2017-09-29 1 views

J'ai un projet et j'ai besoin d'utiliser la bibliothèque Madelineproto.Je l'ajoute à mon projet et installé l'exigence.Quand je cours les exemples de that.phpstorm me mettre un peu d'avertissement au sujet de certains method.it dit qu'ils n'existent pas par exemple phone_login et me donnent une erreur. mon code est:MADELINEPROTO bibliothèque pour télégramme


require 'MadelineProtoBot\MadelineProto\vendor\autoload.php'; 
$settings = ['app_info' => ['api_id' => ,... 'api_hash' => '...']]; 
$MadelineProto = new danog\MadelineProto\API($settings); 

$MadelineProto->phone_login(readline('my phone ')); 
$authorization = $MadelineProto->complete_phone_login(readline('Enter the code you received: ')); 
if ($authorization['_'] === 'account.noPassword') { 
    throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('2FA is enabled but no password is set!'); 
if ($authorization['_'] === 'account.password') { 
    $authorization = $MadelineProto->complete_2fa_login(readline('Please enter your password (hint '.$authorization['hint'].'): ')); 
if ($authorization['_'] === 'account.needSignup') { 
    $authorization = $MadelineProto->complete_signup(readline('Please enter your first name: '), readline('Please enter your last name (can be empty): ')); 
mon erreur est:

The system cannot find the path specified. 
TL:    \t Loading TL schemes... 
TL:    \t Parsing TL_mtproto_v1.json... 
TL:    \t Parsing TL_telegram_v71.tl... 
TL:    \t Parsing TL_secret.tl... 
TL:    \t Parsing TL_calls.tl... 
TL:    \t CRC32 mismatch (e8201c08, dbf948c1) for decryptedDataBlock#dbf948c1 random_id:long random_bytes:string flags:# voice_call_id:flags.2?int128 in_seq_no:flags.4?int out_seq_no:flags.4?int recent_received_mask:flags.5?int proto:flags.3?int extra:flags.1?string raw_data:flags.0?string = DecryptedDataBlock; 
TL:    \t CRC32 mismatch (d20a6f5c, cc0d0e76) for simpleDataBlock#cc0d0e76 random_id:long random_bytes:string raw_data:string = DecryptedDataBlock; 
TL:    \t Parsing TL_botAPI.tl... 
DataCenter:  \t Connecting to DC 2 (main server, ipv4, tcp_full)... 
MTProto:   \t Generating permanent authorization key for DC 2... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Requesting pq 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type ResPQ to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type ResPQ match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, 
operable program or batch file. 
ERROR: Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '1' time(s). 
Type "TIMEOUT /?" for usage. 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Factorization 2021549172368014511 = 1354357289 * 1492626199 
RSA:    \t Encrypting with rsa key... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Starting Diffie Hellman key exchange 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type Server_DH_Params to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type Server_DH_Params match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Server-client time delta = -2.0 s 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing p/g checks (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing p/g checks (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g check... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating b... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating g_b... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_b check... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Preparing client_DH_inner_data... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing set_client_DH_params... 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type Set_client_DH_params_answer to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type Set_client_DH_params_answer match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating authorization key... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Diffie Hellman key exchange processed successfully! 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Auth key generated 
MTProto:   \t Generating temporary authorization key for DC 2... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Requesting pq 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type ResPQ to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type ResPQ match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, 
operable program or batch file. 
ERROR: Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '1' time(s). 
Type "TIMEOUT /?" for usage. 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Factorization 1609381759157002487 = 1153246261 * 1395523067 
RSA:    \t Encrypting with rsa key... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Starting Diffie Hellman key exchange 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type Server_DH_Params to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type Server_DH_Params match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Server-client time delta = -3.0 s 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing p/g checks (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing p/g checks (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g check... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating b... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating g_b... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_b check... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Preparing client_DH_inner_data... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing set_client_DH_params... 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type Set_client_DH_params_answer to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type Set_client_DH_params_answer match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating authorization key... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Diffie Hellman key exchange processed successfully! 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Auth key generated 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Binding authorization keys... 
MsgIdHandler: \t WARNING: Given message id (6471222286461726721) is bigger than or equal to the current limit (6471222286461691905). Consider syncing your date. 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Successfully binded temporary and permanent authorization keys. 
MTProto:   \t Writing client info (also executing help.getConfig)... 
DataCenter:  \t Connecting to DC 1 (main server, ipv4, tcp_full)... 
DataCenter:  \t Connecting to DC 3 (main server, ipv4, tcp_full)... 
DataCenter:  \t Connecting to DC 4 (main server, ipv4, tcp_full)... 
DataCenter:  \t Connecting to DC 4_media (main server, ipv4, tcp_full)... 
DataCenter:  \t Connecting to DC 5 (main server, ipv4, tcp_full)... 
MTProto:   \t Generating permanent authorization key for DC 1... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Requesting pq 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type ResPQ to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type ResPQ match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, 
operable program or batch file. 
ERROR: Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '1' time(s). 
Type "TIMEOUT /?" for usage. 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Factorization 2390132410249580153 = 1236738133 * 1932609941 
RSA:    \t Encrypting with rsa key... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Starting Diffie Hellman key exchange 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type Server_DH_Params to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type Server_DH_Params match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Server-client time delta = -3.0 s 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing p/g checks (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing p/g checks (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g check... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating b... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating g_b... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_b check... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Preparing client_DH_inner_data... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing set_client_DH_params... 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type Set_client_DH_params_answer to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type Set_client_DH_params_answer match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating authorization key... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Diffie Hellman key exchange processed successfully! 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Auth key generated 
MTProto:   \t Generating temporary authorization key for DC 1... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Requesting pq 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type ResPQ to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type ResPQ match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, 
operable program or batch file. 
ERROR: Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '1' time(s). 
Type "TIMEOUT /?" for usage. 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Factorization 2485609313528822857 = 1314678271 * 1890659767 
RSA:    \t Encrypting with rsa key... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Starting Diffie Hellman key exchange 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type Server_DH_Params to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type Server_DH_Params match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Server-client time delta = -3.0 s 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing p/g checks (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing p/g checks (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g check... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating b... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating g_b... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_b check... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Preparing client_DH_inner_data... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing set_client_DH_params... 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type Set_client_DH_params_answer to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type Set_client_DH_params_answer match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating authorization key... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Diffie Hellman key exchange processed successfully! 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Auth key generated 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Binding authorization keys... 
MsgIdHandler: \t WARNING: Given message id (6471222305437752321) is bigger than or equal to the current limit (6471222305437723649). Consider syncing your date. 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Successfully binded temporary and permanent authorization keys. 
MTProto:   \t Writing client info (also executing help.getConfig)... 
MTProto:   \t Generating permanent authorization key for DC 3... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Requesting pq 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type ResPQ to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type ResPQ match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, 
operable program or batch file. 
ERROR: Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '1' time(s). 
Type "TIMEOUT /?" for usage. 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Factorization 2446110044213003813 = 1398754873 * 1748776781 
RSA:    \t Encrypting with rsa key... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Starting Diffie Hellman key exchange 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type Server_DH_Params to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type Server_DH_Params match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Server-client time delta = -2.0 s 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing p/g checks (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing p/g checks (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g check... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating b... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating g_b... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_b check... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Preparing client_DH_inner_data... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing set_client_DH_params... 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type Set_client_DH_params_answer to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type Set_client_DH_params_answer match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating authorization key... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Diffie Hellman key exchange processed successfully! 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Auth key generated 
MTProto:   \t Generating temporary authorization key for DC 3... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Requesting pq 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type ResPQ to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type ResPQ match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, 
operable program or batch file. 
ERROR: Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '1' time(s). 
Type "TIMEOUT /?" for usage. 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Factorization 1811928749494917419 = 1100259529 * 1646819411 
