcl++; //move to next character 
     *tempargv++ = *templpcl; 
     templpcl++; //move to next character 
     if (_ismbblead(*templpcl) != 0) //should copy another character for MBCS 
      *tempargv++ = *templpcl; //copy second byte 
      templpcl++; //skip over trail byte 
    } while (*templpcl != '\0' && (in_quotes || (*templpcl != ' ' && *templpcl != '\t'))); 
    //parsed first argument 
    if (*templpcl == '\0') 
     //no more arguments, rewind and the next for statement will handle 
     //end of program name - add null terminator 
     *tempargv = '\0'; 
    int currentarg = 1; 
    argv[currentarg] = ++tempargv; 
    //loop through the remaining arguments 
    slashcount  = 0; //count of backslashes 
    countorcopychar = true; //count the character or not 
    for (;;) 
     if (*templpcl) 
      //next argument begins with next non-whitespace character 
      while (*templpcl == ' ' || *templpcl == '\t') 
     if (*templpcl == '\0') 
      break; //end of arguments 
     argv[currentarg] = ++tempargv; //copy address of this argument string 
     //next argument - loop through it's characters 
     for (;;) 
       2N  backslashes + " ==> N backslashes and begin/end quote 
       2N + 1 backslashes + " ==> N backslashes + literal " 
       N  backslashes  ==> N backslashes*/ 
      slashcount  = 0; 
      countorcopychar = true; 
      while (*templpcl == '\\') 
       //count the number of backslashes for use below 
      if (*templpcl == '"') 
       //if 2N backslashes before, start/end quote, otherwise copy literally. 
       if (slashcount % 2 == 0) //even number of backslashes 
        if (in_quotes && *(templpcl+1) == '"') 
         in_quotes = !in_quotes; //NB: parse_cmdline omits this line 
         templpcl++; //double quote inside quoted string 
         //skip first quote character and count second 
         countorcopychar = false; 
         in_quotes  = !in_quotes; 
       slashcount /= 2; 
      //copy slashes 
      while (slashcount--) 
       *tempargv++ = '\\'; 
      if (*templpcl == '\0' || (!in_quotes && (*templpcl == ' ' || *templpcl == '\t'))) 
       //at the end of the argument - break 
      if (countorcopychar) 
       *tempargv++ = *templpcl; 
       if (_ismbblead(*templpcl) != 0) //should copy another character for MBCS 
        ++templpcl; //skip over trail byte 
        *tempargv++ = *templpcl; 
     //null-terminate the argument 
     *tempargv = '\0'; 
    argv[argc] = nullptr; 
    *pNumArgs = argc; 
    return argv; 
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