2013-04-23 3 views

Je travaille avec gwt et gwt-dnd (une bibliothèque géniale pour glisser-déposer).Déterminer l'ordre de chevauchement des éléments

J'ai un dropTarget (un div) qui chevauche un autre, et la bibliothèque choisit celle en dessous pour l'opération de drop. La raison en est que le choix est fait avec les critères suivants:

qui DropController représente Détermine le plus profond descendant DOM cible situé à la baisse emplacement prévu (x, y).

qui est bon pour descendre DropTargets, mais pas une hiérarchie comme ceci:

    <div id="a"> 
     <div id="b"> 
      <div id="c"> 
       <div id="DropTarget_D"></div> 
    <div id="1" style="position:absolute; z-index: 1; top:0; left:0"> 
     <div id="DropTarget_2"></div> 

Démo: http://jsfiddle.net/rxwMB/

Comme vous pouvez le voir à partir du code (à la fin du poste), dans ce cas DropTarget_C est utilisé (car c'est le "plus profond") même si DropTarget_2 est affiché.

Comment puis-je dire, étant donné deux composants, lequel est le plus haut?

est ici le code qui font le choix:

private int compareElement(Element myElement, Element otherElement) { 
    if (myElement == otherElement) { 
    return 0; 
    } else if (DOM.isOrHasChild(myElement, otherElement)) { 
    return -1; 
    } else if (DOM.isOrHasChild(otherElement, myElement)) { 
    return 1; 
    } else { 
    // check parent ensuring global candidate sorting is correct 
    Element myParentElement = myElement.getParentElement().cast(); 
    Element otherParentElement = otherElement.getParentElement().cast(); 
    if (myParentElement != null && otherParentElement != null) { 
     return compareElement(myParentElement, otherParentElement); 
    return 0; 

Le dropTarget est choisi à partir d'une liste ordonnée dont a été ordonnée en utilisant cette fonction. Si la liste ne contient que DropTarget_D et DropTarget_2 et les deux remplissent les conditions, le premier est choisi (même si elle est couverte par DropTarget_2)



Voici ma solution:

(pour GWT-DND: https://code.google.com/p/gwt-dnd/issues/detail?id=169)

package com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client; 

import java.util.Collections; 
import java.util.Comparator; 
import java.util.HashMap; 
import java.util.LinkedList; 
import java.util.ListIterator; 
import java.util.Queue; 
import java.util.logging.Level; 
import java.util.logging.Logger; 

import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.DropControllerCollection.Candidate; 
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element; 
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel; 

public class OverlappingDropTargetsHandler { 

    private static class StackingContext{ 
     private Element element; 
     private LinkedList<Object> childrens; 

     public StackingContext(Element element) { 
      if(element == null){ 
       throw new RuntimeException(); 
      this.element = element; 
      this.childrens = new LinkedList<Object>(); 

     public Element getElement() { 
      return element; 

     public void addChildren(Candidate candidate) { 

     public void addChildren(StackingContext stackingContext) { 

     public LinkedList<Object> getChildrens() { 
      return this.childrens; 

     public int getZIndex(){ 
      return this.element.getPropertyInt("z-index"); 

     public int hashCode() { 
      return element.hashCode(); 

     public boolean equals(Object obj) { 
      if(obj instanceof StackingContext){ 
       return this.element.equals(((StackingContext)obj).element); 
       return false; 

    public static void sort(Candidate[] candidates) {  
     HashMap<Element, OverlappingDropTargetsHandler.StackingContext> cache = new HashMap<Element, OverlappingDropTargetsHandler.StackingContext>(); 

     initStackingContextsList(candidates, cache); 

     StackingContext rootStackingContext = resolveStackingContextsHierarcy(cache); 

     cache = null; //non mi serve piu 

     assert rootStackingContext != null; 

     Comparator<Object> comparator = new Comparator<Object>() { 
      public int compare(Object a, Object b) { 
       assert a instanceof StackingContext || a instanceof Candidate; 
       assert b instanceof StackingContext || b instanceof Candidate; 

       boolean aInstanceOfStackingContext = a instanceof StackingContext; 
       boolean bInstanceOfStackingContext = b instanceof StackingContext; 

       if(aInstanceOfStackingContext && bInstanceOfStackingContext){ 
        int ai = ((StackingContext)a).getZIndex(); 
        int bi = ((StackingContext)b).getZIndex(); 
        if(ai<bi){ return -1; 
        }else if(ai>bi){ return 1; 
        }else{ return 0;} 
       }else if(aInstanceOfStackingContext && !bInstanceOfStackingContext){ 
        return ((StackingContext)a).getZIndex()<0? -1: 1; 
       }else if(!aInstanceOfStackingContext && bInstanceOfStackingContext){ 
        return ((StackingContext)b).getZIndex()<0? 1: -1; 
       }else /* if(!aInstanceOfStackingContext && !bInstanceOfStackingContext) */{ 
        return ((Candidate)a).compareTo((Candidate)b); 

