2012-01-26 4 views

J'utilise sphinx + thinking_sphinx sur ma machine locale et j'ai rencontré un problème vraiment étrange.Sphinx ne montre pas presque toutes les données en production

J'ai 2 modèles - Utilisateurs et Microposts. Sphinx obtient et montre des utilisateurs mais il ne peut pas trouver des Microposts sur ma machine de production. Sur ma machine locale, c'est le cas.

Dans la production i essayer:

[email protected]:/vol/www/apps/ror_tutorial/current# rake ts:config 
Generating Configuration to /vol/www/apps/ror_tutorial/releases/20120125204127/config/development.sphinx.conf 

[email protected]:/vol/www/apps/ror_tutorial/current# rake ts:index 
Generating Configuration to /vol/www/apps/ror_tutorial/releases/20120125204127/config/development.sphinx.conf 
Sphinx 2.0.3-release (r3043) 
Copyright (c) 2001-2011, Andrew Aksyonoff 
Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Sphinx Technologies Inc (http://sphinxsearch.com) 

using config file '/vol/www/apps/ror_tutorial/releases/20120125204127/config/development.sphinx.conf'... 
indexing index 'micropost_core'... 
WARNING: collect_hits: mem_limit=0 kb too low, increasing to 13568 kb 
collected 0 docs, 0.0 MB 
total 0 docs, 0 bytes 
total 0.012 sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0.00 docs/sec 
skipping non-plain index 'micropost'... 
indexing index 'user_core'... 
WARNING: collect_hits: mem_limit=0 kb too low, increasing to 13568 kb 
collected 1 docs, 0.0 MB 
sorted 0.0 Mhits, 100.0% done 
total 1 docs, 12 bytes 
total 0.012 sec, 1000 bytes/sec, 83.33 docs/sec 
skipping non-plain index 'user'... 
total 4 reads, 0.000 sec, 0.0 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg 
total 14 writes, 0.000 sec, 0.0 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg 
rotating indices: succesfully sent SIGHUP to searchd (pid=1959). 

[email protected]:/vol/www/apps/ror_tutorial/current $ rake ts:rebuild 
Stopped search daemon (pid 1959). 
Generating Configuration to /vol/www/apps/ror_tutorial/releases/20120125204127/config/development.sphinx.conf 
Sphinx 2.0.3-release (r3043) 
Copyright (c) 2001-2011, Andrew Aksyonoff 
Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Sphinx Technologies Inc (http://sphinxsearch.com) 
using config file '/vol/www/apps/ror_tutorial/releases/20120125204127/config/development.sphinx.conf'... 
indexing index 'micropost_core'... 
WARNING: collect_hits: mem_limit=0 kb too low, increasing to 13568 kb 
collected 0 docs, 0.0 MB 
total 0 docs, 0 bytes 
total 0.012 sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0.00 docs/sec 
skipping non-plain index 'micropost'... 
indexing index 'user_core'... 
WARNING: collect_hits: mem_limit=0 kb too low, increasing to 13568 kb 
collected 1 docs, 0.0 MB 
sorted 0.0 Mhits, 100.0% done 
total 1 docs, 12 bytes 
total 0.008 sec, 1500 bytes/sec, 125.00 docs/sec 
skipping non-plain index 'user'... 
total 4 reads, 0.000 sec, 0.0 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg 
total 14 writes, 0.000 sec, 0.0 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg 
Started successfully (pid 2218). 

Par exemple, permet d'essayer quelque chose sur la machine locale:

$ rails c 
Loading development environment (Rails 3.1.3) 
system :001 > Micropost.search 'Minus' 
    (0.3ms) SHOW search_path 
    Sphinx Query (2.3ms) Minus 
    Sphinx Found 12 results 
    Micropost Load (1.6ms) SELECT "microposts".* FROM "microposts" WHERE "microposts"."id" IN (30, 32, 91, 106, 121, 128, 160, 171, 172, 239, 258, 260) ORDER BY microposts.created_at DESC 
=> [#<Micropost id: 30, content: "Sed minus magni culpa reiciendis unde.", user_id: 1, created_at: "2012-01-15 21:11:03", updated_at: "2012-01-15 21:11:03">, #<Micropost id: 32, content: "Placeat pariatur quisquam provident velit veniam vo...", user_id: 1, created_at: "2012-01-15 21:11:03", updated_at: "2012-01-15 21:11:03">...] 

Et sur la machine de production:

$ rails c 
Loading development environment (Rails 3.1.3) 
1.9.1 :001 > Micropost.search 'Minus' 
    (4.0ms) SHOW search_path 
    Sphinx Query (4.0ms) Minus 
    Sphinx Found 0 results 
=> [] 

config/deploy. rb

#Add RVM's lib directory to the load path. 
$:.unshift(File.expand_path('./lib', ENV['rvm_path'])) 

#Load RVM's capistrano plugin.  
require "rvm/capistrano" 
require 'bundler/capistrano' 
#require 'thinking_sphinx/deploy/capistrano' 

set :rvm_ruby_string, '1.9.3-head'           #This is current version of ruby which is uses by RVM. To get version print: $ rvm list 
set :rvm_type, :root               #Don't use system-wide RVM, use my user, which name is root. 

set :user, "root"                #If you log into your server with a different user name than you are logged into your local machine with, you’ll need to tell Capistrano about that user name. 
set :rails_env, "production" 

set :application, "ror_tutorial" 
set :deploy_to, "/vol/www/apps/#{application}" 

set :scm, :git 
set :repository, "git://github.com/Loremaster/sample_app.git" 
set :branch, "master" 
set :deploy_via, :remote_cache 
default_run_options[:pty] = true            #Must be set for the password prompt from git to work#Keep cash of repository locally and with ney deploy get only changes. 

server "", :app,            # This may be the same as your `Web` server 
          :db, :primary => true        # This is where Rails migrations will run 

# If you are using Passenger mod_rails uncomment this: 
namespace :deploy do 
    task :start do ; end 
    task :stop do ; end 
    task :restart, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do 
    run "#{try_sudo} touch #{File.join(current_path,'tmp','restart.txt')}" 

desc "Prepare system" 
    task :prepare_system, :roles => :app do 
    run "cd #{current_path} && bundle install --without development test && bundle install --deployment" 

    after "deploy:update_code", :prepare_system 

Mon système

Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS 
Phusion Passenger 
PostgreSQL 9 
Rails 3.1.3 
Ruby 1.9.3 
Sphinx 2.0.3 



On dirait que vous n'avez pas de documents pour l'indice de micropost_core:

using config file '/vol/www/apps/ror_tutorial/releases/20120125204127/config/development.sphinx.conf'... 
indexing index 'micropost_core'... 
WARNING: collect_hits: mem_limit=0 kb too low, increasing to 13568 kb 
collected 0 docs, 0.0 MB 
total 0 docs, 0 bytes 
total 0.012 sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0.00 docs/sec 
skipping non-plain index 'micropost'... 

Il y a 0 docs. Pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît fournir config, et vérifier vos données sur la production?

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