2012-06-18 3 views

J'apprends maintenant comment intégrer wicket et énoncer en suivant cet article http://docs.codehaus.org/display/ENUNCIATE/A+Rich+Web+service+API+for+Wicket. Mais les résultats sont différents de ce site. Le dossier api a été généré avec succès mais quand je pointe vers l'API en xml ou json ou reste ou soap, je ne peux pas y accéder.Intégrer Wicket et Enunciate

Voici les informations que je suis quand j'ai essayé de « mvn: jetée-run » cmd:

[INFO] Scanning for projects... 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
[INFO] Building Wicket Examples 1.5.7 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
[INFO] >>> jetty-maven-plugin:7.4.2.v20110526:run (default-cli) @ wicket-example 
s >>> 
[WARNING] Could not transfer metadata org.jvnet.staxex:stax-ex/maven-metadata.xm 
l from/to java.net.1 (http://download.java.net/maven/1): No connector available 
to access repository java.net.1 (http://download.java.net/maven/1) of type legac 
y using the available factories WagonRepositoryConnectorFactory 
[INFO] --- maven-enunciate-spring-plugin:1.18:assemble (default) @ wicket-exampl 
es --- 
[INFO] C:\Users\AGI\Downloads\apache-wicket-1.5.7\src\wicket-examples\enunciate. 
xml exists, so it will be used. 
[INFO] initializing enunciate. 
[INFO] invoking enunciate:generate step... 
[INFO] [c] Skipping C code generation because everything appears up-to-date. 
[INFO] [csharp] Skipping C# code generation because everything appears up-to-dat 
[INFO] [jaxws-ri] Skipping generation of JAX-WS RI support as everything appears 
[INFO] [jaxws-support] Skipping JAX-WS support generation as everything appears 
[INFO] [jersey] Skipping generation of JAX-RS support files because everything a 
ppears up-to-date. 
[INFO] [obj-c] Skipping C code generation because everything appears up-to-date. 

