2013-07-26 6 views

Je suit exemple de réponse de lecture d'URL, besoin de lire « objets » les analyser et convertir à une listeréponse Parse JSON avec méta et objets à l'aide Gson

exemple de réponse du serveur:

    "meta": { 
     "limit": 20, 
     "next": null, 
     "offset": 0, 
     "previous": null, 
     "total_count": 2 
    "objects": [ 
      "body": "Body of my review", 
      "created_by": { 
       "first_name": "Josh", 
       "id": 2, 
       "last_name": "Bothun", 
       "username": "josh.bothun.1" 
      "id": 1, 
      "location": 1, 
      "rating": 2, 
      "title": "Title of my review" 
      "body": "This place is fantastic!", 
      "created_by": { 
       "first_name": "Josh", 
       "id": 1, 
       "last_name": "Bothun", 
       "username": "josh.bothun.1" 
      "id": 2, 
      "location": 1, 
      "rating": 5, 
      "title": "Another review" 

Je le code suivant, mais incapable de récupérer la liste des objets

    Gson GsonObject = new Gson(); 

String Test = "{\"meta\": {\"limit\": 20,\"next\": null,\"offset\": 0,\"previous\": null,\"total_count\": 2},\"objects\": [ { \"body\": \"Body of my review\",\"created_by\": { \"first_name\": \"Josh\", \"id\": 2, \"last_name\": \"Bothun\",\"username\": \"josh.bothun.1\"}, \"id\": 1,\"location\": 1, \"rating\": 2, \"title\": \"Title of my review\" }, { \"body\": \"This place is fantastic!\", \"created_by\": { \"first_name\": \"Josh\", \"id\": 1, \"last_name\": \"Bothun\", \"username\": \"josh.bothun.1\" }, \"id\": 2,\"location\": 1, \"rating\": 5, \"title\": \"Another review\" } ]}"; 

Type collectionType = new TypeToken<Collection<TabClass>>(){}.getType(); 
List<TabClass> enums = GsonObject.fromJson(Test, collectionType); 



class TabClass 
    private List meta; 
    private List objects; 

Votre fichier JSON n'est pas une collection d'objets 'TabClass'. –



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