2017-10-15 4 views

Je suis débutant dans Circé et je voudrais récupérer des informations de ce JSonParse tableau JSON avec Circé

      "name":"The Octocat", 
      "email":"[email protected]", 
      "name":"The Octocat", 
      "email":"[email protected]", 
     "message":"Merge pull request #6 from Spaceghost/patch-1\n\nNew line at end of file.", 
      "name":"Johnneylee Jack Rollins", 
      "email":"[email protected]", 
      "name":"Johnneylee Jack Rollins", 
      "email":"[email protected]", 
     "message":"New line at end of file. --Signed off by Spaceghost", 

Je ne comprends pas comment ce code ne capture pas d'informations sur l'auteur '

val doc= parse(response.json.toString()).getOrElse(Json.Null) 
doc.hcursor.downArray.downField("commit").right.as[Seq[String]] match { 
    case Left(failure) => println("Fail") 
    case Right(json) => println("Ok") 

Avez-vous une idée?

Merci à l'avance,


Pouvez-vous fournir plus d'informations? Quel type est 'response'? Quelles sont vos importations? – Tanjin



Votre JSON contient des virgules dans fuite certains endroits. C'est la spécification against.

val json = 
     "name":"The Octocat", 
     "email":"[email protected]", 
     "name":"The Octocat", 
     "email":"[email protected]", 
     "message":"Merge pull request #6 from Spaceghost/patch-1\n\nNew line at end of file." 
     "name":"Johnneylee Jack Rollins", 
     "email":"[email protected]", 
     "name":"Johnneylee Jack Rollins", 
     "email":"[email protected]", 
     "message":"New line at end of file. --Signed off by Spaceghost" 

    case class Author(name: String, email: String, date: String) 
    case class Committer(name: String, email: String, date: String) 
    case class Commit(author: Author, committer: Committer, message: String) 
    case class Record(sha: String, commit: Commit, url: String) 

    decode[Seq[Record]](json) match { 
     case Right(records) => records.foreach(record => println(record.commit.author)) 
     case Left(error) => println(error) 

//Author(The Octocat,[email protected],2012-03-06T23:06:50Z) 
//Author(Johnneylee Jack Rollins,[email protected],2011-09-14T04:42:41Z) 

et le code comme la vôtre fonctionne aussi bien:

val doc= parse(json).getOrElse(Json.Null) 
doc.hcursor.downArray.downField("commit").downField("author").downField("name").as[String] match { 
    case Left(failure) => println(failure) 
    case Right(name) => println(name) 
// The Octocat