2013-06-15 5 views

Je suis essayer de naviguer page après analyse, mais avant que je reçois réponse du serveur, la méthode getLoginData() est appelée à partir du fichier Qml et obtenir false car au moment de l'appel cette réponse serveur, quand je clique de nouveau dans le bouton où cette fonction est appel, j'ai obtenu le résultat précis parce que cette fois j'ai déjà obtenu le résultat. alors s'il vous plaît aidez-moi à résoudre dehors .......naviguer page après l'analyse dans BB 10

My code... 


    enter code here 

// Navigation pane project template 
import bb.cascades 1.0 
import bb.system 1.0 

NavigationPane { 
    id: navigationPane 
    objectName: "navigationPaneQml" 
    Page { 
     id: loginPage 
     objectName : "pageQml" 
     Container { 
      id: container1 
      background: Color.Green 
      leftPadding: 10 
      rightPadding: 10 
      topPadding: 10 
      layout: StackLayout { 
      TextField { 
       id: usernameBox 
       objectName: "textFieldRetrived" 
       hintText: "Enter Your Mobile Number" 
       topPadding: 10 
       inputMode: TextFieldInputMode.PhoneNumber 
       preferredWidth: maxWidth 
       input { 
        flags: TextInputFlag.PredictionOff | 
       //    validator: IntValidator { 
       //     bottom: 0 
       //     top: 9999999999 
       //    } 
       validator: Validator { 
        mode: ValidationMode.Immediate 
        errorMessage: "Your username must be 10 characters." 
        onValidate: { 
         if (usernameBox.text.length < 10 || usernameBox.text.length > 10) state = ValidationState.Invalid; 
         else state = ValidationState.Valid; 

       //    validator: RegExpValidator { 
       //     mode: ValidationMode.Immediate 
       //     regExp: /\w+([-+.']\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*/ 
       //     onValidate: { 
       //      if (usernameBox.text.length <= 10) state = ValidationState.Valid; 
       //      else state = ValidationState.Invalid; 
       //     } 
       //    } 

      Button { 
       id: submitButton 
       objectName : submitButtonQml 
       horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center 
       //    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center 
       text: qsTr("Submit") 
       preferredWidth: minWidth 
       //    imageSource: "asset:///images/picture1thumb.png" 

       attachedObjects: [ 
        SystemToast { 
         id: invalidUsername 
         body: "Invalid Username" 
         onFinished: { 
          //        Application.quit(); 
        SystemToast { 
         id: networkNotAvalable 
         body: "Network not Avalable" 
         onFinished: { 
          //        Application.quit(); 
        SystemToast { 
         id: invalidToast 
         body: "Not a valid input" 
         onFinished: { 
          //        Application.quit(); 
        ComponentDefinition { 
         id: pageDefinition 
         source: "splash.qml" 
       onClicked: { 
        if(usernameBox.text!= null && usernameBox.text!=""){ 

          if (app.getLoginData() == "True"){ 
           var newPage = pageDefinition.createObject(); 
         }else { 

      TextArea { 
       id: chat 
       objectName: "textArea" 
       inputMode: TextAreaInputMode.Default 

      Container { 
       id: cntrUpdates 
       horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center 
       //      verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Top 
       layout: StackLayout { 
        orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight 
       preferredWidth: 1280.0 
       leftPadding: 90.0 
       topPadding: 20.0 
       Label { 
        objectName: "lblRetrieve" 
        text: "Retrieving contact list ..." 
        textStyle.textAlign: TextAlign.Right 
        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center 
       // The activity indicator has an object name set so that 
       // we can start and stop it from C++ code. 
       ActivityIndicator { 
        objectName: "indicator" 
        running: false 

    onCreationCompleted: { 
     // this slot is called when declarative scene is created 
     // write post creation initialization here 
     console.log("NavigationPane - onCreationCompleted()"); 

     // enable layout to adapt to the device rotation 
     // don't forget to enable screen rotation in bar-bescriptor.xml (Application->Orientation->Auto-orient) 
     OrientationSupport.supportedDisplayOrientation = SupportedDisplayOrientation.All; 


// Navigation pane project template 
#include "DemoProject2.hpp" 

#include <bb/cascades/Application> 
#include <bb/cascades/QmlDocument> 
#include <bb/cascades/AbstractPane> 