[INFO] [ruby] Skipping Ruby code generation because everything appears up-to-dat 
[INFO] [xml] Skipping generation of XML files since everything appears up-to-dat 
[INFO] [jaxws-client] Skipping generation of JAX-WS Client sources as everything 
appears up-to-date... 
[INFO] [docs] Skipping documentation source generation as everything appears up- 
[INFO] [spring-app] Skipping generation of spring config files as everything app 
ears up-to-date... 
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. 
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. 
[INFO] invoking enunciate:compile step... 
[INFO] [jaxws-client] Skipping compilation of JAX-WS client classes as everythin 
g appears up-to-date... 
[INFO] invoking enunciate:build step... 
[INFO] [jaxws-client] Skipping creation of JAX-WS client jar as everything appea 
rs up-to-date... 
[INFO] [jaxws-client] Skipping creation of the JAX-WS client source jar as every 
thing appears up-to-date... 
[INFO] [basic-app] Skipping the build of the expanded war as everything appears 
[INFO] invoking enunciate:package step... 
[INFO] closing enunciate. 
[INFO] --- maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.2:process (default) @ wicket-examples 
[INFO] Setting property: classpath.resource.loader.class => 'org.codehaus.plexus 
[INFO] Setting property: velocimacro.messages.on => 'false'. 
[INFO] Setting property: resource.loader => 'classpath'. 
[INFO] Setting property: resource.manager.logwhenfound => 'false'. 
[WARNING] Failure to transfer org.jvnet.staxex:stax-ex/maven-metadata.xml from h 
ttp://download.java.net/maven/1 was cached in the local repository, resolution w 
ill not be reattempted until the update interval of java.net.1 has elapsed or up 
dates are forced. Original error: Could not transfer metadata org.jvnet.staxex:s 
tax-ex/maven-metadata.xml from/to java.net.1 (http://download.java.net/maven/1): 
No connector available to access repository java.net.1 (http://download.java.ne 
t/maven/1) of type legacy using the available factories WagonRepositoryConnector 
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.4.3:resources (default-resources) @ wicket-e 
xamples --- 
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. 
[INFO] Copying 661 resources 
[INFO] Copying 12 resources 
[INFO] Copying 3 resources 
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.4:compile (default-compile) @ wicket-examples 
[INFO] Compiling 5 source files to C:\Users\AGI\Downloads\apache-wicket-1.5.7\sr 
[INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.2.0:manifest (bundle-manifest) @ wicket-example 
s --- 
[WARNING] Ignoring project type war - supportedProjectTypes = [jar, bundle] 
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.4.3:testResources (default-testResources) @ 
wicket-examples --- 
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. 
[INFO] Copying 1 resource 
[INFO] Copying 3 resources 
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.4:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ wicket- 
examples --- 
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date 
[INFO] <<< jetty-maven-plugin:7.4.2.v20110526:run (default-cli) @ wicket-example 
s <<< 
[INFO] --- jetty-maven-plugin:7.4.2.v20110526:run (default-cli) @ wicket-example 
s --- 
[INFO] Configuring Jetty for project: Wicket Examples 
[INFO] Webapp source directory = C:\Users\AGI\Downloads\apache-wicket-1.5.7\src\ 
[INFO] Reload Mechanic: automatic 
[INFO] Classes = C:\Users\AGI\Downloads\apache-wicket-1.5.7\src\wicket-examples\ 
[INFO] Context path =/
[INFO] Tmp directory = C:\Users\AGI\Downloads\apache-wicket-1.5.7\src\wicket-exa 
[INFO] Web defaults = org/eclipse/jetty/webapp/webdefault.xml 
[INFO] Web overrides = none 
[INFO] web.xml file = file:/C:/Users/AGI/Downloads/apache-wicket-1.5.7/src/wicke 
[INFO] Webapp directory = C:\Users\AGI\Downloads\apache-wicket-1.5.7\src\wicket- 
[INFO] Starting jetty 7.4.2.v20110526 ... 
2012-06-18 14:50:04.567:INFO::jetty-7.4.2.v20110526 
2012-06-18 14:50:08.422:INFO::No Transaction manager found - if your webapp requ 
ires one, please configure one. 
2012-06-18 14:50:08.664:INFO:/:Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext 
INFO - ContextLoader    - Root WebApplicationContext: initialization 
INFO - XmlWebApplicationContext - Refreshing Root WebApplicationContext: star 
tup date [Mon Jun 18 14:50:08 GMT+07:00 2012]; root of context hierarchy 
INFO - XmlBeanDefinitionReader - Loading XML bean definitions from class pat 
h resource [applicationContext.xml] 
INFO - DefaultListableBeanFactory - Pre-instantiating singletons in org.springf 
[email protected]d: defining bean 
s [contactDao,wicketApplication]; root of factory hierarchy 
INFO - ContextLoader    - Root WebApplicationContext: initialization 
completed in 396 ms 
2012-06-18 14:50:09.064:INFO::started o.m.j.p.JettyWebAppContext{/,file:/C:/User 
2012-06-18 14:50:13.260:INFO::Started [email protected]:8080 STARTI 
[INFO] Started Jetty Server 
[INFO] Starting scanner at interval of 60 seconds. 

Je pense que, il y a quelque chose de mal avec le enunciate Je suis en train, mais je ne le font pas Je sais où je devrais vérifier parce que si je pense avoir fait ce que le codehaus me dit de faire. Voulez-vous me guider vers la bonne voie?

Pour votre attention je dis merci.


Quel est votre problème actuel? Je ne vois aucune erreur dans la sortie de mave. On dirait que la jetée est démarrée et attend de servir du contenu – bert


Non, le problème est que je ne savais pas ce que je devais faire pour obtenir le même résultat que le lien du tutoriel décrit. Les choses maven-wicket sont nouvelles pour moi. Le dossier api a été généré avec succès, mais pas le xml et le json. Hier, j'ai essayé d'ajouter des annotations @Produces ("application/xml", "application/json") mais ne fonctionnait toujours pas. Je me demandais pourquoi. Pouvez-vous m'aider ? T.T Merci d'avance. –



essayez d'utiliser enunciate 1.28.

J'ai essayé pour mon projet avec une ancienne version de la bibliothèque sans succès et j'ai réussi avec la dernière version.