2012-10-06 13 views

J'ai des problèmes avec ce morceau de code CUDA que j'ai écrit. Ceci est censé être l'implémentation CUDA du Dijkstra's algorithm. Le code est le suivant:L'algorithme de Dijkstra dans CUDA

__global__ void cuda_dijkstra_kernel_1(float* Va, int* Ea, int* Sa, float* Ca, float* Ua, char* Ma, unsigned int* lock){ 

     int tid = blockIdx.x; 
      Ma[tid] = '0'; 
      int ind_Ea = Sa[tid * 2]; 
      int num_edges = Sa[(tid * 2) + 1]; 
      int v; 
      float wt = 0; 
      unsigned int leaveloop; 
      leaveloop = 0u; 
       if(atomicExch(lock, 1u) == 0u){ 
        for(v = 0; v < num_edges; v++){ 
         wt = (Va[tid * 3] - Va[Ea[ind_Ea + v] * 3]) * (Va[tid * 3] - Va[Ea[ind_Ea + v] * 3]) + 
           (Va[(tid * 3) + 1] - Va[(Ea[ind_Ea + v] * 3) + 1]) * (Va[(tid * 3) + 1] - Va[(Ea[ind_Ea + v] * 3) + 1]) + 
           (Va[(tid * 3) + 2] - Va[(Ea[ind_Ea + v] * 3) + 2]) * (Va[(tid * 3) + 2] - Va[(Ea[ind_Ea + v] * 3) + 2]) ; 
         wt = sqrt(wt); 

         if(Ca[Ea[ind_Ea + v]] > (Ca[tid] + wt)){ 
          Ca[Ea[ind_Ea + v]] = Ca[tid] + wt; 
          Ma[Ea[ind_Ea + v]] = '1'; 
         leaveloop = 1u; 
         atomicExch(lock, 0u); 

Le problème est dans la phase de relaxation de l'algorithme de Dijkstra. J'ai mis en œuvre une telle phase en tant que section critique. S'il y a un sommet (disons a) qui est voisin de plus d'un sommet (ie, se connectant à d'autres sommets avec des arêtes), alors tous les threads pour ces sommets vont essayer d'écrire à l'emplacement du sommet a dans le Coût Array Ca. Maintenant, mon objectif est d'avoir la plus petite valeur écrite à cet endroit. Pour ce faire, j'essaie de sérialiser le processus et d'appliquer également __threadfence() afin que la valeur écrite par un thread soit visible pour les autres et que la valeur la plus petite soit finalement conservée à l'emplacement du vertex a. Mais le problème est que cette logique ne fonctionne pas. L'emplacement du sommet a n'obtient pas la plus petite valeur de tous les threads essayant d'écrire à cet endroit et je ne comprends pas pourquoi. Toute aide sera grandement appréciée.


pourquoi? ? Ne devriez-vous pas utiliser quelque chose comme tid = (blockIdx.x * blockdim.x) + threadIdx.x; ? Autant que je sache, tous vos fils dans le bloc exécutent exactement le même code. Est-ce votre intention? à quoi ressemble l'invocation de votre lancement de noyau? –


Bonjour Robert, il y a autant de blocs dans la grille que de sommets. Et il n'y a qu'un seul thread par bloc. Donc, un sommet est en cours de traitement par le seul thread dans un bloc, l'invocation du noyau cuda est comme ceci: cuda_kernel <<< dimGrid, dimBlock >>> (argumentlist ..), où dimGrid = (numVers, 1), et dimBlock = (1, 1) –


"Et il n'y a qu'un seul thread par bloc" --- cela ne sera pas efficace. À moins qu'il y ait une très bonne raison d'utiliser CUDA de cette façon - ne le faites pas! – CygnusX1



Il y a un « classique » (au moins la plupart du temps de référence) mise en œuvre de source unique Shortest Path Dijkstra (PSSS) algorithme sur le GPU contenu dans le document

Accélérer les grands algorithmes de graphique sur le GPU en utilisant CUDA par Parwan Harish et PJ Narayanan

Cependant, la mise en œuvre dans ce document a été reconnu pour être mis sur écoute, voir

CUDA Solutions pour le PSSS problème par Pedro J. Martín, Roberto Torres, et Antonio Gavilanes

je rapporte ci-dessous la mise en oeuvre suggérée dans le premier document fixe selon la remarque de la seconde. Le code contient également une version C++. Pourquoi est-ce que vous définissez tid = blockIdx.x;

