2013-07-20 2 views

Je viens de commencer avec Visual Studio 2008, j'ai déjà utilisé des blocs de code et tout ce qui concerne Visual Studio est déroutant.comment résoudre ce problème? Erreur fatale C1083: Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier include: 'iostream.h': Pas de fichier ou de répertoire

// PONG par Emilie Sutterlin, 10/10/97 // Description: Ce programme est le jeu pong. // ================================================ ==================== #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // === ======= GLOBAUX ET CONSTANTS ==================== const MAX = 10; int lprow = 2, rprow = 2, col = 2, colinc = 2, rowinc = 1, rangée = 1, oldrow, oldcol, scorr = 0, scorl = 0;

void ball_bounce(); 
void paddle_pong(); 
int main (void) 
clrscr(); fflush(stdin); int num; 
textbackground (BLACK); 
textcolor (WH|TE); clrscr(); _setcursortype(_NOCURSOR); 
cout<<"WELCOME TO PONG"<<endl<<"This is a two person game." 
<<endl<<"The object is to gain points by having your opponent miss hitting the ball with the paddle." 
<<endl<<"The game ends when a player reaches 20 points." 
<<endl<<"You can stop the game early anytime by pressing either the Enter or Escape key." 
<<endl<<"The paddle on the left can be controlled with the arrow up and down keys." 
<<endl<<"The paddle on the right can be controlled using the page up and down keys." 
<<endl<<"Press any key to begin"; 
getch(); clrscr(); 
gotoxy (1,2); cout<<"|"<<endl<<"|"<<endl<<"|"<<endl<<"|"<<endl<<"|"<<endl; 
gotoxy (79,2); cout<<"|"; 
gotoxy (79,3); cout<<"|"; 
gotoxy (79,4); cout<<"|"; 
gotoxy (79,5); cout<<"|"; 
gotoxy (79,6); cout<<"|"; 
for (;;) 
fflush (stdin); 
}//end for loop 
void ball_bounce() 
int oldcol,oldrow; 
while (!kbhit()) 
oldcol = col; 
oldrow = row; 

if (row == 1) rowinc = 1; 
if (row == 23) rowinc = -1; 
if ((lprow <= row && row < lprow+5) && col == 2) colinc = 1; 
if ((rprow <= row && row < rprow+5) && col == 78) colinc = -1; 

if (col == 1) 
scorl += 1; 
gotoxy (78,24); cout<<scorl; 
if (scorl == 20) 
gotoxy (22, 10); cout<<"The winner is the player on the right."; 
}//end if right wins statement 
colinc = 1; 
}//end if right scores statement 

if (col == 80) 
scorr += 1; 
gotoxy (1,24); cout<<scorr; 
if (scorr == 20) 
gotoxy (22,10); cout<<"The winner is the player on the left."; 
}//end if left wins statement 
colinc = -1; 
}//end if left scores statement 
//set coordinates for next ball to be drawn: 
col += colinc; 
row += rowinc; 

gotoxy (col, row); cout <<"o";//draws new ball 
gotoxy (oldcol, oldrow); cout <<" ";//erases old ball 
delay (75); 
}//end while loop 
}//end ball_bounce function 
void paddle_pong() 
unsigned ch; 
ch = getch(); 

if (ch == 13||ch==27) 
gotoxy(10,10); cout<<"GAME OVER. Press any key to exit."; 
exit (0); 
else if (ch != 0); 
switch (getch()) 
case 73: 
if (1<lprow) 
lprow -=1; 
gotoxy (1, lprow); cout<<"|"; 
gotoxy (1, lprow+5); cout<<" "; 
}//end if 
}//end case 73 

case 81: 
if (lprow<19) 
lprow += 1; 
gotoxy (1, lprow+4); cout<<"|"; 
gotoxy (1, lprow-1); cout<<" "; 
}//end if 
}//end case 81 

case 72: 
if (1<rprow) 
rprow -=1 ; 
gotoxy (79, rprow); cout<<"|"; 
gotoxy (79, rprow+5); cout<<" "; 
}//end if 
}//end case 72 

case 80: 
if (rprow<19) 
rprow += 1; 
gotoxy (79, rprow+4); cout<<"|"; 
gotoxy (79, rprow-1); cout<<" "; 
}//end if 
}//end case 80 
}//end switch 
}//end else 
}//end paddle function 

Les livres de 1997 ne sont pas adaptés à l'apprentissage C++. Trouvez-en un plus à jour afin d'avoir au moins une couverture pour la norme C++ 98. –



En utilisant:

#include <iostream> 

Parce que c'est ce que la bibliothèque standard vous fournit.

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