2009-06-12 4 views
enter code 

for ($ i = 0; iEntry $); $ i ++) { Retrait de l'URL et @REPLIES d'un tweet

//get the id from entry 
$id = $xml->entry[$i]->id; 

//explode the $id by ":" 
$id_parts = explode(":",$id); 

//the last part is the tweet id 
$tweet_id = array_pop($id_parts); 

//get the account link 
$account_link = $xml->entry[$i]->author->uri; 

//get the image link 
$image_link = $xml->entry[$i]->link[1]->attributes()->href; 

//get name from entry and trim the last ")" 
$name = trim($xml->entry[$i]->author->name, ")"); 

//explode $name by the rest "(" inside it 
$name_parts = explode("(", $name); 

//get the real name of user from the last part 
$real_name = trim(array_pop($name_parts)); 

//the rest part is the screen name 
$screen_name = trim(array_pop($name_parts)); 

//get the published time, replace T & Z with " " and trim the last " " 
$published_time = trim(str_replace(array("T","Z")," ",$xml->entry[$i]->published)); 

//get the status link 
$status_link = $xml->entry[$i]->link[0]->attributes()->href; 

//get the tweet 
$tweet = $xml->entry[$i]->content; 

//remove <b> and </b> from the tweet. If you want to show bold keyword then you can comment this line 
$tweet = str_replace(array("<b>", "</b>"),array("<p><big><big>",""), $tweet); 

//get the source link 
$source = $xml->entry[$i]->source; 

//the result div that holds the information 
echo '<div class="result" id="'. $tweet_id .'"> 
     <div class="profile_image"><a href="'. $account_link .'"><img src="'. $image_link .'"></a></div> 
     <div class="status"> 
      <div class="content"> 
       '. $tweet .' 


} echo "";

Dans le code, la variable $ tweet contient le texte du tweet mais contient également les URL qui ont été twittées, # hashtags et @replies. Je veux les supprimer du tweet et il ne reste plus que le contenu du texte. Comment je fais ça?

toute aide sera appréciée. thnx YA'LL



Une regex simple, va le faire:

$cleanText = preg_replace("/[#@]\\S+/", "", $tweetText); 

remerciements pour les travaux de response..it mais le texte après les urls se mis en évidence et deviennent des liens ... wat puis-je faire ce combat ? –

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