#include <sstream> 
#include <vector> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <float.h> 

#include "Utilities.cuh" 

#define NUM_ASYNCHRONOUS_ITERATIONS 20 // Number of async loop iterations before attempting to read results back 

#define BLOCK_SIZE 16 

// --- The graph data structure is an adjacency list. 
typedef struct { 

    // --- Contains the integer offset to point to the edge list for each vertex 
    int *vertexArray; 

    // --- Overall number of vertices 
    int numVertices; 

    // --- Contains the "destination" vertices each edge is attached to 
    int *edgeArray; 

    // --- Overall number of edges 
    int numEdges; 

    // --- Contains the weight of each edge 
    float *weightArray; 

} GraphData; 

void generateRandomGraph(GraphData *graph, int numVertices, int neighborsPerVertex) { 

    graph -> numVertices = numVertices; 
    graph -> vertexArray = (int *)malloc(graph -> numVertices * sizeof(int)); 
    graph -> numEdges  = numVertices * neighborsPerVertex; 
    graph -> edgeArray  = (int *)malloc(graph -> numEdges * sizeof(int)); 
    graph -> weightArray = (float *)malloc(graph -> numEdges * sizeof(float)); 

    for (int i = 0; i < graph -> numVertices; i++) graph -> vertexArray[i] = i * neighborsPerVertex; 

    int *tempArray = (int *)malloc(neighborsPerVertex * sizeof(int)); 
    for (int k = 0; k < numVertices; k++) { 
     for (int l = 0; l < neighborsPerVertex; l++) tempArray[l] = INT_MAX; 
     for (int l = 0; l < neighborsPerVertex; l++) { 
      bool goOn = false; 
      int temp; 
      while (goOn == false) { 
       goOn = true; 
       temp = (rand() % graph->numVertices); 
       for (int t = 0; t < neighborsPerVertex; t++) 
        if (temp == tempArray[t]) goOn = false; 
       if (temp == k) goOn = false; 
       if (goOn == true) tempArray[l] = temp; 
      graph -> edgeArray [k * neighborsPerVertex + l] = temp; 
      graph -> weightArray[k * neighborsPerVertex + l] = (float)(rand() % 1000)/1000.0f; 

/* minDistance FUNCTION */ 
// --- Finds the vertex with minimum distance value, from the set of vertices not yet included in shortest path tree 
int minDistance(float *shortestDistances, bool *finalizedVertices, const int sourceVertex, const int N) { 

    // --- Initialize minimum value 
    int minIndex = sourceVertex; 
    float min = FLT_MAX; 

    for (int v = 0; v < N; v++) 
     if (finalizedVertices[v] == false && shortestDistances[v] <= min) min = shortestDistances[v], minIndex = v; 

    return minIndex; 

/* dijkstraCPU FUNCTION */ 
void dijkstraCPU(float *graph, float *h_shortestDistances, int sourceVertex, const int N) { 

    // --- h_finalizedVertices[i] is true if vertex i is included in the shortest path tree 
    //  or the shortest distance from the source node to i is finalized 
    bool *h_finalizedVertices = (bool *)malloc(N * sizeof(bool)); 

    // --- Initialize h_shortestDistancesances as infinite and h_shortestDistances as false 
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) h_shortestDistances[i] = FLT_MAX, h_finalizedVertices[i] = false; 

    // --- h_shortestDistancesance of the source vertex from itself is always 0 
    h_shortestDistances[sourceVertex] = 0.f; 

    // --- Dijkstra iterations 
    for (int iterCount = 0; iterCount < N - 1; iterCount++) { 

     // --- Selecting the minimum distance vertex from the set of vertices not yet 
     //  processed. currentVertex is always equal to sourceVertex in the first iteration. 
     int currentVertex = minDistance(h_shortestDistances, h_finalizedVertices, sourceVertex, N); 

     // --- Mark the current vertex as processed 
     h_finalizedVertices[currentVertex] = true; 

     // --- Relaxation loop 
     for (int v = 0; v < N; v++) { 

      // --- Update dist[v] only if it is not in h_finalizedVertices, there is an edge 
      //  from u to v, and the cost of the path from the source vertex to v through 
      //  currentVertex is smaller than the current value of h_shortestDistances[v] 
      if (!h_finalizedVertices[v] && 
       graph[currentVertex * N + v] && 
       h_shortestDistances[currentVertex] != FLT_MAX && 
       h_shortestDistances[currentVertex] + graph[currentVertex * N + v] < h_shortestDistances[v]) 

       h_shortestDistances[v] = h_shortestDistances[currentVertex] + graph[currentVertex * N + v]; 

