2011-07-24 6 views



Yes it is.

$file = "./test.txt"; 
// open file at the beginning. 
$fh = fopen($file, 'r+'); 
//read the first line of the file. (advances pointer to the second line). 
$contents = fread($fh); 
// modify contents. 
$new_contents = str_replace("hello world", "hello", $contents); 
// make sure you're back at the 0 index. 
fseek($file, 0); 
// write 
fwrite($fh, $new_contents); 
// close. 
// done! 

Était trop paresseux pour écrire un échantillon complet. +1 à vous alors ;-) – zerkms


En PHP 5 file_put_contents est la meilleure façon:

$file  = 'people.txt'; 
$current = file_get_contents($file); // Open the file to get existing content 
$current .= "John Smith\n";   // Append a new person to the file 
file_put_contents($file, $current); // Write the contents back to the file 

Je trouve toujours amusant que file_get_contents ait existé plus longtemps que file_put_contents. – cwallenpoole