#include <QIODevice> 

#include <bb/cascades/XmlDataModel> 
#include <bb/cascades/Color> 

#include <bps/bps.h> 
#include <bps/netstatus.h> 
#include <bps/locale.h> 

#include <QXmlStreamReader> 

#include <QFile> 
#include <QDir> 
#include <QDebug> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication> 
#include <QTextStream> 
#include <QDomDocument> 
#include <QDomNodeList> 
#include <QtXml/qxml.h> 
#include <QString> 
#include <bb/cascades/ValidationMode> 
#include <bb/cascades/Validator> 
#include <bb/system/SystemToast> 
#include <bb/system/SystemUiPosition> 
#include <QtCore/QDebug> 

using namespace bb::cascades; 
using namespace bb::system; 

DemoProject2::DemoProject2(bb::cascades::Application *app) 
: QObject(app) 
    // create scene document from main.qml asset 
    // set parent to created document to ensure it exists for the whole application lifetime 
    QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this); 

    // Expose this class to QML so that we can call it's functions from C++ code. 
    qml->setContextProperty("app", this); 

    // create root object for the UI 
    AbstractPane *root = qml->createRootObject<AbstractPane>(); 
    // set created root object as a scene 

    // Retrieve the activity indicator from QML so that we can start 
    // and stop it from C++ code. 
    myActivityIndicator = root->findChild<ActivityIndicator*>("indicator"); 
    myTextField = root->findChild<TextField*>("textFieldRetrived"); 
    myLabel = root->findChild<Label*>("lblRetrieve"); 
    textArea = root->findChild<TextArea*>("textArea"); 
    submitButton = root->findChild<Button*>("submitButtonQml"); 
// navigationPane = root->findChild<NavigationPane*>("navigationPaneQml"); 
// root = qml->createRootObject<NavigationPane>(); 

// QmlDocument *qml1 = QmlDocument::create("asset:///splash.qml").parent(this); 
//// mNewPage = new Page(); 
// mNewPage = qml1->createRootObject<Page>(); 

    myNetworkAccessManager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this); 
    connect(myNetworkAccessManager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), 
      this, SLOT(requestFinished(QNetworkReply*))); 

    // Create a file in the file system that we can use to save the data model. 
    myFile = new QFile("data/model.xml"); 


bool DemoProject2::isNetworkAvailable() { 
    QNetworkConfigurationManager netMgr; 
    QList<QNetworkConfiguration> mNetList = netMgr.allConfigurations(
    if (mNetList.count() > 0) { 
     if (netMgr.isOnline()) { 
      return true; 
     } else { 
      return false; 
    } else { 
     return false; 

void DemoProject2::initiateRequest(QString text){ 
    fprintf(stderr, "Debug::::::::::::::::::::::::::: %s\n","hhhh"); 
    isComplete = false; 

    // Start the activity indicator. 
     myLabel->setText("Retrieving contact list ..."); 

     // Create and send the network request. 
     QNetworkRequest request = QNetworkRequest(); 

     fprintf(stderr, "Debug::::::::::::::::::::::::::: %s\n","00"); 

void DemoProject2::requestFinished(QNetworkReply* reply){ 
    fprintf(stderr, "Debug::::::::::::::::::::::::::: %s\n","NUM 0"); 


    // Check the network reply for errors. 
    if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError){ 
     fprintf(stderr, "Debug::::::::::::::::::::::::::: %s\n","NUM 1"); 

     /****** Sax Parsing code Section..................******/ 
       QByteArray data = reply->readAll(); 

     /****** dom parsing code section ........******/ 
//  QByteArray byteArray = reply->readAll(); 
//  xmlDomParser(byteArray); 

     fprintf(stderr, "Debug::::::::::::::::::::::::::: %s\n","NUM 2"); 



bool DemoProject2:: getCompleteVariable(){ 

    return isComplete; 

void DemoProject2 :: setLoginData(QString data){ 
    loginData = data; 

QString DemoProject2 :: getLoginData(){ 


     fprintf(stderr, "Debug::::::::::::::::::::::::::: %s\n","shivang"); 

    return loginData; 

void DemoProject2:: xmlSaxParser(QByteArray data){ 
    fprintf(stderr, "Debug::::::::::::::::::::::::::: %s\n","NUM 3"); 

    // The XML stream reader that is used to extract the articles from the RSS feed 
    QXmlStreamReader m_xml; 
    QString currentTag = ""; 
    QString linkString; 
    QString titleString; 

    while (!m_xml.atEnd()) 
     if (m_xml.isStartElement()) 
      if (m_xml.name() == "contacts"){ 
       linkString = m_xml.attributes().value("title").toString(); 
       currentTag = m_xml.name().toString(); 
      }else if(m_xml.name() == "return"){ 
       currentTag = m_xml.name().toString(); 
       fprintf(stderr, "Debug::::::::::::::::::::::::::: %s\n","ns:return"); 
     else if (m_xml.isEndElement()) 
      if (m_xml.name() == "return") 
       fprintf(stderr, "Debug::::::::::::::::::::::::::: %s\n","return"); 
       //    linkString = m_xml.attributes().value("rss:about").toString(); 
       //      linkString.clear(); 

