2011-07-27 4 views

J'ai beaucoup de mal à essayer de me connecter au site web de mon école à partir d'un programme Java. https://ic.pausd.org/campus/portal/paloalto.jspAide Apache Http Client (POST)

import java.net.*; 
import java.io.*; 

public class JavaHttpConnect 
    private static final String POST_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; 
    private static final String LOGIN_ACTION_NAME = "Log In"; 
    private static final String LOGIN_USER_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME = "username"; 
    private static final String LOGIN_PASSWORD_PARAMETER_NAME = "password"; 

    private static final String LOGIN_USER_NAME = "test"; 
    private static final String LOGIN_PASSWORD = "test"; 

    private static final String TARGET_URL = "https://ic.pausd.org/campus/portal/paloalto.jsp"; 

    public static void main (String args[]) 
     JavaHttpConnect httpUrlBasicAuthentication = new JavaHttpConnect(); 

    * The single public method of this class that 
    * 1. Prepares a login message 
    * 2. Makes the HTTP POST to the target URL 
    * 3. Reads and returns the response 
    * @throws IOException 
    * Any problems while doing the above. 
    public void httpPostLogin() 
      // Prepare the content to be written 
      // throws UnsupportedEncodingException 
      String urlEncodedContent = preparePostContent(LOGIN_USER_NAME, LOGIN_PASSWORD); 

      HttpURLConnection urlConnection = doHttpPost(TARGET_URL, urlEncodedContent); 

      String response = readResponse(urlConnection); 

      System.out.println("Successfully made the HTPP POST."); 
      System.out.println("Recevied response is: '/n" + response + "'"); 

     catch(IOException ioException) 
      System.out.println("Problems encounterd."); 

    * Using the given username and password, and using the static string variables, prepare 
    * the login message. Note that the username and password will encoded to the 
    * UTF-8 standard. 
    * @param loginUserName 
    * The user name for login 
    * @param loginPassword 
    * The password for login 
    * @return 
    * The complete login message that can be HTTP Posted 
    * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException 
    * Any problems during URL encoding 
    private String preparePostContent(String loginUserName, String loginPassword) throws UnsupportedEncodingException 
     // Encode the user name and password to UTF-8 encoding standard 
     // throws UnsupportedEncodingException 
     String encodedLoginUserName = URLEncoder.encode(loginUserName, "UTF-8"); 
     String encodedLoginPassword = URLEncoder.encode(loginPassword, "UTF-8"); 

     String content = "login=" + LOGIN_ACTION_NAME +" &" + LOGIN_USER_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME +"=" 
     + encodedLoginUserName + "&" + LOGIN_PASSWORD_PARAMETER_NAME + "=" + encodedLoginPassword; 

     return content; 


    * Makes a HTTP POST to the target URL by using an HttpURLConnection. 
    * @param targetUrl 
    * The URL to which the HTTP POST is made. 
    * @param content 
    * The contents which will be POSTed to the target URL. 
    * @return 
    * The open URLConnection which can be used to read any response. 
    * @throws IOException 
    public HttpURLConnection doHttpPost(String targetUrl, String content) throws IOException 
     HttpURLConnection urlConnection = null; 
     DataOutputStream dataOutputStream = null; 
      // Open a connection to the target URL 
      // throws IOException 
      urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection)(new URL(targetUrl).openConnection()); 

      // Specifying that we intend to use this connection for input 

      // Specifying that we intend to use this connection for output 

      // Specifying the content type of our post 
      urlConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", POST_CONTENT_TYPE); 

      // Specifying the method of HTTP request which is POST 
      // throws ProtocolException 

      // Prepare an output stream for writing data to the HTTP connection 
      // throws IOException 
      dataOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(urlConnection.getOutputStream()); 

      // throws IOException 

      return urlConnection; 
     catch(IOException ioException) 
      System.out.println("I/O problems while trying to do a HTTP post."); 

      // Good practice: clean up the connections and streams 
      // to free up any resources if possible 
      if (dataOutputStream != null) 
       catch(Throwable ignore) 
        // Cannot do anything about problems while 
        // trying to clean up. Just ignore 
      if (urlConnection != null) 

      // throw the exception so that the caller is aware that 
      // there was some problems 
      throw ioException; 

    * Read response from the URL connection 
    * @param urlConnection 
    * The URLConncetion from which the response will be read 
    * @return 
    * The response read from the URLConnection 
    * @throws IOException 
    * When problems encountered during reading the response from the 
    * URLConnection. 
    private String readResponse(HttpURLConnection urlConnection) throws IOException 

     BufferedReader bufferedReader = null; 
      // Prepare a reader to read the response from the URLConnection 
      // throws IOException 
      bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlConnection.getInputStream())); 
      String responeLine; 

      // Good Practice: Use StringBuilder in this case 
      StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); 

      // Read untill there is nothing left in the stream 
      // throws IOException 
      while ((responeLine = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) 

      return response.toString(); 
     catch(IOException ioException) 
      System.out.println("Problems while reading the response"); 

      // throw the exception so that the caller is aware that 
      // there was some problems 
      throw ioException; 

      // Good practice: clean up the connections and streams 
      // to free up any resources if possible 
      if (bufferedReader != null) 
        // throws IOException 
       catch(Throwable ignore) 
        // Cannot do much with exceptions doing clean up 
        // Ignoring all exceptions 


Je ne comprends pas pourquoi, dans la réponse que je ne reçois pas « Nom d'utilisateur incorrect et/ou mot de passe » dans le code html du site

Toute aide s'il vous plaît? Merci


Quelle est la réponse * que vous recevez? –


Je reçois la page d'accueil (le code html) il est le même avant et après je me connecte (devrait avoir un message d'erreur après la connexion) – k9b



Il se peut que votre LOGIN_ACTION_NAME, "Connexion" contienne un espace. Vous devez UrlEncode cela aussi probablement ..


Regardez bien le code source de la page du formulaire, la cible de formulaire est verify.jsp, pas paloalto.jsp et les paramètres passés sont les suivants:


Vous devrez probablement envoyer tous ces éléments pour vous connecter.


Merci beaucoup! En passant, pensez-vous que vous pourriez me diriger dans la direction d'un bon tutoriel que je peux lire sur httpClient ect? Cet apprentissage par copier-coller n'est pas le meilleur: P – k9b


et avez-vous des suggestions sur la façon dont j'éditerais ma méthode preparePostContent en conséquence? – k9b

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