2010-03-29 5 views

J'ai créé à l'origine un processus qui s'est produit en effectuant une transition entre les vues dans un multiview et cela a fonctionné correctement. Maintenant, j'ai déplacé ce même code dans un Assistant ASP.NET et il continue à lancer une erreur à la deuxième étape. L'erreur est: La méthode 'System.Object AndObject (System.Object, System.Object)' n'a pas de traduction prise en charge vers SQL. Des idées pour lesquelles cela se produirait lors du déplacement du code dans l'assistant? Je suis sûr que c'est quelque chose de stupide, mais j'ai vérifié le code 3-4 fois maintenant et il semble identique sur le plan opérationnel. Voici le code: 'Assurez-vous que la partie LDAP du .NET Framework est disponible. Imports System.DirectoryServices 'Permet d'interfacer avec LDAP. Imports System.Data.Linq.SqlClient 'Permet d'utiliser les méthodes SQL LINQ.Le code qui fonctionnait avec MultiView échoue avec Assistant ASP.NET

partielle Classe publique BuildIT Hérite System.Web.UI.Page

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load 
    ' ******* Grab the LDAP info. for current user. 
    Dim ID As FormsIdentity = DirectCast(User.Identity, FormsIdentity) 
    Dim ticket As FormsAuthenticationTicket = ID.Ticket 
    Dim adDirectory As New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://OU=[info],DC=[info],DC=[info],DC=[info]") 
    ' We need to strip off @email.address from the ticket name, so we'll use substring to grab the first 
    ' five characters. 
    Dim adTicketID As String = ticket.Name.Substring(0, 5) 
    Dim adEmployeeID As String 
    adEmployeeID = adDirectory.Children.Find("CN=" & adTicketID).Properties("employeeID").Value 

    ' ******* Lets make sure they have signed the housing contract and the community covenant. 
    Dim dbContractSigs As New pcRoomOccupantsDataContext 
    Dim pcContractSigs = From p In dbContractSigs.webContractSigs _ 
         Where p.people_id = adEmployeeID _ 
         Select p.res_contract, p.comm_life 
    If pcContractSigs.Count.Equals(0) Then 
     Dim cs As String = pcContractSigs.First.res_contract.ToString 
     Dim cos As String = pcContractSigs.First.comm_life.ToString 
     If cs = "Y" And cos = "Y" Then 
      ' We don't need to do anything. 
      ' We use the else statement b/c there are multiple conditions that could occur besides "N" 
      ' that would cause us to redirect to the signature page, whereas there is only one valid response - "Y". 
      ' Redirect the individual to our contracts page. 
     End If 
    End If 

    ' ******* Now lets find out what gender that individual is. 
    Dim dbIndividual As New pcPeopleDataContext 
    Dim pcIndividual = From p In dbIndividual.PEOPLEs _ 
         Join d In dbIndividual.DEMOGRAPHICs On p.PEOPLE_CODE_ID Equals d.PEOPLE_CODE_ID _ 
         Where p.PEOPLE_ID = adEmployeeID _ 
         Select p, d 
    ' Make a session variable that will carry with the user throughout the session delineating gender. 
    Session("sgender") = pcIndividual.First.d.GENDER.ToString 
    ' Debug Code. 
    ' Put a stop at end sub to get these values. 
    ' Response.Write(adEmployeeID) 

End Sub 
Sub LinqDataSource1_Selecting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs) 
    ' Lets get a list of the dorms that are available for user's gender. 
    Dim pcDorms As New pcDormsDataContext 
    Dim selectedDorms = (From sd In pcDorms.PBU_WEB_DORMs _ 
        Where IIf(Session("sgender").ToString = "M", sd.description = "Male", sd.description = "Female") _ 
        Select sd.dorm_building).Distinct() 
    e.Result = selectedDorms 
End Sub 
Public Sub Button_ItemCommand(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal e As RepeaterCommandEventArgs) 
    ' ******** Lets pass on the results of our query in LinqDataSource1_Selecting. 
    Session("sdorm") = RTrim(e.CommandName) 

    ' ******** Debug code. 
    ' Response.Write(sDorm) 
End Sub 
Sub LinqDataSource2_Selecting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs) 
    ' ******** Get a list of rooms available in the dorm for user's gender. 
    Dim pcDorms As New pcDormsDataContext 
    Dim selectedDorm = (From sd In pcDorms.PBU_WEB_DORMs _ 
         Where IIf(Session("sgender").ToString = "M", sd.description = "Male", sd.description = "Female") _ 
         And sd.dorm_building = CStr(Session("sdorm")) _ 
         Select sd.dorm_room) 
    e.Result = selectedDorm 
End Sub 
Public Sub Button2_ItemCommand(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal e As RepeaterCommandEventArgs) 
    ' ******** Lets pass on the results of our query in LinqDataSource2_Selecting. 
    Session("sroom") = RTrim(e.CommandName) 
End Sub 
Sub LinqDataSource3_Selecting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs) 
    ' ******** Grabs the individuals currently listed as residing in this room and displays them. Note the use of SqlMethods.Like 
    ' for dorm_building, this is due to legacy issues where dorms sometimes have leading or trailing blank spaces. We could have 
    ' also used Trim. 
    Dim pcOccupants As New pcRoomOccupantsDataContext 
    Dim roomOccupants = (From ro In pcOccupants.webResidents _ 
         Where SqlMethods.Like(ro.dorm_building, "%" & CStr(Session("sdorm")) & "%") _ 
         And ro.dorm_room = CStr(Session("sroom")) _ 
         Select ro.person_name) 
    e.Result = roomOccupants 

    ' ******** Debug code. 
End Sub 
Protected Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click 
    ' ******** Reserve the room for a student. 
End Sub 

End Class



Mon ancien code ressemblait à ceci:

Dim selectedDorm = (From sd In pcDorms.PBU_WEB_DORMs _ 
          Where IIf(Session("sgender").ToString = "M", sd.description = "Male", sd.description = "Female") _ 
          And sd.dorm_building = Session("sdorm").ToString _ 
          Select sd.dorm_room) 

Et ne fonctionnait pas (mais a fait le travail lors de l'utilisation MultiViews). Je l'ai changé à ceci:

Dim selectedDorm = (From sd In pcDorms.PBU_WEB_DORMs _ 
          Where IIf(Session("sgender").ToString = "M", sd.description = "Male", sd.description = "Female") _ 
          Where sd.dorm_building = Session("sdorm").ToString _ 
          Select sd.dorm_room) 

Et maintenant cela fonctionne.


Ne peut pas dire sans voir le code; il y a une requête LINQ qui extrait des informations de la base de données, ce qui provoque une erreur. Mais je ne peux rien vous dire sans voir le code.


Je viens d'ajouter le code. J'espère que cela aide. :) – davemackey

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