2010-07-05 7 views

J'ai un script de recherche de domaine ajax.Copier/ajouter une réponse à une autre zone de texte non-ajax Ajax textarea

Regardez ici pour DEMO:

Voici le code JS pour la forme Ajax Textarea1

<script type="text/javascript"> 
//Specify the time to wait before checking 
var intervalToCheckForChange = 250; // in milliseconds, 300 = 0.3sec 
var request; 
var statusDivJS; 
var isAvailableDivJS; 
var domainInput; 
var domainsAvailableInput; 
var isInProgress = false; 
var prevCheckValue = ".com"; 
var whatDomainDivJS; 
var intStartCheck; 
var isLoaded = false; 
var intFailedResponse; 
var timesError = 0; 
<?php if ($allowedTLDs != null) { ?> 
var allowedTLDs = new Array(<?php 
       $totalSize = count($allowedTLDs); 
       for ($i = 0; $i < $totalSize; $i++) 
        echo '"'.$allowedTLDs[$i].'"'; 
        if ($i != ($totalSize-1)) echo ','; 
       ?> ); 
<?php } else { ?>    
var allowedTLDs = null; 
<?php } ?> 
var ajaxDomainForm; 
var showAvailableDomains = <?php if (SHOW_AVAILABLE_DOMAINS) echo 'true'; else echo 'false'; ?>; 
var enableCaptcha = <?php if (ENABLE_RECAPTCHA) echo 'true'; else echo 'false'; ?>; 
var recaptcha_text; 
function checkDomain() 
    if (isInProgress) return; 
    isInProgress = true; 
    prevCheckValue = domainInput.value; 
    if (domainInput.value.indexOf(".") < 0) 
     statusDivJS.innerHTML = "<span style='color:red;'>Enter the TLD (e.g: "+domainInput.value+".COM)<\/span>"; 
     isInProgress = false; 
    else if ((enableCaptcha) && ((Recaptcha == null) || ((Recaptcha.get_response() == '')))) 
     statusDivJS.innerHTML = "<span style='color:red;'>Please fill in the captcha field below [ <a href='#' onClick='checkDomain();return false;'>Retry<\/a> ]<\/span>"; 
     isInProgress = false; 
     //check whether valid extension 
     extension = prevCheckValue.substr(prevCheckValue.indexOf('.')+1); 
     if ((extension != '') && (allowedTLDs != null)) 
      found = false; 
      for (i = 0; i < allowedTLDs.length; i++) 
       if (allowedTLDs[i] == extension) 
        found = true; 
      if (found == false) 
       statusDivJS.innerHTML = "<span style='color:red;'>TLD not allowed. Only "+allowedTLDs+" TLDs allowed<\/span>"; 
       isInProgress = false; 
    re = new RegExp("^([a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.)*[a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?$"); 
    if (prevCheckValue.match(re) == null) 
     statusDivJS.innerHTML = "<span style='color:red;'>Invalid Domain (Letters, numbers and hypens only) <\/span>"; 
     isInProgress = false; 
    statusDivJS.innerHTML = "<span style='color:green;'><img src='prg.gif' height='16' width='16' alt='in progress'>Checking "+prevCheckValue+" [ <a href='#' onClick='abortRequest();return false;'>Abort<\/a>/<a href='#' onClick='retryRequest();return false;'>Retry<\/a> ]<\/span>"; 
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari, ... 
     request = new XMLHttpRequest(); 
    else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE 
     request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); 
    recap_challenge = ''; 
    recap_response = ''; 
    <?php if (ENABLE_RECAPTCHA) { ?> 
    recap_challenge = Recaptcha.get_challenge(); 
    recap_response = Recaptcha.get_response(); 
    if (recap_challenge == null) return; 
    <?php } ?> 
    var requestUrl = "?aj=&ma="+Math.random()+"&domain="+prevCheckValue+"&rc="+recap_challenge+"&rr="+recap_response; 
    //document.location.href = requestUrl;return; 
    request.onreadystatechange = processResponse; 
    intFailedResponse = setTimeout("failedResponse()",15000); 
    try {request.send(null); } 
    catch (e) 
     statusDivJS.innerHTML = "<span style='color:red;'>Error connecting to server ("+timesError+"x)<\/span>";  
function failedResponse() 
    if (!isInProgress) return; 
    isInProgress = false; 
    statusDivJS.innerHTML = "<span style='color:red;'>Error connecting to server ("+timesError+"x)(<a href='#' onClick='checkDomain();return false;'>Retry<\/a>)<\/span>"; 
    request = null; 
function retryRequest() 
    if (!isInProgress) return; 
    isInProgress = false; 
    request = null; 
    statusDivJS.innerHTML = "<span style='color:red;'>Retrying<\/span>"; 
function abortRequest() 
    if (!isInProgress) return; 
    isInProgress = false; 
    request = null; 
    statusDivJS.innerHTML = "<span style='color:red;'>Aborted<\/span>"; 
function updateDomainTld(tldBox) 
    var domainText = domainInput.value; 
    if (domainText.indexOf('.') == -1) return; 
    domainText = domainText.substr(domainText,domainText.indexOf('.')); 
    domainInput.value = domainText + "." + tldBox.value; 
function processResponse() 
    statusDivJS = document.getElementById("statusDiv"); 
    if (request.readyState == 4) 
     var requestXML = request.responseXML; 
     if ((requestXML != null) && (typeof(requestXML) == "object") && (requestXML.getElementsByTagName("domainname")[0] != null)) 
      statusDivJS.innerHTML = "Done (<a href='#' onClick='checkDomain();return false;'>Force Check<\/a>)"; 
      isInProgress = false; 
      var domain = requestXML.getElementsByTagName("domainname")[0].firstChild.data; 
      var available = requestXML.getElementsByTagName("available")[0].firstChild.data; 
      var errorMsg = ""; 
      if (requestXML.getElementsByTagName("errorMsg")[0].firstChild != null) 
       errorMsg = requestXML.getElementsByTagName("errorMsg")[0].firstChild.data; 
       if (errorMsg.indexOf('Captcha') > -1) 
        Recaptcha.create("<?php echo RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY; ?>", 
         "recaptcha_div", { 
          theme: "white", 
          callback: Recaptcha.focus_response_field 
      if (available == "true") 
       statusDivJS.innerHTML = "<span style='color:green;'>'"+domain+"' is available!<\/span>"; 
           available = "<span style='color:green;'><b>YES<\/b><\/span> "; 
       if (showAvailableDomains) 
        if (domainsAvailableInput.value.indexOf(domain +" ") == -1) 
         domainsAvailableInput.value = domainsAvailableInput.value + domain +" \n"; 
       statusDivJS.innerHTML = "'"+domain+"' is not available."; 
       available = "<span style='color:red;'>NO<\/span>"; 
      if (errorMsg != "") 
       statusDivJS.innerHTML = "<span style='color:red;'>"+errorMsg+"<\/span> [ <a href='#' onClick='checkDomain();return false;'>Retry<\/a> ]";   
      if (whatDomainDivJS != null) 
       whatDomainDivJS.innerHTML = domain; 
      if (isAvailableDivJS != null) 
       isAvailableDivJS.innerHTML = available; 
    else if (request.readyState == 3) 
     statusDivJS.innerHTML = "Request sent..."; 
function checkForChange() 
    if (!isLoaded) return; 
    if (domainInput == null) return; 
    if (domainInput.value == '') return; 
    if (prevCheckValue != (domainInput.value)) 
     intStartCheck = setTimeout("checkDomain()",intervalToCheckForChange); 
function bodyonLoad() 
    statusDivJS = document.getElementById("statusDiv"); 
    isAvailableDivJS = document.getElementById("isAvailableDiv"); 
    domainInput = document.getElementById("domain"); 
    domainsAvailableInput = document.getElementById("domainsAvailable"); 
    whatDomainDivJS = document.getElementById("whatDomainDiv"); 
    ajaxDomainForm = document.getElementById("ajaxDomainForm"); 
    <?php if (ENABLE_RECAPTCHA) { ?> 
    Recaptcha.create("<?php echo RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY; ?>", 
     "recaptcha_div", { 
      theme: "white", 
      callback: Recaptcha.focus_response_field 
    <?php } ?> 
    recaptcha_text = document.getElementById('recaptcha_text'); 
    isLoaded = true; 
window.onload = bodyonLoad; 