RSA:    \t Encrypting with rsa key... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Starting Diffie Hellman key exchange 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type Server_DH_Params to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type Server_DH_Params match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Server-client time delta = -2.0 s 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing p/g checks (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing p/g checks (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g check... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating b... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating g_b... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_b check... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Preparing client_DH_inner_data... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing set_client_DH_params... 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type Set_client_DH_params_answer to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type Set_client_DH_params_answer match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating authorization key... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Diffie Hellman key exchange processed successfully! 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Auth key generated 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Binding authorization keys... 
MsgIdHandler: \t WARNING: Given message id (6471222324051949569) is bigger than or equal to the current limit (6471222324051918849). Consider syncing your date. 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Successfully binded temporary and permanent authorization keys. 
MTProto:   \t Writing client info (also executing help.getConfig)... 
MTProto:   \t Generating permanent authorization key for DC 4... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Requesting pq 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type ResPQ to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type ResPQ match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, 
operable program or batch file. 
ERROR: Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '1' time(s). 
Type "TIMEOUT /?" for usage. 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Factorization 1186368739405131613 = 1050788477 * 1129027169 
RSA:    \t Encrypting with rsa key... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Starting Diffie Hellman key exchange 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type Server_DH_Params to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type Server_DH_Params match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Server-client time delta = -2.0 s 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing p/g checks (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing p/g checks (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g check... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating b... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating g_b... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_b check... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Preparing client_DH_inner_data... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing set_client_DH_params... 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type Set_client_DH_params_answer to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type Set_client_DH_params_answer match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating authorization key... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Diffie Hellman key exchange processed successfully! 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Auth key generated 
MTProto:   \t Generating temporary authorization key for DC 4... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Requesting pq 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type ResPQ to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type ResPQ match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, 
operable program or batch file. 
ERROR: Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '1' time(s). 
Type "TIMEOUT /?" for usage. 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Factorization 3561143225058167773 = 1821228947 * 1955351759 
RSA:    \t Encrypting with rsa key... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Starting Diffie Hellman key exchange 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type Server_DH_Params to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type Server_DH_Params match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Server-client time delta = -3.0 s 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing p/g checks (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing p/g checks (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g check... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating b... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating g_b... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_b check... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Preparing client_DH_inner_data... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing set_client_DH_params... 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type Set_client_DH_params_answer to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type Set_client_DH_params_answer match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating authorization key... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Diffie Hellman key exchange processed successfully! 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Auth key generated 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Binding authorization keys... 
MsgIdHandler: \t WARNING: Given message id (6471222338731663361) is bigger than or equal to the current limit (6471222338731611137). Consider syncing your date. 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Successfully binded temporary and permanent authorization keys. 
MTProto:   \t Writing client info (also executing help.getConfig)... 
MTProto:   \t Generating permanent authorization key for DC 5... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Requesting pq 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type ResPQ to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type ResPQ match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, 
operable program or batch file. 
ERROR: Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '1' time(s). 
Type "TIMEOUT /?" for usage. 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Factorization 1216519245172067611 = 1056665521 * 1151281291 
RSA:    \t Encrypting with rsa key... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Starting Diffie Hellman key exchange 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type Server_DH_Params to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type Server_DH_Params match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Server-client time delta = -3.0 s 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing p/g checks (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing p/g checks (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g check... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating b... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating g_b... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_b check... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Preparing client_DH_inner_data... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing set_client_DH_params... 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type Set_client_DH_params_answer to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type Set_client_DH_params_answer match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating authorization key... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Diffie Hellman key exchange processed successfully! 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Auth key generated 
MTProto:   \t Generating temporary authorization key for DC 5... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Requesting pq 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type ResPQ to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type ResPQ match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, 
operable program or batch file. 
ERROR: Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '1' time(s). 
Type "TIMEOUT /?" for usage. 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Factorization 1912117467356741881 = 1323715451 * 1444507931 
RSA:    \t Encrypting with rsa key... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Starting Diffie Hellman key exchange 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type Server_DH_Params to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type Server_DH_Params match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Server-client time delta = -2.0 s 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing p/g checks (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing p/g checks (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g check... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating b... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating g_b... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (1/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_a check (2/2)... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing g_b check... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Preparing client_DH_inner_data... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Executing set_client_DH_params... 
ResponseHandler: \t Trying to assign a response of type Set_client_DH_params_answer to its request... 
ResponseHandler: \t Does the request of return type Set_client_DH_params_answer match? 
ResponseHandler: \t Yes 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Generating authorization key... 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Diffie Hellman key exchange processed successfully! 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Auth key generated 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Binding authorization keys... 
MsgIdHandler: \t WARNING: Given message id (6471222354387831809) is bigger than or equal to the current limit (6471222354387735553). Consider syncing your date. 
AuthKeyHandler: \t Successfully binded temporary and permanent authorization keys. 
MTProto:   \t Writing client info (also executing help.getConfig)... 
MTProto:   \t Updated config! 
MTProto:   \t { 
    "_": "config", 
    "date": 1506698850, 
    "expires": 1506702636, 
    "test_mode": false, 
    "this_dc": 2, 
    "chat_size_max": 200, 
    "megagroup_size_max": 20000, 
    "forwarded_count_max": 100, 
    "online_update_period_ms": 120000, 
    "offline_blur_timeout_ms": 5000, 
    "offline_idle_timeout_ms": 30000, 
    "online_cloud_timeout_ms": 300000, 
    "notify_cloud_delay_ms": 30000, 
    "notify_default_delay_ms": 1500, 
    "chat_big_size": 10, 
    "push_chat_period_ms": 60000, 
    "push_chat_limit": 2, 
    "saved_gifs_limit": 200, 
    "edit_time_limit": 172800, 
    "rating_e_decay": 2419200, 
    "stickers_recent_limit": 30, 
    "stickers_faved_limit": 5, 
    "pinned_dialogs_count_max": 5, 
    "phonecalls_enabled": false, 
    "call_receive_timeout_ms": 20000, 
    "call_ring_timeout_ms": 90000, 
    "call_connect_timeout_ms": 30000, 
    "call_packet_timeout_ms": 10000, 
    "me_url_prefix": "https://t.me/", 
    "disabled_features": [] 
MTProto:   \t We're in IR, current dc is 2, nearest dc is 4. 
API:    \t Running APIFactory... 
API:    \t MadelineProto is ready! 

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function readline() in C:\wamp\s12\ee.php:8 
Stack trace: 
#0 {main} 
    thrown in C:\wamp\s12\ee.php on line 8 

Process finished with exit code 255

Que dois-je faire ???



Il suffit d'utiliser ceci pour simuler

if (!function_exists("readline")) { 
    function readline($prompt = null){ 
     if ($prompt) { 
      echo $prompt; 
     $fp = fopen("php://stdin","r"); 
     $line = rtrim(fgets($fp, 1024)); 
     return $line; 

Vous pouvez vous référer à autre question: Call to undefined function readline


où dois-je ajouter ?? – saleh


@saleh Avant l'instruction 'require' – Sean