2017-08-08 1 views



Dev Tools -> Source -> trouvé id élément -> recherché source id -> code trouvé ci-dessous.

chart: { 
    zoomType: 'x' 
title: { 
    text: '' 
subtitle: { 
    text: 'Click and drag in the plot area to zoom in' 
xAxis: [{ 
    categories: date, 
    type: 'datetime', 
    crosshair: true 
yAxis: [{ 
    labels: { 
    format: '{value} %', 
    style: { 
    color: '#FA890F' 
    title: { 
    text: 'Rate of interest', 
    style: { 
    color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[1] 
series: [{ 
    name: 'Rate of Interest', 
    type: 'column', 
    yAxis: 0, 
    data: rate_of_interest, 
    color: '#FFC46D', 
    tooltip: { 
    valueSuffix: ' %' 