Voici le code HTML pour Ajax textarea1

<form onSubmit="checkDomain();return false;" id="ajaxDomainForm" action=""> 
<input name="domain" type="text" id="domain" style="font-size:2em; width:60%;" onKeyUp="checkForChange();" maxlength="255"> 
<div id='statusDiv' style="font-weight:bold">Type a domain name!</div><br> 
<textarea name="domainsAvailableInput" cols="40" rows="7" id="domainsAvailable" readonly="readonly"></textarea> 
<div id='whatDomainDiv' style="font-weight:bold">Domain</div> 
<div id='isAvailableDiv' style="font-size:5em">?</div> 

Voici le code HTML pour le formulaire NON-Ajax textarea2

<form id="" method="post" action="/domainchecker.php?search=bulk"> 
<textarea name="bulkdomains" cols="60" rows="8"></textarea> 
<input type="submit" id="Submit" value="Lookup"> 

Ce que je veux, c'est que, une fois que j'obtiens une réponse ajax du serveur dans textarea1, copiez/ajoutez-le à textarea2.

La raison est que je suis incapable d'accomplir l'action dans textarea1 en raison des limites de domainchecker.php de form2

Comment puis-je y parvenir?


  • Mandar



il ... il .. Ce travaillé.

Voir travail DEMO

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script> 

//These are my two textboxes as I mentioned in my Question.// 

    <textarea name="domainsAvailableInput" id="domainsAvailable" cols="60" rows="8"></textarea> 

    <textarea name="bulkdomains" id="client" cols="60" rows="8"></textarea> 

// On clicking this checkbox textarea1 value is copied to textarea2.// 

    <input type="checkbox" id="Get"> 

    <script type="text/javascript"> 
     $("input:checkbox").click(function() { 
    if (this.checked) { 
    } else { 

La meilleure chose à faire est de mettre la réponse dans les deux endroits dans le cadre de l'appel ajax.

Je suggère d'essayer jQuery, vous trouverez rend votre code JS dix fois plus facile à lire et à écrire


Je sais que votre conseil était bien intentionné, et je suis d'accord avec elle, en fait, mais je vous offre l'avertissement doux qui ici sur SO la suggestion « juste essayer jQuery » a tendance à augmenter camail. – Pointy


merci pour votre réponse, mais je suis newbie.don't avoir tellement d'idées sur jquery. – MANnDAaR


Si elle est annexant simplement une réponse, vous pouvez utiliser (il suffit d'ajouter id aux textareas) :

document.getElementById("bulkdomains").value += responseText 
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