2017-04-20 3 views

Je suis nouveau à la programmation alors j'ai suivi ce tutoriel http://www.mitechdev.com/2016/07/crud-operations-on-angular-ui-calendar.html, mais il n'actualise pas les données après l'envoi du formulaire. Les données nouvelles/modifiées/supprimées sont affichées après l'actualisation de la page. J'ai aussi essayé ".fullCalendar ('refetchEvents')" mais sans effet. Fondamentalement ce que je veux faire est quand je soumets le formulaire (fermant le modal) les données à afficher dans le calendrier. Merci d'avance.AngularJS UI-calendrier ne rafraîchit pas les événements sur le calendrier (actualiser manuellement le calendrier (F5))

Mise à jour - ici mon script:

    var app = angular.module('myapp', ['ui.calendar', 'ui.bootstrap']); 
    app.controller('CalenderController', ['$scope', '$http', 'uiCalendarConfig', '$uibModal', function ($scope, $http, uiCalendarConfig, $uibModal) { 
     $scope.SelectedEvent = null; 
     var isFirstTime = true; 
     $scope.events = []; 
     $scope.eventSources = [$scope.events]; 

     $scope.NewEvent = {}; 
     //this function for get datetime from json date 
     function getDate(datetime) { 
      if (datetime != null) { 
       var mili = datetime.replace(/\/Date\((-?\d+)\)\//, '$1'); 
       return new Date(parseInt(mili)); 
      else { 
       return ""; 
     // this function clears clender enents 
     function clearCalendar() { 
      if (uiCalendarConfig.calendars.myCalendar != null) { 
     //Load events from server to display on caledar 
     function populate() { 
      $http.get('/Test/GetEvents', { 
       cache: false, 
       params: {} 
      }).then(function (data) { 
       $scope.events.slice(0, $scope.events.length); 
       angular.forEach(data.data, function (value) { 
         id: value.EventID, 
         title: value.Title, 
         description: value.Description, 
         start: new Date(parseInt(value.StartAt.substr(6))), 
         end: new Date(parseInt(value.EndAt.substr(6))), 
         allDay: value.IsFullDay, 
         stick: true 
     //UI- calendar configuration 
     $scope.uiConfig = { 
      calendar: { 
       //height: 450, 
       height: 650, 
       editable: true, 
       displayEventTime: true, 
       header: { 
        left: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay', 
        center: 'title', 
        right: 'today prev,next' 
       timeFormat: { 
        month: ' ', // for hide on month view 
        agenda: 'h:mm t' 
       selectable: true, 
       selectHelper: true, 
       select: function (start, end) { 
        var fromDate = moment(start).format('YYYY/MM/DD LT'); 
        var endDate = moment(end).format('YYYY/MM/DD LT'); 
        $scope.NewEvent = { 
         EventID: 0, 
         StartAt: fromDate, 
         EndAt: endDate, 
         IsFullDay: false, 
         Title: '', 
         Description: '' 

       eventClick: function (event) { 
        $scope.SelectedEvent = event; 
        var fromDate = moment(event.start).format('YYYY/MM/DD LT'); 
        var endDate = moment(event.end).format('YYYY/MM/DD LT'); 
        $scope.NewEvent = { 
         EventID: event.id, 
         StartAt: fromDate, 
         EndAt: endDate, 
         IsFullDay: false, 
         Title: event.title, 
         Description: event.description 

       eventAfterAllRender: function() { 
        if ($scope.events.length > 0 && isFirstTime) { 
         uiCalendarConfig.calendars.myCalendar.fullCalendar('gotoDate', $scope.events[0].start); 
         isFirstTime = false; 

     //This function shows bootstrap modal dialog 
     $scope.ShowModal = function() { 
      $scope.option = { 
       templateUrl: 'modalContent.html', 
       controller: 'modalController', 
       backdrop: 'static', 
       resolve: { 
        NewEvent: function() { 
         return $scope.NewEvent; 
      //CRUD operations on Calendar starts here 
      var modal = $uibModal.open($scope.option); 
      modal.result.then(function (data) { 
       $scope.NewEvent = data.event; 
       switch (data.operation) { 
        case 'Save':   //save 
          method: 'POST', 
          url: '/Test/SaveEvent', 
          data: $scope.NewEvent 
         }).then(function (response) { 
          if (response.data.status) { 
        case 'Delete':   //delete 
          method: 'POST', 
          url: '/Test/DeleteEvent', 
          data: { 'eventID': $scope.NewEvent.EventID } 
         }).then(function (response) { 
          if (response.data.status) { 
      }, function() { 
       console.log('Modal dialog closed'); 

    app.controller('modalController', ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', 'NewEvent', function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, NewEvent) { 
     $scope.NewEvent = NewEvent; 
     $scope.Message = ""; 
     $scope.ok = function() { 
      if ($scope.NewEvent.Title.trim() != "") { 
       $uibModalInstance.close({ event: $scope.NewEvent, operation: 'Save' }); 
      else { 
       $scope.Message = "Event title required!"; 
     $scope.delete = function() { 
      $uibModalInstance.close({ event: $scope.NewEvent, operation: 'Delete' }); 
     $scope.cancel = function() { 

Update 2 (toujours la même chose):

    var app = angular.module('myapp', ['ui.calendar', 'ui.bootstrap']); 
    app.controller('CalenderController', ['$scope', '$http', 'uiCalendarConfig', '$uibModal', function ($scope, $http, uiCalendarConfig, $uibModal) { 
     $scope.SelectedEvent = null; 
     var isFirstTime = true; 
     $scope.events = []; 
     $scope.eventSources = [$scope.events]; 

