2009-12-04 5 views



Pour créer des colonnes sur le programme C1FlexGrid:
- Set AutoGenerateColumns à False
- Ajouter une colonne définitions à la collection C1FlexGridBase.Cols().
- lien entre le DataTable au FlexGrid

Par exemple,

Private _dt As System.Data.DataTable 

Private Sub LoadFlexGrid() 

    'create new table 
    _dt = New System.Data.DataTable("MyDataTable") 
    _dt.Columns.Add("CustomerId", GetType(Integer)) 
    _dt.Columns.Add("CustomerName", GetType(String)) 

    'populate it 
    _dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {12, "Joe"}) 
    _dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {14, "Bob"}) 

    'define column grid columns 
    Dim col1 As C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.Column 
    col1 = flex.Cols.Add() 
    col1.Name = "CustomerId" 
    col1.Caption = "Customer Id" 

    Dim col2 As C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.Column 
    col2 = flex.Cols.Add() 
    col2.Name = "CustomerName" 
    col2.Caption = "Name" 

    'bind the grid to it 
    flex.AutoGenerateColumns = False 
    flex.DataSource = _dt 

End Sub 
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