2016-08-25 2 views

J'exporte des données de calendrier Outlook à partir d'un calendrier partagé vers Excel. Tout fonctionne parfaitement, sauf que mon code exporte les éléments récurrents avec leur date de publication originale de la série et non pour chaque instance.Outlook Exporter un calendrier partagé vers Excel - Evénements récurrents ne pas exporter correctement

J'ai vu un message connexe "Comment afficher la date de début d'une INSTANCE d'une série récurrente?" mais je ne pouvais pas le faire fonctionner - je pense que mes yeux sont buggy maintenant et j'ai besoin d'aide ...


Sub Export_Calendar_Final() 
Const SCRIPT_NAME = "Export Calendar to Excel" 
Const xlAscending = 1 
Const xlYes = 1 
Dim olkFld As Object, _ 
    olkLst As Object, _ 
    olkRes As Object, _ 
    olkApt As Object, _ 
    olkRec As Object, _ 
    excApp As Object, _ 
    excWkb As Object, _ 
    excWks As Object, _ 
    lngRow As Long, _ 
    lngCnt As Long, _ 
    strFil As String, _ 
    strLst As String, _ 
    strDat As String, _ 
    datBeg As Date, _ 
    datEnd As Date, _ 
    arrTmp As Variant 
Dim myNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace 
Dim myRecipient As Outlook.Recipient 
Set myNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI") 
Set myRecipient = myNamespace.CreateRecipient("John Doe") 
Dim CalendarFolder As Outlook.Folder 
Set CalendarFolder = myNamespace.GetSharedDefaultFolder(myRecipient,  olFolderCalendar) 
Dim CalendarItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem 
Set CalendarItem = CalendarFolder.Items(1) 
CalendarFolder.Items.Sort "[Start]" 
CalendarFolder.Items.IncludeRecurrences = True 

    datBeg = DateAdd("d", -14, Date) 
    datEnd = Date 

Dim RestictStr As String 
RestrictStr = "[Start] >= '" & Format(datBeg, "ddddd h:nn AMPM") & "' AND [Start] <= '" & Format(datEnd, "ddddd h:nn AMPM") & "'" 

Set olkRes = CalendarFolder.Items.Restrict(RestrictStr) 

    strFil = "I:\Weekly Sales Order Reports\Sales Calendar Export\John Doe.xlsx" 'change folder and file name as needed 

     Set excApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 
     Set excWkb = excApp.Workbooks.Add() 
     Set excWks = excWkb.Worksheets(1) 
     'Write Excel Column Headers 
     With excWks 
      .Cells(1, 1) = "Subject" 
      .Cells(1, 2) = "Start Date" 
      .Cells(1, 3) = "Start Time" 
      .Cells(1, 4) = "End Date" 
      .Cells(1, 5) = "End Time" 
      .Cells(1, 6) = "All day event" 
      .Cells(1, 7) = "Required Attendees" 
      .Cells(1, 8) = "Categories" 
      .Cells(1, 9) = "Hours" 
      .Cells(1, 10) = "Location" 
      .Cells(1, 11) = "Mailbox" 

     End With 
     lngRow = 2 

     For Each olkApt In olkRes 
      'Only export appointments 
      If olkApt.Class = olAppointment Then 
       strLst = "" 
       For Each olkRec In olkApt.Recipients 
        strLst = strLst & olkRec.Name & ", " 
       If strLst <> "" Then strLst = Left(strLst, Len(strLst) - 2) 
       'Add a row for each field in the message you want to export 
       excWks.Cells(lngRow, 1) = olkApt.Subject 
       excWks.Cells(lngRow, 2) = Format(olkApt.Start, "mm/dd/yyyy") 
       excWks.Cells(lngRow, 3) = Format(olkApt.Start, "hh:nn:ss") 
       excWks.Cells(lngRow, 4) = Format(olkApt.End, "mm/dd/yyyy") 
       excWks.Cells(lngRow, 5) = Format(olkApt.End, "hh:nn:ss") 
       excWks.Cells(lngRow, 6) = olkApt.AllDayEvent = bolAllDay 
       excWks.Cells(lngRow, 7) = strLst 
       excWks.Cells(lngRow, 8) = olkApt.Categories 
       excWks.Cells(lngRow, 9) = DateDiff("n", olkApt.Start, olkApt.End)/60 
       excWks.Cells(lngRow, 9).NumberFormat = "0.00" 
       excWks.Cells(lngRow, 10) = olkApt.Location 
       excWks.Cells(lngRow, 11) = "John Doe" 
       lngRow = lngRow + 1 
       lngCnt = lngCnt + 1 
      End If 
     excWkb.SaveAs "I:\Weekly Sales Order Reports\Sales Calendar Export\John Doe.xlsx" 