     } else if (m_xml.isCharacters() && !m_xml.isWhitespace()) 
      if (currentTag == "return"){ 
       titleString += m_xml.text().toString(); 
//    textArea->setText(titleString); 
//    currentTag = ""; 


    if (m_xml.error() && m_xml.error() != QXmlStreamReader::PrematureEndOfDocumentError) { 
     //    m_feeds.append(
     //      QString::fromLatin1("XML ERROR: %1: %2").arg(m_xml.lineNumber()).arg(m_xml.errorString())); 

    fprintf(stderr, "Debug::::::::::::::::::::::::::: %s\n","NUM 4"); 

// navigationPane->push(mNewPage); 
    isComplete = true; 


// Navigation pane project template 
#ifndef DemoProject2_HPP_ 
#define DemoProject2_HPP_ 

#include <QObject> 

#include <QFile> 

#include <QString> 
#include <bb/cascades/ActivityIndicator> 
#include <bb/cascades/TextField> 
#include <bb/AbstractBpsEventHandler> 

#include <bb/cascades/Application> 
#include <bb/cascades/Label> 
#include <bb/cascades/TextArea> 
#include <bb/cascades/Button> 
#include <bb/cascades/NavigationPane> 
#include <bb/cascades/Page> 
using namespace bb::cascades; 

namespace bb { namespace cascades { class Application; }} 

* @brief Application pane object 
*Use this object to create and init app UI, to create context objects, to register the new meta types etc. 
class DemoProject2 : public QObject 
    DemoProject2(bb::cascades::Application *app); 
    virtual ~DemoProject2() {} 

// void parseXml (QByteArray data); 

    Q_INVOKABLE void initiateRequest(QString text); 
    Q_INVOKABLE bool isNetworkAvailable(); 

    Q_INVOKABLE void xmlSaxParser(QByteArray data); 

    Q_INVOKABLE void xmlDomParser(QByteArray data); 
    Q_INVOKABLE QString getLoginData(); 
    Q_INVOKABLE void setLoginData(QString data); 
    Q_INVOKABLE bool getCompleteVariable(); 

// NavigationPane *root; 
// signals: 
//  void networkStatusUpdated(bool status, QString type); 

    private slots: 
     void requestFinished(QNetworkReply* reply); 
//  void networkStatusUpdateHandler(bool status, QString type); 

    bb::cascades::TextField *myTextField; 
    bb::cascades::ActivityIndicator *myActivityIndicator; 
    bb::cascades::Label *myLabel; 
    bb::cascades::TextArea *textArea; 
    bb::cascades::Button *submitButton; 
// bb::cascades::NavigationPane* navigationPane; 
// bb::cascades:: Page* mNewPage; 

    QNetworkAccessManager *myNetworkAccessManager; 
     QFile *myFile; 
     QString loginData; 
     QByteArray data; 
     bool isComplete; 
//  Page* mNewPage; 

//  StatusEvent *statusEvent; 

#endif /* DemoProject2_HPP_ */ 



boucle d'événement utilisation ....

QNetworkAccessManager* netManager = new QNetworkAccessManager(); 
    QUrl myurl("http://******"); 
    QNetworkRequest req(myurl); 

QNetworkReply* ipReply = netManager->get(req); 

QEventLoop eventLoop; 
QObject::connect(ipReply, SIGNAL(finished()), &eventLoop, SLOT(quit())); 
std::cout << "finished" << std::endl; //request finished here 

-moi aussi même problème .. comment utiliser la boucle d'événement .. – svmrajesh


il a déjà répondu comment utiliser la boucle d'événement. cela bloque l'exécution (attendez) jusqu'à ce que l'emplacement de fermeture soit appelé lorsque le signal terminé est déclenché après la fin de la réponse. en bref. il bloquera à "exec()" jusqu'à ce qu'il soit fait avec la réponse. vous pouvez également éviter d'utiliser eventloop si: vous implémentez un emplacement pour la réponse terminée. ou peut-être utiliser le type de connexion de blocage (qui ne suis pas sûr que c'est possible pour les événements réseau) – Nande