2011-09-21 1 views



cela pourrait aider: ImageAnimator.Animate Method

using System; 
using System.Drawing; 
using System.Windows.Forms; 

public class animateImage : Form 

    //Create a Bitmpap Object. 
    Bitmap animatedImage = new Bitmap("SampleAnimation.gif"); 
    bool currentlyAnimating = false; 

    //This method begins the animation. 
    public void AnimateImage() 
     if (!currentlyAnimating) 

      //Begin the animation only once. 
      ImageAnimator.Animate(animatedImage, new EventHandler(this.OnFrameChanged)); 
      currentlyAnimating = true; 

    private void OnFrameChanged(object o, EventArgs e) 

     //Force a call to the Paint event handler. 

    protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) 

     //Begin the animation. 

     //Get the next frame ready for rendering. 

     //Draw the next frame in the animation. 
     e.Graphics.DrawImage(this.animatedImage, new Point(0, 0)); 

    public static void Main() 
     Application.Run(new animateImage()); 

GIF animé je animation prêt - je ne suis pas intéressé à faire manuel –