     Set excWks = Nothing 
     Set excWkb = Nothing 
     Set excApp = Nothing 
     Set olkApt = Nothing 
     Set olkLst = Nothing 
     Set olkFld = Nothing 

     MsgBox "Process complete. A total of " & lngCnt & " appointments were exported.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, SCRIPT_NAME 

End Sub 



Votre problème est: il n'y a qu'une seule entrée dans un dossier de calendrier pour un élément récurrent et vous n'êtes pas en train d'interroger l'une des propriétés des éléments récurrents.

Si vous recherchez une entrée par récurrence dans votre feuille de calcul, vous devrez les générer. Vous aurez besoin d'une date de fin à moins que vous ne souhaitiez que les entrées «pour toujours» se reproduisent jusqu'à l'année 4500 et une sorte de feuille de calcul après avoir terminé le traitement de tous les éléments du calendrier.

Je ne me souviens pas des circonstances dans lesquelles j'ai codé la macro ci-dessous. Il s'agit clairement d'une recherche d'éléments de calendrier et non d'une tentative de création de joli résultat. Je place une instruction Debug.Assert False en haut de chaque chemin à travers mon code et commente ces instructions lorsque je les rencontre. Je semble avoir généré des entrées de test pour la plupart des différents types de récurrence, bien que le commentaire Have not thought repeating multi-day appointments through suggère pas tous.

J'ai mis à jour la ligne 12 pour adresser mon bureau actuel afin que ce code fonctionne avec Office 2016 et Windows 10 ainsi que les versions beaucoup plus anciennes pour lesquelles il a été écrit. Vous devrez mettre à jour la ligne 12 pour adresser un dossier sur votre système. Essayez ce code avec votre calendrier partagé puis montez-le pour la fonctionnalité dont vous avez besoin pour mettre à jour votre code.

Option Explicit 
Sub DspCalandarItems() 

    Dim ItemCrnt As Object 
    Dim ItemCrntClass As Long 
    Dim FileOut As Object 
    Dim FolderSrc As MAPIFolder 
    Dim FSO As FileSystemObject 
    Dim RecurrPattCrnt As RecurrencePattern 

    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
    Set FileOut = FSO.CreateTextFile("c:\users\Admin\Desktop\Appointments.txt", True) 

    With GetNamespace("MAPI") 

    Set FolderSrc = .GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar) 
    FileOut.WriteLine ("Number of items: " & FolderSrc.Items.Count) 

    For Each ItemCrnt In FolderSrc.Items 

     With ItemCrnt 

     ' Occasionally I get syncronisation 
     ' errors. This code avoids them. 
     ItemCrntClass = 0 
     On Error Resume Next 
     ItemCrntClass = .Class 
     On Error GoTo 0 

     ' I have never found anything but appointments in 
     ' Calendar but test just in case 
     If ItemCrntClass = olAppointment Then 

