2017-01-29 3 views

J'essaie de faire une saisie semi-automatique pour un modèle en django. Première fois en utilisant une botte de foin avec une recherche élastique. Lorsque je clique sur api SearchQuerySet retourner tableau d'objets vides.Haystack SearchQuerySet return Tableau d'objets vides


from __future__ import unicode_literals 

from django.db import models 

class Movie(models.Model): 
    title = models.CharField(max_length=250) 
    year = models.CharField(max_length=250) 
    location = models.CharField(max_length=250) 
    fun_fact = models.CharField(max_length=250, null=True) 
    production_company = models.CharField(max_length=250) 
    director = models.CharField(max_length=250) 
    actor1 = models.CharField(max_length=250) 
    actor2 = models.CharField(max_length=250, null=True) 
    actor3 = models.CharField(max_length=250, null=True) 
    longitude = models.DecimalField(max_digits=9, decimal_places=6) 
    latitude = models.DecimalField(max_digits=9, decimal_places=6) 

    def __str__(self): 
     return self.title 


from haystack import indexes 
from models import Movie 

class MovieIndex(indexes.SearchIndex, indexes.Indexable): 
    text = indexes.CharField(document=True, use_template=True) 
    year = indexes.CharField(model_attr='year') 

    content_auto = indexes.EdgeNgramField(model_attr='title') 

    def get_model(self): 
     return Movie 

    def index_queryset(self, using=None): 
     """Used when the entire index for model is updated.""" 
     return self.get_model().objects.all() 


from django.shortcuts import render 

# Create your views here. 
import json 
from django.http import HttpResponse 
from haystack.query import SearchQuerySet 

def autocomplete(request): 
    sqs = SearchQuerySet().all() 
    suggestions = [result.title for result in sqs] 
    # Make sure you return a JSON object, not a bare list. 
    # Otherwise, you could be vulnerable to an XSS attack. 
    the_data = json.dumps({ 
     'results': suggestions 
    return HttpResponse(the_data, content_type='application/json') 


{{ object.title }} 
{{ object.year }} 
{{ object.production_company }} 
{{ object.director }} 

L'indexation est fait ci-dessous mes données d'index

"took": 60, 
"timed_out": false, 
"_shards": { 
    "total": 5, 
    "successful": 5, 
    "failed": 0 
"hits": { 
    "total": 22, 
    "max_score": 1, 
    "hits": [ 
     "_index": "haystack", 
     "_type": "modelresult", 
     "_id": "app.movie.7", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_source": { 
     "django_ct": "app.movie", 
     "django_id": "7", 
     "year": "1978", 
     "text": "A Night Full of Rain\n1978\nLiberty Film\nLina Wertmuller\n", 
     "id": "app.movie.7" 
     "_index": "haystack", 
     "_type": "modelresult", 
     "_id": "app.movie.9", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_source": { 
     "django_ct": "app.movie", 
     "django_id": "9", 
     "year": "1997", 
     "text": "A Smile Like Yours\n1997\nParamount Pictures\nKeith Samples\n", 
     "id": "app.movie.9" 
     "_index": "haystack", 
     "_type": "modelresult", 
     "_id": "app.movie.13", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_source": { 
     "django_ct": "app.movie", 
     "django_id": "13", 
     "year": "1985", 
     "text": "A View to a Kill\n1985\nMetro-Goldwyn Mayer\nJohn Glen\n", 
     "id": "app.movie.13" 
     "_index": "haystack", 
     "_type": "modelresult", 
     "_id": "app.movie.14", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_source": { 
     "django_ct": "app.movie", 
     "django_id": "14", 
     "year": "1985", 
     "text": "A View to a Kill\n1985\nMetro-Goldwyn Mayer\nJohn Glen\n", 
     "id": "app.movie.14" 
     "_index": "haystack", 
     "_type": "modelresult", 
     "_id": "app.movie.16", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_source": { 
     "django_ct": "app.movie", 
     "django_id": "16", 
     "year": "1985", 
     "text": "A View to a Kill\n1985\nMetro-Goldwyn Mayer\nJohn Glen\n", 
     "id": "app.movie.16" 
     "_index": "haystack", 
     "_type": "modelresult", 
     "_id": "app.movie.20", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_source": { 
     "django_ct": "app.movie", 
     "django_id": "20", 
     "year": "1936", 
     "text": "After the Thin Man\n1936\nMetro-Goldwyn Mayer\nW.S. Van Dyke\n", 
     "id": "app.movie.20" 
     "_index": "haystack", 
     "_type": "modelresult", 
     "_id": "app.movie.22", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_source": { 
     "django_ct": "app.movie", 
     "django_id": "22", 
     "year": "2015", 
     "text": "Age of Adaline\n2015\nLionsgate/Sidney Kimmel Entertainment/Lakeshore Entertainment\nLee Toland Krieger\n", 
     "id": "app.movie.22" 
     "_index": "haystack", 
     "_type": "modelresult", 
     "_id": "app.movie.15", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_source": { 
     "django_ct": "app.movie", 
     "django_id": "15", 
     "year": "1985", 
     "text": "A View to a Kill\n1985\nMetro-Goldwyn Mayer\nJohn Glen\n", 
     "id": "app.movie.15" 
     "_index": "haystack", 
     "_type": "modelresult", 
     "_id": "app.movie.17", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_source": { 
     "django_ct": "app.movie", 
     "django_id": "17", 
     "year": "1985", 
     "text": "A View to a Kill\n1985\nMetro-Goldwyn Mayer\nJohn Glen\n", 
     "id": "app.movie.17" 
     "_index": "haystack", 
     "_type": "modelresult", 
     "_id": "app.movie.1", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_source": { 
     "django_ct": "app.movie", 
     "django_id": "1", 
     "year": "2011", 
     "text": "180\n2011\nSPI Cinemas\nJayendra\n", 
     "id": "app.movie.1" 

sortie de l'API

"results": [ 



Vous ne trouvez pas un problème avec vos index que vous assurer que les index sont mis à jour. Dans vos vues, vous ne passez pas de requête de recherche ou n'utilisez pas le champ de saisie semi-automatique pour lancer une requête. Veuillez essayer avec ceci.

def autocomplete(request): 
    search_query = request.GET.get("q",None) 
    if not search_query: 
     raise Http404 
    autosuggest = SearchQuerySet().autocomplete(content_auto=search_query)[:5] 
     autosuggest_results = map(lambda x: x.object.title, autosuggest) 
     response = {"results": autosuggest_results} 
     return JsonResponse(response) 
    except Exception: 
     raise Http404() 

toujours le résultat vide ... vous voulez des informations supplémentaires. – Naresh


après la mise à jour de la réponse cela fonctionne maintenant .. Merci .. – Naresh