2017-02-17 1 views

Je veux convertir ci-dessous la requête MSSQL en requête Mysql, en particulier avec ROWNUMBER() et OVER().count (*) over() MSSQL à Mysql

Mise à jour de la requête actuelle.

WITH interviewResults AS(
    Select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY min(T_Interview.ScheduleUtc) desc) as rownum,COUNT(*) over() as totalCount,T_Job.id as jobId, 
     T_application.Id as applicationId,T_Job.Title as requisitionTitle,T_Candidate.FirstName as candidateFirstName,T_Candidate.LastName as candidateLastName 
     ,T_Job.requisitionId as requisitionId,T_interview.InterviewId as interviewId,T_interview.GroupId as groupId 
     ,min(T_Interview.ScheduleUtc) as interviewTime,cs2.Name as interviewTypeTitle,cs2.id as candidateStateId 
    from T_Application with(nolock) 
    join T_Job on T_Job.Id = T_Application.JobId 
    join T_JobOwner with(nolock) on T_Jobowner.JobId = T_Job.Id 
    join T_Interview with(nolock) on T_Application.id=T_Interview.ApplicationId 
    join T_InterviewType with(nolock) on T_Interview.InterviewId = T_InterviewType.Id 
    join T_Candidate with(nolock) on T_Application.CandidateId =T_Candidate.Id 
    join T_CandidateState cs with(nolock) on cs.Id = T_Application.WorkflowState 
    join T_CandidateState cs2 with(nolock) on cs2.ItemId = T_InterviewType.Id 
    where T_Application.CompanyId= 153 and T_Application.Deleted = 0 and T_Application.DeletedHM=0 
     and T_Application.TrashHM is NULL and T_Job.Deleted=0 and T_Job.state & 1 != 0 
     and T_Interview.ScheduleUtc >= '2016-01-20 07:59:59' and T_Interview.ScheduleUtc <= '2017-01-16 07:59:59' and T_JobOwner.UserId=17003236 and ((cs.itemId not in (7, 5, 6) 
     and cs.kind=0) or (cs.kind != 0)) and T_Interview.Completed = 0 
     and (T_Interview.Flags & 32 = 0) and (T_Interview.Flags & 2 = 0) and cs2.CompanyId=153 
     and cs2.Deleted=0 and cs2.Kind=1 and T_Job.workflowId = cs2.workflowId 
    group by T_Interview.InterviewId,T_Interview.GroupId,T_Job.RequisitionId, 

    SELECT Rownum,totalCount,jobId,applicationId,requisitionTitle,candidateFirstName,candidateLastName,requisitionId,interviewId, 
    FROM interviewResults 

Voir [demande] et prendre la [tournée] –


A MIN() nécessite un groupe par – McNets


Cette requête est peu susceptible d'être l'original - comme il jetterait une erreur dans SQL Server. Ce n'est pas SQL valide - à moins que vous ne remplaciez ce 'OVER (ORDER BY min (T_Int.ScheduleUtc) desc)' avec OVER (ORDER BY T_Int.ScheduleUtc desc) ' –


select *, count(T_App.JobId) as numJobs 
from from T_App 
      join T_Jo on T_Jo.Id = T_App.JobId 
      join (
       select @rn := @rn + 1 as rn, Appid, minScheduleUtc 
        (select @rn := 0) x, 
        (select Appid, min(T_Int.ScheduleUtc) minScheduleUtc 
        from T_Int 
        group by Appid 
        order by min(T_Int.ScheduleUtc) desc) y 
       ) z on z.Appid = T_App.Appid 
where rn between 1 and 5 

Merci @McNets, j'ai toujours du mal à convertir ma requête actuelle. J'ai mis à jour la requête réelle, pouvez-vous m'aider avec ceci. – Mochin