      Select Case .RecurrenceState 
      Case olApptException 
       FileOut.WriteLine ("Recurrence state is Exception") 
       If .AllDayEvent Then 
       FileOut.WriteLine ("All day " & Format(.Start, "ddd d mmm yy")) 
       Debug.Assert False 
       ElseIf Day(.Start) = Day(.End) Then 
       ' Appointment starts and finishes on same day 
       If Format(.Start, "hh:mm") <> Format(.End, "hh:mm") Then 
        ' Different start and end times on same day 
        FileOut.Write ("From " & Format(.Start, "hh:mm") & " to " & _ 
              Format(.End, "hh:mm") & " on " & Format(.Start, "ddd d mmm yy")) 
        Debug.Assert False 
        ' Start and end time the same 
        Debug.Assert False 
        FileOut.Write ("At " & Format(.Start, "hh:mm") & " on " & Format(.Start, "ddd d mmm yy")) 
       End If 
       ' Different start and end dates. 
       FileOut.Write ("From " & Format(.Start, "hh:mm") & " on " & Format(.Start, "ddd d mmm yy") & " to " & _ 
             Format(.End, "hh:mm") & " on " & Format(.End, "ddd d mmm yy")) 
       End If 
       Debug.Assert False 
      Case olApptMaster 
       Set RecurrPattCrnt = .GetRecurrencePattern 
       Debug.Assert Year(RecurrPattCrnt.PatternStartDate) = Year(.Start) 
       Debug.Assert Month(RecurrPattCrnt.PatternStartDate) = Month(.Start) 
       Debug.Assert Day(RecurrPattCrnt.PatternStartDate) = Day(.Start) 
       If .AllDayEvent Then 
       FileOut.Write ("All day ") 
       ElseIf Day(.Start) = Day(.End) Then 
       Debug.Assert False 
       ' Appointment starts and finishes on same day 
       If Format(.Start, "hh:mm") <> Format(.End, "hh:mm") Then 
        ' Different start and end times on same day 
        FileOut.Write ("From " & Format(.Start, "hh:mm") & " to " & _ 
              Format(.End, "hh:mm") & " ") 
        Debug.Assert False 
        ' Start and end time the same 
        FileOut.Write ("At " & Format(.Start, "hh:mm") & " ") 
        Debug.Assert False 
       End If 
       ElseIf DateDiff("d", .Start, .End) = 1 And Format(.Start, "hh:mm") = "00:00" And _ 
                 Format(.End, "hh:mm") = "00:00" Then 
       FileOut.Write ("All day ") 
       'Debug.Assert False 
       ' Have not thought repeating multi-day appointments through 
       Debug.Assert False 
       FileOut.Write ("XXX From " & Format(.Start, "hh:mm") & " on " & Format(.Start, "ddd d mmm yy") & " to " & _ 
             Format(.End, "hh:mm") & " on " & Format(.End, "ddd d mmm yy")) 
       End If 
       Select Case RecurrPattCrnt.RecurrenceType 
       Case olRecursDaily 
        FileOut.Write ("daily") 
       Case olRecursMonthly 
       Case olRecursMonthNth 
        FileOut.Write ("nth monthly") 
       Case olRecursWeekly 
        FileOut.Write ("weekly") 
        Debug.Assert False 
       Case olRecursYearly 
        'Debug.Assert False 
        FileOut.Write ("yearly") 
       End Select ' RecurrPattCrnt.RecurrenceType 
       FileOut.Write (" from " & Format(RecurrPattCrnt.PatternStartDate, "ddd d mmm yy")) 
       If Year(RecurrPattCrnt.PatternEndDate) = 4500 Then 
       ' For ever 
       'Debug.Assert False 
       FileOut.Write (" to " & Format(RecurrPattCrnt.PatternEndDate, "ddd d mmm yy")) 
       'Debug.Assert False 
       End If 
      Case olApptNotRecurring 
       If .AllDayEvent Then 
       FileOut.Write ("All day " & Format(.Start, "ddd d mmm yy")) 
       'Debug.Assert False 
       ElseIf Day(.Start) = Day(.End) Then 
       ' Appointment starts and finishes on same day 
       If Format(.Start, "hh:mm") <> Format(.End, "hh:mm") Then 
        ' Different start and end times on same day 
        FileOut.Write ("From " & Format(.Start, "hh:mm") & " to " & _ 
              Format(.End, "hh:mm") & " on " & Format(.Start, "ddd d mmm yy")) 
        'Debug.Assert False 
        ' Start and end time the same 
        FileOut.Write ("At " & Format(.Start, "hh:mm") & " on " & Format(.Start, "ddd d mmm yy")) 
        'Debug.Assert False 
       End If 
       ' Different start and end dates. 
       FileOut.Write ("From " & Format(.Start, "hh:mm") & " on " & Format(.Start, "ddd d mmm yy") & " to " & _ 
             Format(.End, "hh:mm") & " on " & Format(.End, "ddd d mmm yy")) 
       'Debug.Assert False 
       End If 
      Case olApptOccurrence 
       FileOut.WriteLine ("Occurrence") 
       Debug.Assert False 
      Case Else 
       Debug.Print ("Unknown recurrence state " & .RecurrenceState) 
       Debug.Assert False 
       FileOut.WriteLine ("Unknown recurrence state " & .RecurrenceState) 
      End Select ' .RecurrenceState 
      If .Subject <> "" Then 
      FileOut.Write (" " & .Subject) 
      FileOut.Write (" ""No subject""") 
      End If 
      If .Location <> "" Then 
      FileOut.Write (" at " & .Location) 
      FileOut.Write (" at undefined location") 
      End If 
      FileOut.WriteLine ("") 
      If .Body <> "" Then 
      FileOut.WriteLine (" Body: " & .Body) 
      End If 

     End If ' ItemCrntClass = olAppointment 

     End With ' ItemCrnt 

    Next ItemCrnt 

    End With ' GetNamespace("MAPI") 


End Sub