2012-05-23 4 views



Dans keyboardJS.init(), vous utilisez la méthode bind() sur votre callbacks événement.

document.addEventListener("keydown", this.keyIsDown.bind(this)); 
document.addEventListener("keyup", this.keyIsUp.bind(this)); 

Safari (y compris Safari mobile) ne prend pas en charge la liaison () méthode.Vous devez fournir un polyfill:

* Bind.js 
* Copyright 2010, WebReflection 
* License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php 
if (Function.prototype.bind === null || Function.prototype.bind === undefined) { 
    Function.prototype.bind = (function (slice) { 
     // (C) WebReflection - Mit Style License 
     function bind(context) { 
      var self = this; // "trapped" function reference 
      // only if there is more than an argument 
      // we are interested into more complex operations 
      // this will speed up common bind creation 
      // avoiding useless slices over arguments 
      if (1 < arguments.length) { 
       // extra arguments to send by default 
       var $arguments = slice.call(arguments, 1); 
       return function() { 
        return self.apply(
        // thanks @kangax for this suggestion 
         arguments.length ? 
        // concat arguments with those received 
          $arguments.concat(slice.call(arguments)) : 
        // send just arguments, no concat, no slice 
      // optimized callback 
      return function() { 
       // speed up when function is called without arguments 
       return arguments.length ? self.apply(context, arguments) : self.call(context); 

     // the named function 
     return bind; 

    } (Array.prototype.slice)); 

Oh, monsieur! Beaucoup de félicitations pour cela! Il fonctionne parfaitement! :) –

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