     Queue<Object> queue = new LinkedList<Object>(); 
     Object o; 
     int i = 0; 
     while((o = queue.poll()) != null){ 
      if(o instanceof StackingContext){ 
       Collections.sort(((StackingContext)o).getChildrens(), comparator); 
       //reverse iterator 
       ListIterator<Object> it = ((StackingContext)o).getChildrens().listIterator(((StackingContext)o).getChildrens().size()); 
      }else /* if(o instanceof Candidate) */{ 
       candidates[i++] = (Candidate)o; 

//  if(DOMUtil.DEBUG == true){ 
//   printTree(rootStackingContext, 0);  
//   printArray(candidates); 
//  } 

    private static void initStackingContextsList(Candidate[] candidates, HashMap<Element, OverlappingDropTargetsHandler.StackingContext> cache){ 
     for(Candidate candidate : candidates) { 
      Element stackingContextElement = findNearestStackingContextParentElement(candidate.getDropTarget().getElement()); 
      if(stackingContextElement != null){ 
       StackingContext stackingContext = cache.get(stackingContextElement); 
       if(stackingContext == null){ 
        stackingContext = new StackingContext(stackingContextElement); 
        cache.put(stackingContextElement, stackingContext); 

    * @param cache 
    * @return the root StackingContext 
    private static StackingContext resolveStackingContextsHierarcy(HashMap<Element, OverlappingDropTargetsHandler.StackingContext> cache) { 
     Queue<StackingContext> queue = new LinkedList<OverlappingDropTargetsHandler.StackingContext>(cache.values()); 

     StackingContext stackingContext; 
     StackingContext rootStackingContext = null; 
     while((stackingContext = queue.poll()) != null){ 
      Element parentElement = findNearestStackingContextParentElement(stackingContext.getElement()); 
      if(parentElement != null){ 
       StackingContext parentStackingContext = cache.get(parentElement); 
       if(parentStackingContext == null){ 
        parentStackingContext = new StackingContext(parentElement); 
        cache.put(parentElement, parentStackingContext); 
       //this stackingContext is the root 
       assert rootStackingContext == null || rootStackingContext == stackingContext; 
       rootStackingContext = stackingContext; 

     return rootStackingContext; 

    * @param element 
    * @return the first parent that create a StackingContext or null if element is the root 
    private static Element findNearestStackingContextParentElement(Element element) { 
     assert element != null; 
     Element parentElement = element; 
     while((parentElement = parentElement.getParentElement()) != null){ 
//   if(DOMUtil.DEBUG == true){ 
//    parentElement.getStyle().setProperty("border", "2px solid " + "orange"); 
//   } 
       return parentElement; 
//   if(DOMUtil.DEBUG == true){ 
//    parentElement.getStyle().setProperty("border", "2px solid " + "white"); 
//   } 
     return null; 

    private static native String getComputedProperty(Element e, String property) /*-{ 
     return window.getComputedStyle(e).getPropertyValue(property); 

    private static boolean isStackingContext(Element element) { 
     String position = getComputedProperty(element, "position"); 
     String zindex = getComputedProperty(element, "z-index"); 

     if((!position.equals("static")) && (!zindex.equals("") && !zindex.equals("0"))){ 
      return true; 
     }else if(RootPanel.get().getElement() == element){ 
      return true; 
      return false; 
     //TODO: gestire gli altri casi in cui viene creata un stacking context: 

//  The root element always holds a root stacking context. 
//  Setting z-index to anything other than 1 on an element that is positioned (i.e. an element with position that isn't static). 
//  Note that this behavior is slated to be changed for elements with position: fixed such that they will always establish stacking contexts regardless of their z-index value. Some browsers have begun to adopt this behavior, however the change has not been reflected in either CSS2.1 or the new CSS Positioned Layout Module yet, so it may not be wise to rely on this behavior for now. 
//  This change in behavior is explored in another answer of mine, which in turn links to this article and this set of CSSWG telecon minutes. 
//  Another exception to this is with a flex item. Setting z-index on a flex item will always cause it to establish a stacking context even if it isn't positioned. 
//  Setting opacity to anything less than 1. 
//  Transforming the element: 
//  Setting transform to anything other than none. 
//  Setting transform-style to preserve-3d. 
//  Setting perspective to anything other than none. 
//  Creating a CSS region: setting flow-from to anything other than none on an element whose content is anything other than normal. 
//  In paged media, each page-margin box establishes its own stacking context. 

    private static void printTree(StackingContext stackingContext, int level){ 

     String s = ""; 
     for(int i = 0; i < level; i++) { 
      s += "_"; 

     for(Object o : stackingContext.getChildrens()){ 
      if(o instanceof StackingContext){ 
       Logger.getLogger("test").log(Level.WARNING, s + "(s) "+((StackingContext)o).getElement().getClassName()+" z-index="+ ((StackingContext)o).getZIndex()); 
       printTree((StackingContext)o, level+1); 
      }else /* if(o instanceof Candidate) */{ 
       Logger.getLogger("test").log(Level.WARNING, s + "(c) "+((Candidate)o).getDropTarget().getElement().getClassName()); 

    private static void printArray(Candidate[] candidates) { 
     String s = "["; 
     for(int i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) { 
      if(i < candidates.length-1){ 
       s += ", "; 
     Logger.getLogger("test").log(Level.WARNING, s +"]"); 
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