J'utilise Admin SDK pour node.js pour envoyer les notifications push. Suivi le tutorial et initialisé les projets multiples avec des exemples similaires donnés avec ce lien.Envoyer des notifications push avec deux projets Firebase

J'ai besoin de savoir comment envoyer des notifications push avec deux projets en utilisant node.js. Utilisé ci-dessous les méthodes pour l'envoi de notifications deux projets en fonction de son travail avec le projet par défaut, mais un autre projet se erreur comme ci-dessous

exports.send_test_mailer = function(req, res) { 
    // Default project 
    var registrationToken = ["f-vRsDouUFQ:APA91bGktVzu3WjKGqeXqdiYPI8B0lQXs34TkJS4p7LaMiFGfp5LdfB1ZjEhO3CY5ci92apqgt1hEJY0ml11C4hxYUaPfDl7PeDHhcmDGur0JUx5l3M2mLEj30epwRBWVsE4xMSTls4f"]; 
    var payload = { 
    notification: { 
     title: "driver app", 
     body: "driver app push notfications on the day." 
    data: { 
     score: "850", 
     time: "2:45" 
    firebaseAdmin.messaging().sendToDevice(registrationToken, payload) 
    .then(function(response) { 
    console.log("Successfully sent message driver:", JSON.stringify(response)); 
    .catch(function(error) { 
    console.log("Error sending message driver:", JSON.stringify(error)); 
    // Second project 
    var registrationTokens = ["dzXRXUMIB5w:APA91bHSArtroO8M33IHxaslQTugTcEzJcfkbsXEhwbXbvVzBws-aqG4aqKNr37j8WpZev7lolX7cFQlAKYZ1QV_EgC6zTGeT41n3lvSpcDyBg6t4SZZaoPe7nUO9sbdcXA2KDguxAbk"]; 
    var payloads = { 
    notification: { 
     title: "customer app", 
     body: "customer app push notfications on the day." 
    data: { 
     score: "850", 
     time: "2:45" 
    firebaseAdmin.messaging().sendToDevice(registrationTokens, payloads) 
    .then(function(response) { 
    console.log("Successfully sent message customer:", JSON.stringify(response)); 
    .catch(function(error) { 
    console.log("Error sending message customer:", JSON.stringify(error)); 


{"results":[{"error":{"code":"messaging/registration-token-not-registered","message":"The provided registration token is not registered. A previously valid registration token can be unregistered for a variety of reasons. See the error documentation for more details. Remove this registration token and stop using it to send messages."}},{"error":{"code":"messaging/mismatched-credential","message":"The credential used to authenticate this SDK does not have permission to send messages to the device corresponding to the provided registration token. Make sure the credential and registration token both belong to the same Firebase project."}}],"canonicalRegistrationTokenCount":0,"failureCount":2,"successCount":0,"multicastId":9014981858701063000} 



Voici ma réponse

var ServiceAccount = require("./path your default app file.json"); 
var ServiceAccount1 = require("./path your second app file.json"); 

var serviceAppConfig = { 
    credential: firebaseAdmin.credential.cert(ServiceAccount), 
    databaseURL: "https://your firebase default app url" 

// Initialize the default app 
var serviceApp = firebaseAdmin.initializeApp(serviceAppConfig); 
//console.log(serviceApp.name); // "[DEFAULT]" 

// Retrieve services via the defaultApp variable... 
var serviceAuth = serviceApp.auth(); 
var serviceDatabase = serviceApp.database(); 
// Get the Messaging service for the default app 
global.serviceMessaging = firebaseAdmin.messaging(); 

var service1AppConfig = { 
    credential: firebaseAdmin.credential.cert(ServiceAccount1), 
    databaseURL: "https://your firebase url second app" 

// Initialize another app with a different config 
var service1App = firebaseAdmin.initializeApp(service1AppConfig, "App2 name"); 

// Use the otherApp variable to retrieve the other app's services 
var service1Auth = service1App.auth(); 
var service1Database = service1App.database(); 
// Get the Messaging service for a given app 
global.service1Messaging = firebaseAdmin.messaging(service1App); 

Merci! J'avais besoin de 'firebaseAdmin.messaging (service1App);'. –