     $scope.NewEvent = {}; 
     //this function for get datetime from json date 
     function getDate(datetime) { 
      if (datetime != null) { 
       var mili = datetime.replace(/\/Date\((-?\d+)\)\//, '$1'); 
       return new Date(parseInt(mili)); 
      else { 
       return ""; 

     //Test refresh events in calendar 
     function refreshCalendar() { 
     //$timeout(function() { 
     // uiCalendarConfig.calendars.myCalendar.fullCalendar('rerenderEvents'); 

     //uiCalendarConfig.calendars.myCalendar.fullCalendar('addEventSource', events); 

     function clearEvents() { 


     // this function clears clender enents 
     function clearCalendar() {   
      if (uiCalendarConfig.calendars.myCalendar != null) { 
     //Load events from server to display on caledar 
     function populate() { 
      $http.get('/Test/GetEvents', { 
       cache: false, 
       params: {}     
      }).then(function (data) { 
       $scope.events.slice(0, $scope.events.length); 
       angular.forEach(data.data, function (value) { 
         id: value.EventID, 
         title: value.Title, 
         description: value.Description, 
         start: new Date(parseInt(value.StartAt.substr(6))), 
         end: new Date(parseInt(value.EndAt.substr(6))), 
         allDay: value.IsFullDay, 
         stick: true 
     //UI- calendar configuration 
     $scope.uiConfig = { 
      calendar: { 
       //height: 450, 
       height: 650, 
       editable: true, 
       displayEventTime: true, 
       header: { 
        left: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay', 
        center: 'title', 
        right: 'today prev,next' 
       timeFormat: { 
        month: ' ', // for hide on month view 
        agenda: 'h:mm t' 
       selectable: true, 
       selectHelper: true, 
       select: function (start, end) { 
        var fromDate = moment(start).format('YYYY/MM/DD LT'); 
        var endDate = moment(end).format('YYYY/MM/DD LT'); 
        $scope.NewEvent = { 
         EventID: 0, 
         StartAt: fromDate, 
         EndAt: endDate, 
         IsFullDay: false, 
         Title: '', 
         Description: '' 

       eventClick: function (event) { 
        $scope.SelectedEvent = event; 
        var fromDate = moment(event.start).format('YYYY/MM/DD LT'); 
        var endDate = moment(event.end).format('YYYY/MM/DD LT'); 
        $scope.NewEvent = { 
         EventID: event.id, 
         StartAt: fromDate, 
         EndAt: endDate, 
         IsFullDay: false, 
         Title: event.title, 
         Description: event.description 

       eventAfterAllRender: function() { 
        if ($scope.events.length > 0 && isFirstTime) { 
         uiCalendarConfig.calendars.myCalendar.fullCalendar('gotoDate', $scope.events[0].start); 
         isFirstTime = false; 

     //This function shows bootstrap modal dialog 
     $scope.ShowModal = function() { 
      $scope.option = { 
       templateUrl: 'modalContent.html', 
       controller: 'modalController', 
       backdrop: 'static', 
       resolve: { 
        NewEvent: function() { 
         return $scope.NewEvent; 
      //CRUD operations on Calendar starts here 
      var modal = $uibModal.open($scope.option); 
      modal.result.then(function (data) { 
       $scope.NewEvent = data.event; 
       switch (data.operation) { 
        case 'Save':   //save 
          method: 'POST', 
          url: '/Test/SaveEvent', 
          data: $scope.NewEvent 
         }).then(function (response) { 
          if (response.data.status) { 
          // //$scope.calendar.fullCalendar('render'); 
          // //$scope.calendar.fullCalendar('refetchEvents'); 
        case 'Delete':   //delete 
          method: 'POST', 
          url: '/Test/DeleteEvent', 
          data: { 'eventID': $scope.NewEvent.EventID } 
         }).then(function (response) { 
          if (response.data.status) { 
      }, function() { 
       console.log('Modal dialog closed'); 

    app.controller('modalController', ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', 'NewEvent', function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, NewEvent) { 
     $scope.NewEvent = NewEvent; 
     $scope.Message = ""; 
     $scope.ok = function() { 
      if ($scope.NewEvent.Title.trim() != "") { 
       $uibModalInstance.close({ event: $scope.NewEvent, operation: 'Save' }); 
      else { 
       $scope.Message = "Event title required!"; 
     $scope.delete = function() { 
      $uibModalInstance.close({ event: $scope.NewEvent, operation: 'Delete' }); 
     $scope.cancel = function() { 

Follo également marier ce tutoriel: http://www.dotnetawesome.com/2016/05/part-2-crud-operation-on-fullcalender.html, mais avec le même problème.

Trouvé ce qui n'allait pas avec elle - ne supporte pas entièrement IE.



Appel RefreshCalendar() fonction sur INSERT/UPDATE/événement SUPPRIMER

function RefreshCalendar() {  
function ClearEvents() { 

Il est toujours le même. Merci pour votre réponse! –


Comment insérer/mettre à jour/supprimer un événement? redimensionner/déposer? –


J'utilise le "Ajouter un script pour la fonctionnalité de calendrier" du tutoriel, il se trouve à la fin du code. Mon code est exactement comme le tutoriel. –