// --- Check whether all the vertices have been finalized. This tells the algorithm whether it needs to continue running or not. 
bool allFinalizedVertices(bool *finalizedVertices, int numVertices) { 

    for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++) if (finalizedVertices[i] == true) { return false; } 

    return true; 

__global__ void initializeArrays(bool * __restrict__ d_finalizedVertices, float* __restrict__ d_shortestDistances, float* __restrict__ d_updatingShortestDistances, 
           const int sourceVertex, const int numVertices) { 

    int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; 

    if (tid < numVertices) { 

     if (sourceVertex == tid) { 

      d_finalizedVertices[tid]   = true; 
      d_shortestDistances[tid]   = 0.f; 
      d_updatingShortestDistances[tid] = 0.f; } 

     else { 

      d_finalizedVertices[tid]   = false; 
      d_shortestDistances[tid]   = FLT_MAX; 
      d_updatingShortestDistances[tid] = FLT_MAX; 

__global__ void Kernel1(const int * __restrict__ vertexArray, const int* __restrict__ edgeArray, 
         const float * __restrict__ weightArray, bool * __restrict__ finalizedVertices, float* __restrict__ shortestDistances, 
         float * __restrict__ updatingShortestDistances, const int numVertices, const int numEdges) { 

    int tid = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; 

    if (tid < numVertices) { 

     if (finalizedVertices[tid] == true) { 

      finalizedVertices[tid] = false; 

      int edgeStart = vertexArray[tid], edgeEnd; 

      if (tid + 1 < (numVertices)) edgeEnd = vertexArray[tid + 1]; 
      else       edgeEnd = numEdges; 

      for (int edge = edgeStart; edge < edgeEnd; edge++) { 
       int nid = edgeArray[edge]; 
       atomicMin(&updatingShortestDistances[nid], shortestDistances[tid] + weightArray[edge]); 

__global__ void Kernel2(const int * __restrict__ vertexArray, const int * __restrict__ edgeArray, const float* __restrict__ weightArray, 
         bool * __restrict__ finalizedVertices, float* __restrict__ shortestDistances, float* __restrict__ updatingShortestDistances, 
         const int numVertices) { 

    int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; 

    if (tid < numVertices) { 

     if (shortestDistances[tid] > updatingShortestDistances[tid]) { 
      shortestDistances[tid] = updatingShortestDistances[tid]; 
      finalizedVertices[tid] = true; } 

     updatingShortestDistances[tid] = shortestDistances[tid]; 

/* dijkstraGPU FUNCTION */ 
void dijkstraGPU(GraphData *graph, const int sourceVertex, float * __restrict__ h_shortestDistances) { 

    // --- Create device-side adjacency-list, namely, vertex array Va, edge array Ea and weight array Wa from G(V,E,W) 
    int  *d_vertexArray;   gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_vertexArray, sizeof(int) * graph -> numVertices)); 
    int  *d_edgeArray;   gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_edgeArray, sizeof(int) * graph -> numEdges)); 
    float *d_weightArray;   gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_weightArray, sizeof(float) * graph -> numEdges)); 

    // --- Copy adjacency-list to the device 
    gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(d_vertexArray, graph -> vertexArray, sizeof(int) * graph -> numVertices, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); 
    gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(d_edgeArray, graph -> edgeArray, sizeof(int) * graph -> numEdges, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); 
    gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(d_weightArray, graph -> weightArray, sizeof(float) * graph -> numEdges, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); 

    // --- Create mask array Ma, cost array Ca and updating cost array Ua of size V 
    bool *d_finalizedVertices;   gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_finalizedVertices,  sizeof(bool) * graph->numVertices)); 
    float *d_shortestDistances;   gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_shortestDistances,  sizeof(float) * graph->numVertices)); 
    float *d_updatingShortestDistances; gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_updatingShortestDistances, sizeof(float) * graph->numVertices)); 

    bool *h_finalizedVertices = (bool *)malloc(sizeof(bool) * graph->numVertices); 

    // --- Initialize mask Ma to false, cost array Ca and Updating cost array Ua to \u221e 
    initializeArrays <<<iDivUp(graph->numVertices, BLOCK_SIZE), BLOCK_SIZE >>>(d_finalizedVertices, d_shortestDistances, 
                  d_updatingShortestDistances, sourceVertex, graph -> numVertices); 

