2017-10-20 7 views

Mon utilisation est d'écrire créer une table temporaire dans la base de données postgres et y récupérer des enregistrements et les insérer dans une autre table.Le code Python ne crée pas de tables sur la base de données mais peut interroger les résultats postgres

Le code i utilisé est:

import psycopg2 
import sys 
import pprint 

from __future__ import print_function 
from os.path import join,dirname,abspath 
import xlrd 
import os.path 

newlist = [] 
itemidlist = [] 

def main(): 

    conn_string = "host='prod-dump.cvv9i14mrv4k.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com' dbname='ebdb' user='ebroot' password='*********'" 
    # print the connection string we will use to connect 
    # print "Connecting to database" % (conn_string) 

    # get a connection, if a connect cannot be made an exception will be raised here 
    conn = psycopg2.connect(conn_string) 

    # conn.cursor will return a cursor object, you can use this cursor to perform queries 
    cursor = conn.cursor() 

    dealer_id = input("Please enter dealer_id: ") 
    group_id = input("Please enter group_id: ") 

    scriptpath = os.path.dirname('__file__') 
    filename = os.path.join(scriptpath, 'Winco - Gusti.xlsx') 

    xl_workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(filename, "rb") 

    xl_sheet = xl_workbook.sheet_by_index(0) 
    print('Sheet Name: %s' % xl_sheet.name) 


    from xlrd.sheet import ctype_text 

    print('(Column #) type:value') 
    for idx, cell_obj in enumerate(row): 
     cell_type_str = ctype_text.get(cell_obj.ctype, 'unknown type') 
     #print('(%s) %s %s' % (idx, cell_type_str, cell_obj.value)) 

    num_cols = xl_sheet.ncols 

    for row_idx in range(0, xl_sheet.nrows): # Iterate through rows 
     num_cols = xl_sheet.ncols 

     id_obj = xl_sheet.cell(row_idx, 1) # Get cell object by row, col 
     itemid = id_obj.value 
     #if itemid not in itemidlist: 

     # execute our Query 
     if not exists(SELECT 1 FROM model_enable AS c WHERE c.name = %s); 
      INSERT INTO model_enable (name) VALUES (%s) 
     """ %(itemid,itemid)) 
    cursor.execute("drop table temp_mbp1") 

     cursor.execute("SELECT p.model_no, pc.id as PCid, g.id AS GROUPid into public.temp_mbp1 FROM products p, \ 
     model_enable me, products_clients pc, groups g WHERE p.model_no = me.name \ 
     and p.id = pc.product_id and pc.client_id = %s and pc.client_id = g.client_id and g.id = %s"\ 
     % (dealer_id,group_id) 

    except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: 

    cursor.execute("select count(*) from public.temp_mbp1") 
    # retrieve the records from the database 
    records = cursor.fetchall() 

    # print out the records using pretty print 
    # note that the NAMES of the columns are not shown, instead just indexes. 
    # for most people this isn't very useful so we'll show you how to return 
    # columns as a dictionary (hash) in the next example. 

if __name__ == "__main__": 

L'essai except entre le programme ne jette aucune erreur, mais la table ne se crée dans la base de données postgres que je vois dans l'admin de données.

La sortie est montré:

Please enter dealer_id: 90 
Please enter group_id: 13 
Sheet Name: Winco Full 8_15_17 
(Column #) type:value 

Merci, Santosh


L'instruction pprint (enregistrements) affiche-t-elle quelque chose? – chasmani


oui. il montre la sortie. – lifeofpy



Vous n'a pas commis les changements, donc ils ne sont pas enregistrés dans la base de données. Ajouter en bas, juste en dessous de l'instruction pprint:
