J'ai travaillé pendant un certain temps avec des problèmes d'intelligence artificielle et dans cette semaine, j'ai essayé de coder AI pour connecter 4 avec python.Pour la première fois, j'ai eu des problèmes avec la planche à copier Enfin, j'ai réussi à créer un algorithme d'élagage alpha-bêta et cela fonctionne bien, mais j'ai ensuite testé mon algo en profondeur 8 contre l'alpha-bêta en ligne d'élagage en profondeur 6 et étonnamment mon algorithme a perdu.J'ai créé la fonction d'évaluation avec les instructeurs de harvard et alpha-bêta modifié du code de msavenski (les liens sont dans le code)Connect 4 élagage alpha-bêta peut échouer :(

Pourrait certains qui ont travaillé avec ces pro blem plus long vérifier que mon algo et la fonction d'évaluation fonctionne comme prévu car je suis tout à fait sûr qu'il y a une erreur. Je sais que je pourrais utiliser des tables de transposition, une itération profonde et ainsi de suite pour rendre le code plus rapide et plus efficace mais mon autre but est de le garder simplement.

Voici mon code:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 

import copy 

class ConnectFour: 
    def __init__(self): 
     self.moves = 0 #The count of moves, 42 moves is equal than board is full 
     self.turn = 0 #Use this variable to recognize which one player turn is it 

    def PrintGameBoard(self, board): 
     print(' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6') # This function just raws a board 
     for i in range(5, -1, -1): 
      print("| ",end="") 
      for j in range(7): 
       if j != 6: 
        print(" | ",end="") 
        print(" |") 

    def LegalRow(self, col, board): 
     stacks = [[x[i] for x in board] for i in range(len(board[0]))] # This function checks stack of given column and return the row where you can draw mark. If the stack is full return -1 
     countofitems = stacks[col].count("x") + stacks[col].count("o") # count of items in stack 
     if (countofitems) < 6: 
      return (countofitems) 
      return -1 

    def LegalMoves(self, board): 
     legalmoves = [] 
     stacks = [[x[i] for x in board] for i in range(len(board[0]))] 
     order = [3,2,4,1,5,0,6] 
     for i in order: 
      if self.LegalRow(i, board)!=-1: 
     return legalmoves 

    def MakeMove(self, board, col, player, row): 
     board[row][col] = player # This function make a move and increases count of moves 
     self.moves += 1 
     return board 

    def UnmakeMove(self, board, col, row): 
     board[row][col] = " " # This function make a move and increases count of moves 
     self.moves -= 1 
     return board 

    def IsWinning(self, currentplayer, board): 
     for i in range(6): # This function returns True or False depending on if current player have four "tila" in a row (win) 
      for j in range(4): 
       if board[i][j] == currentplayer and board[i][j+1] == currentplayer and board[i][j+2] == currentplayer and board[i][j+3] == currentplayer: 
        return True 
     for i in range(3): 
      for j in range(7): 
       if board[i][j] == currentplayer and board[i+1][j] == currentplayer and board[i+2][j] == currentplayer and board[i+3][j] == currentplayer: 
        return True  
     for i in range(3): 
      for j in range(4): 
       if board[i][j] == currentplayer and board[i+1][j+1] == currentplayer and board[i+2][j+2] == currentplayer and board[i+3][j+3] == currentplayer: 
        return True 
     for i in range(3,6): 
      for j in range(4): 
       if board[i][j] == currentplayer and board[i-1][j+1] == currentplayer and board[i-2][j+2] == currentplayer and board[i-3][j+3] == currentplayer: 
        return True 
     return False 

    def PlayerMove(self, board, player): 
     allowedmove = False  # This function ask players move when its his turn and returns board after making move. 
     while not allowedmove: 
       print("Choose a column where you want to make your move (0-6): ",end="") 
       col =input() 
       row = self.LegalRow(col, board) 
      except (NameError, ValueError, IndexError, TypeError, SyntaxError) as e: 
       print("Give a number as an integer between 0-6!") 
       if row != -1 and (col<=6 and col>=0): 
        board[row][int(col)] = player 
        self.moves += 1 
        allowedmove = True 
       elif col>6 or col<0: 
        print("The range was 0-6!!!") 
        print("This column is full") 
     return board 

    def SwitchPlayer(self, player): # This function gives opponent player's mark 
     if player=="x": 
     return nextplayer 

    def evaluation(self, board): # This function evaluate gameboard (heuristic). The rules of evaluation are in site: http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/docs/icb.topic788088.files/Assignment%203/asst3c.pdf 
     list = [] 
     player = "x" 
     opponent = "o" 
     if self.IsWinning(player, board): 
      score = -512 
     elif self.IsWinning(opponent, board): 
      score = +512 
     elif self.moves==42: 
      score = 0 
      for i in range(6): #append to list horizontal segments 
       for j in range(4): 
      for i in range(3): #append to list vertical segments 
       for j in range(7): 
      for i in range(3): #append to list diagonal segments 
       for j in range(4): 
      for i in range(3, 6): #append to list diagonal segments 
       for j in range(4): 
      for k in range(len(list)): #add to score with rules of site above 
       if ((list[k].count(str("x"))>0) and (list[k].count(str("o"))>0)) or list[k].count(" ")==4: 
        score += 0 
       if list[k].count(player)==1 and list[k].count(opponent)==0: 
        score -= 1 
       if list[k].count(player)==2 and list[k].count(opponent)==0: 
        score -= 10 
       if list[k].count(player)==3 and list[k].count(opponent)==0: 
        score -= 50 
       if list[k].count(opponent)==1 and list[k].count(player)==0: 
        score += 1 
       if list[k].count(opponent)==2 and list[k].count(player)==0: 
        score += 10 
       if list[k].count(opponent)==3 and list[k].count(player)==0: 
        score += 50 
      if self.turn==player: 
       score -= 16 
       score += 16 
     return score 

    def maxfunction(self, board, depth, player, alpha, beta): 
     opponent = self.SwitchPlayer(player) 
     self.turn = opponent 
     legalmoves = self.LegalMoves(board) 
     if (depth==0) or self.moves==42: 
      return self.evaluation(board) 
     for col in legalmoves: 
      row = self.LegalRow(col, board) 
      newboard = self.MakeMove(board, col, opponent, row) 
      value = max(value, self.minfunction(board, depth-1, opponent,alpha, beta)) 
      newboard = self.UnmakeMove(board, col, row) 
      if value >= beta: 
       return value 
      alpha = max(alpha, value) 
     return value 

    def minfunction(self, board, depth, opponent, alpha, beta): 
     player = self.SwitchPlayer(opponent) 
     self.turn = player 
     legalmoves = self.LegalMoves(board) 
     if (depth==0) or self.moves==42: 
      return evaluation(board) 
     for col in legalmoves: 
      row = self.LegalRow(col, board) 
      newboard = self.MakeMove(board, col, player, row) 
      value = min(value, self.maxfunction(board, depth-1, player ,alpha, beta)) 
      newboard = self.UnmakeMove(board, col, row) 
      if value <= alpha: 
       return value 
      beta = min(beta, value) 
     return value 

    def alphabetapruning(self, board, depth, opponent, alpha, beta): #This is the alphabeta-function modified from: https://github.com/msaveski/connect-four 
     values = [] 
     cols = [] 
     value = -1000000000 
     for col in self.LegalMoves(board): 
      row = self.LegalRow(col, board) 
      board = self.MakeMove(board, col, opponent, row) 
      value = max(value, self.minfunction(board, depth-1, opponent, alpha, beta)) 
      board = self.UnmakeMove(board, col, row) 
     largestvalue= max(values) 
     for i in range(len(values)): 
      if largestvalue==values[i]: 
       position = cols[i] 
       return largestvalue, position 

    def searchingfunction(self, board, depth, opponent): 
     #This function update turn to opponent and calls alphabeta (main algorithm) and after that update new board (add alphabeta position to old board) and returns new board. 
     newboard = copy.deepcopy(board) 
     value, position=self.alphabetapruning(newboard, depth, opponent, -10000000000, 10000000000) 
     board = self.MakeMove(board, position, opponent, self.LegalRow(position, board)) 
     return board 

def PlayerGoesFirst(): 
    print("Player is X and AI is O") #This function just ask who goes first 
    player = 'x' 
    opponent = 'o' 
    print('Do you want to play first? (y/n) : ',end="") 
    return input().lower().startswith('y') 

def PlayAgain(): 
    print('Do you want to play again? (y/n) :',end="") #This function ask if player want to play new game 
    return input().lower().startswith('y') 

def main(): 
    print("Connect4") #The main function. This ask player mark, initialize gameboard (table), print board after each turn, ask players move, make AI's move and checks after each move is game is tie/win or lose. 
    while True: 
     connectfour = ConnectFour() 
     gameisgoing = True 
     table = [[],[],[],[],[],[]] 
     for i in range(7): 
      for j in range(6): 
       table[j].append(" ") 
     player = "x" 
     opponent = "o" 
     if PlayerGoesFirst(): 
      turn = "x" 
      turn = "o" 
     while gameisgoing: 
      if turn=="x": 
       table = connectfour.PlayerMove(table, player) 
       if connectfour.IsWinning(player, table): 
        print('You won the game!') 
        gameisgoing = False 
        if connectfour.moves==42: 
         print('Game is tie') 
         turn = "o" 
       table = connectfour.searchingfunction(table, 6, opponent) #Here is AI's move. Takes as input current table (board), depth and opponents mark. Output should be new gameboard with AI's move. 
       if connectfour.IsWinning(opponent, table): 
        print('Computer won the game') 
        gameisgoing = False 
        if connectfour.moves==42: 
         print('Game is tie') 
         turn = "x" 
     if not PlayAgain(): 
      print("Game ended") 

if __name__ == '__main__': 

Je voulais juste dire que oui, vous devez utiliser deepcopy –


Je suppose que mon algorithme est correct mais ma fonction d'évaluation n'est pas juste assez puissante. Quelqu'un peut-il confirmer cette affirmation? –



La mise en œuvre semble OK et il joue se déplace raisonnables aussi.

Il est difficile de faire des suppositions sur la force de jeu d'un seul jeu. Vous auriez besoin de lancer plus de jeux pour obtenir des statistiques fiables. Par exemple, en faisant varier la position de départ et laisser les deux moteurs jouer une fois que «X» et une fois que «0».

Un facteur de chance est également impliqué. Alpha-beta en général conduit à un meilleur jeu lorsque la profondeur de recherche est augmentée. Dans certaines positions, cependant, il peut finir par jouer un mauvais coup qu'il n'aurait pas joué dans une recherche plus superficielle.

Différentes fonctions d'évaluation ont également cet effet. Même si une fonction d'évaluation est pire, il existe certaines positions où la mauvaise fonction d'évaluation conduira à un meilleur mouvement. Le facteur de chance disparaît seulement si vous jouez assez de jeux ou si votre recherche est si profonde qu'elle peut voir toutes les variations à la fin. Connect 4 est un jeu résolu. Si l'algorithme est parfait, le premier joueur à déplacer sera toujours gagnant. C'est la seule façon objective de signaler un bug dans la recherche. L'heuristique, comme votre fonction d'évaluation, aura toujours des points faibles.


Merci pour la réponse! Donc, si je veux jouer à la perfection, j'ai besoin de régler la profondeur à 42 et vérifier tous les états 4,531,985,219,092 et faire une table de transposition sur les récompenses. –