    // --- Read mask array from device -> host 
    gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(h_finalizedVertices, d_finalizedVertices, sizeof(bool) * graph->numVertices, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)); 

    while (!allFinalizedVertices(h_finalizedVertices, graph->numVertices)) { 

     // --- In order to improve performance, we run some number of iterations without reading the results. This might result 
     //  in running more iterations than necessary at times, but it will in most cases be faster because we are doing less 
     //  stalling of the GPU waiting for results. 
     for (int asyncIter = 0; asyncIter < NUM_ASYNCHRONOUS_ITERATIONS; asyncIter++) { 

      Kernel1 <<<iDivUp(graph->numVertices, BLOCK_SIZE), BLOCK_SIZE >>>(d_vertexArray, d_edgeArray, d_weightArray, d_finalizedVertices, d_shortestDistances, 
                  d_updatingShortestDistances, graph->numVertices, graph->numEdges); 
      Kernel2 <<<iDivUp(graph->numVertices, BLOCK_SIZE), BLOCK_SIZE >>>(d_vertexArray, d_edgeArray, d_weightArray, d_finalizedVertices, d_shortestDistances, d_updatingShortestDistances, 

     gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(h_finalizedVertices, d_finalizedVertices, sizeof(bool) * graph->numVertices, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)); 

    // --- Copy the result to host 
    gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(h_shortestDistances, d_shortestDistances, sizeof(float) * graph->numVertices, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)); 



int main() { 

    // --- Number of graph vertices 
    int numVertices = 8; 

    // --- Number of edges per graph vertex 
    int neighborsPerVertex = 6; 

    // --- Source vertex 
    int sourceVertex = 0; 

    // --- Allocate memory for arrays 
    GraphData graph; 
    generateRandomGraph(&graph, numVertices, neighborsPerVertex); 

    // --- From adjacency list to adjacency matrix. 
    //  Initializing the adjacency matrix 
    float *weightMatrix = (float *)malloc(numVertices * numVertices * sizeof(float)); 
    for (int k = 0; k < numVertices * numVertices; k++) weightMatrix[k] = FLT_MAX; 

    // --- Displaying the adjacency list and constructing the adjacency matrix 
    printf("Adjacency list\n"); 
    for (int k = 0; k < numVertices; k++) weightMatrix[k * numVertices + k] = 0.f; 
    for (int k = 0; k < numVertices; k++) 
     for (int l = 0; l < neighborsPerVertex; l++) { 
      weightMatrix[k * numVertices + graph.edgeArray[graph.vertexArray[k] + l]] = graph.weightArray[graph.vertexArray[k] + l]; 
      printf("Vertex nr. %i; Edge nr. %i; Weight = %f\n", k, graph.edgeArray[graph.vertexArray[k] + l], 
                    graph.weightArray[graph.vertexArray[k] + l]); 

    for (int k = 0; k < numVertices * neighborsPerVertex; k++) 
     printf("%i %i %f\n", k, graph.edgeArray[k], graph.weightArray[k]); 

    // --- Displaying the adjacency matrix 
    printf("\nAdjacency matrix\n"); 
    for (int k = 0; k < numVertices; k++) { 
     for (int l = 0; l < numVertices; l++) 
      if (weightMatrix[k * numVertices + l] < FLT_MAX) 
       printf("%1.3f\t", weightMatrix[k * numVertices + l]); 

    // --- Running Dijkstra on the CPU 
    float *h_shortestDistancesCPU = (float *)malloc(numVertices * sizeof(float)); 
    dijkstraCPU(weightMatrix, h_shortestDistancesCPU, sourceVertex, numVertices); 

    printf("\nCPU results\n"); 
    for (int k = 0; k < numVertices; k++) printf("From vertex %i to vertex %i = %f\n", sourceVertex, k, h_shortestDistancesCPU[k]); 

    // --- Allocate space for the h_shortestDistancesGPU 
    float *h_shortestDistancesGPU = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * graph.numVertices); 
    dijkstraGPU(&graph, sourceVertex, h_shortestDistancesGPU); 

    printf("\nGPU results\n"); 
    for (int k = 0; k < numVertices; k++) printf("From vertex %i to vertex %i = %f\n", sourceVertex, k, h_shortestDistancesGPU[k]); 


    return 0; 