2013-05-11 4 views

J'ai étendu la classe CI_Upload et ajouté une fonction multi_upload pour les images. Cela fonctionne très bien localement, mais sur le serveur, il jette:Erreur fatale: Appel à la méthode non définie CI_Upload :: do_multi_upload() codeigniter

Fatal error: Call to undefined method CI_Upload::do_multi_upload() 

Il ne fait aucun sens que j'ai essayé plusieurs solutions différentes que j'ai trouvé à l'aide de Google avec pas de chance.

Voilà ma classe 'application/bibliothèques/MY_upload.php':

class MY_Upload extends CI_Upload { 
    var $return_value; 
function __construct($config = array()) 

function do_multi_upload($field = 'userfile', $return_info = TRUE, $filenames = NULL){ 

     // Is $_FILES[$field] set? If not, no reason to continue. 
     if (! isset($_FILES[$field])) 

      return FALSE; 


     //If not every file filled was used, clear the empties 

     foreach($_FILES[$field]['name'] as $k => $n) 


       foreach($_FILES[$field] as $kk => $f) 





     // Is the upload path valid? 
     if (! $this->ci->validate_upload_path($field)) 

      // errors will already be set by validate_upload_path() so just return FALSE 
      return FALSE; 

     //Multiple file upload 

      //$count = count($_FILES[$field]['name']); //Number of files to process 

      foreach($_FILES[$field]['name'] as $k => $file) 

       // Was the file able to be uploaded? If not, determine the reason why. 
       if (! is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'][$k])) 

        $error = (! isset($_FILES[$field]['error'][$k])) ? 4 : $_FILES[$field]['error'][$k]; 

         case 1: // UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE 
         case 2: // UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE 
         case 3: // UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL 
         case 4: // UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE 
         case 6: // UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR 
         case 7: // UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE 
         case 8: // UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION 
         default : $this->ci->set_error('upload_no_file_selected'); 

        return FALSE; 

       // Set the uploaded data as class variables 
       $this->ci->file_temp = $_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'][$k]; 
       $this->ci->file_size = $_FILES[$field]['size'][$k]; 
       $this->ci->file_type = preg_replace("/^(.+?);.*$/", "\\1", $_FILES[$field]['type'][$k]); 
       $this->ci->file_type = strtolower(trim(stripslashes($this->ci->file_type), '"')); 

        $this->ci->file_name = $this->ci->_prep_filename($_FILES[$field]['name'][$k]);     
        $this->ci->file_name = $this->ci->_prep_filename($filenames[$k]); 

       $this->ci->file_ext = $this->ci->get_extension($this->ci->file_name); 
       $this->ci->client_name = $this->ci->file_name; 

       // Is the file type allowed to be uploaded? 
       if (! $this->ci->is_allowed_filetype()) 
        return FALSE; 

       // if we're overriding, let's now make sure the new name and type is allowed 
       if ($this->ci->_file_name_override != '') 
        $this->ci->file_name = $this->ci->_prep_filename($this->ci->_file_name_override); 

        // If no extension was provided in the file_name config item, use the uploaded one 
        if (strpos($this->ci->_file_name_override, '.') === FALSE) 
         $this->ci->file_name .= $this->ci->file_ext; 

        // An extension was provided, lets have it! 
         $this->ci->file_ext = $this->ci->get_extension($this->ci->_file_name_override); 

        if (! $this->ci->is_allowed_filetype(TRUE)) 
         return FALSE; 

       // Convert the file size to kilobytes 
       if ($this->ci->file_size > 0) 
        $this->ci->file_size = round($this->ci->file_size/1024, 2); 

       // Is the file size within the allowed maximum? 
       if (! $this->ci->is_allowed_filesize()) 
        return FALSE; 

       // Are the image dimensions within the allowed size? 
       // Note: This can fail if the server has an open_basdir restriction. 
       if (! $this->ci->is_allowed_dimensions()) 
        return FALSE; 

       // Sanitize the file name for security 
       $this->ci->file_name = $this->ci->clean_file_name($this->ci->file_name); 

       // Truncate the file name if it's too long 
       if ($this->ci->max_filename > 0) 
        $this->ci->file_name = $this->ci->limit_filename_length($this->ci->file_name, $this->ci->max_filename); 

       // Remove white spaces in the name 
       if ($this->ci->remove_spaces == TRUE) 
        $this->ci->file_name = preg_replace("/\s+/", "_", $this->ci->file_name); 

       * Validate the file name 
       * This function appends an number onto the end of 
       * the file if one with the same name already exists. 
       * If it returns false there was a problem. 
       $this->ci->orig_name = $this->ci->file_name; 

       if ($this->ci->overwrite == FALSE) 
        $this->ci->file_name = $this->ci->set_filename($this->ci->upload_path, $this->ci->file_name); 

        if ($this->ci->file_name === FALSE) 
         return FALSE; 

       * Run the file through the XSS hacking filter 
       * This helps prevent malicious code from being 
       * embedded within a file. Scripts can easily 
       * be disguised as images or other file types. 
       if ($this->ci->xss_clean) 
        if ($this->ci->do_xss_clean() === FALSE) 
         return FALSE; 

       * Move the file to the final destination 
       * To deal with different server configurations 
       * we'll attempt to use copy() first. If that fails 
       * we'll use move_uploaded_file(). One of the two should 
       * reliably work in most environments 
       if (! @copy($this->ci->file_temp, $this->ci->upload_path.$this->ci->file_name)) 
        if (! @move_uploaded_file($this->ci->file_temp, $this->ci->upload_path.$this->ci->file_name)) 
         return FALSE; 

       * Set the finalized image dimensions 
       * This sets the image width/height (assuming the 
       * file was an image). We use this information 
       * in the "data" function. 

       if($return_info === TRUE) 

        $return_value[$k] = $this->ci->data(); 


        $return_value = TRUE; 



      return $return_value; 

     else //Single file upload, rely on native CI upload class 

      $upload = self::do_upload(); 

      return $upload; 





Et le contrôleur appelant la fonction:

$config = array(
    'allowed_types' => 'jpg|jpeg|gif|png', 
    'upload_path' => $this->image_path, 
    'max_size' => 1500000, 
    'remove_spaces' => TRUE, 



if($files = $this->upload->do_multi_upload('userfile', TRUE)){ 
//Fatal error: Call to undefined method CI_Upload::do_multi_upload() in controllers/admin.php on line 160 

Avez-vous copié votre bibliothèque MY_upload dans le dossier application/libraries/sur votre serveur. – Sudz


oui, c'est celui que je débogue! – ddoonn



ahhh ok ... Donc, le nom du fichier est Case- sensible sur le serveur! 'MY_Upload.php' stupide!

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