2017-05-31 3 views

J'ai une table dans SQL Azure et je suis en train de créer une table externe Dans lac Azure Data Analytics qui pointe vers elleADLA Erreur Previewing externe Table à SQL Azure

Je créé une source d'informations d'identification et les données et je peux confirmez qu'ils fonctionnent parce que je peux voir d'autres tables externes. Mais lorsque je tente de prévisualiser ce tableau spécifique je reçois les erreurs suivantes:

Failed to connect to data source: 'MYDATASOURCE', with error(s): 'Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'SELECT'. 
Incorrect syntax near ')'.' 
CQO: Internal Error - Optimizer internal error. Assert: csExtRowsetInfoNew != nullptr in managed\scopecqo.cpp:2235 

Toute idée de ce qui pourrait être la cause de ce problème? Est-ce lié au schéma de la table?

SQL Azure Table schéma:

[FSCServiceRequestId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, 
[ServiceRequestCRMId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, 
[TicketNumberTitle] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL, 
[ProblemDescription] [nvarchar](max) NULL, 
[FSCServiceRequestStatusId] [int] NOT NULL, 
[FSCServiceRequestPriorityId] [int] NOT NULL, 
[PriorityOverrideReason] [nvarchar](1000) NULL, 
[RequestorPhoneNumber] [nvarchar](100) NULL, 
[FSCProblemRoomNumber] [varchar](200) NULL, 
[BuildingId] [int] NULL, 
[FSCProblemClassId] [int] NOT NULL, 
[FSCProblemTypeId] [int] NOT NULL, 
[ReclassificationReason] [nvarchar](100) NULL, 
[RequestCancellationReason] [nvarchar](2000) NULL, 
[IsCancelledForReclassification] [bit] NULL, 
[IsSurveyServiceRequest] [bit] NULL, 
[ProblemOccurredUTCDate] [datetime] NULL, 
[ProblemOccurredUTCYMD] [int] NULL, 
[ProblemOccurredInBuildingTimeZoneDate] [datetime] NULL, 
[CreationUTCDate] [datetime] NOT NULL, 
[CreationUTCYMD] [int] NOT NULL, 
[SubmittedUTCDate] [datetime] NULL, 
[SubmittedInBuildingTimeZoneDate] [datetime] NULL, 
[DueUTCDate] [datetime] NULL, 
[DueUTCYMD] [int] NULL, 
[DueInBuildingTimeZoneDate] [datetime] NULL, 
[RequestedFutureDueUTCDate] [datetime] NULL, 
[ProviderAdjustedDueInBuildingTimeZoneDate] [datetime] NULL, 
[ProviderAdjustedDueInBuildingTimeZoneYMD] [int] NULL, 
[Tier1WorkCompletionByBuildingTimeZoneDate] [datetime] NULL, 
[Tier1WorkCompletionByBuildingTimeZoneYMD] [int] NULL, 
[ModifiedUTCDate] [datetime] NULL, 
[ModifiedByPersonnelId] [int] NULL, 
[CompletionUTCDate] [datetime] NULL, 
[CompletionUTCYMD] [int] NULL, 
[CompletionInBuildingTimeZoneDate] [datetime] NULL, 
[IsActivityComplete] [bit] NOT NULL, 
[IsSLAMet] [bit] NULL, 
[OwningTeamName] [varchar](255) NULL, 
[CostCenterCode] [varchar](40) NULL, 
[CaseOriginType] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL, 
[DeviceType] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL, 
[FSCProviderAccountId] [int] NOT NULL, 
[CreatedFromSystemCode] [nvarchar](100) NULL, 
[RequestorPersonnelId] [int] NOT NULL, 
[RequestorEmailAlias] [varchar](30) NOT NULL, 
[RequestorFullName] [varchar](100) NULL, 
[RequestorIsSuperUser] [bit] NULL, 
[RequestorIsProviderUser] [bit] NOT NULL, 
[RequestorHeadCountTypeGroupDesc] [varchar](30) NOT NULL, 
[RequestorCSCompanyAgencyName] [varchar](30) NOT NULL, 
[RequestorProfitCenterCode] [char](10) NOT NULL, 
[RequestorCostCenterCode] [char](10) NOT NULL, 
[ContactPersonnelId] [int] NOT NULL, 
[ContactEmailAlias] [varchar](30) NOT NULL, 
[ContactFullName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, 
[ContactIsSuperUser] [bit] NOT NULL, 
[ContactIsProviderUser] [bit] NOT NULL, 
[ContactHeadCountTypeGroupDesc] [varchar](30) NOT NULL, 
[ContactCSCompanyAgencyName] [varchar](30) NOT NULL, 
[ContactProfitCenterCode] [char](10) NOT NULL, 
[ContactCostCenterCode] [char](10) NOT NULL, 
[OwnerPersonnelId] [int] NOT NULL, 
[RoomTypeCode] [varchar](50) NULL, 
[CreatedDate] [datetime] NOT NULL, 
[CreatedBy] [varchar](30) NOT NULL, 
[UpdatedDate] [datetime] NULL, 
[UpdatedBy] [varchar](30) NULL, 
[OverriddenStatus] [varchar](50) NULL 

USQL externe Tableau schéma:

FSCServiceRequestId int, 
ServiceRequestCRMId Guid, 
TicketNumberTitle string, 
ProblemDescription string, 
FSCServiceRequestStatusId int, 
FSCServiceRequestPriorityId int, 
PriorityOverrideReason string, 
RequestorPhoneNumber string, 
FSCProblemRoomNumber string, 
BuildingId int?, 
FSCProblemClassId int, 
FSCProblemTypeId int, 
ReclassificationReason string, 
RequestCancellationReason string, 
IsCancelledForReclassification bool?, 
IsSurveyServiceRequest bool?, 
ProblemOccurredUTCDate DateTime?, 
ProblemOccurredUTCYMD int?, 
ProblemOccurredInBuildingTimeZoneDate DateTime?, 
CreationUTCDate DateTime, 
CreationUTCYMD int, 
SubmittedUTCDate DateTime?, 
SubmittedInBuildingTimeZoneDate DateTime?, 
DueUTCDate DateTime?, 
DueUTCYMD int?, 
DueInBuildingTimeZoneDate DateTime?, 
RequestedFutureDueUTCDate DateTime?, 
ProviderAdjustedDueInBuildingTimeZoneDate DateTime?, 
ProviderAdjustedDueInBuildingTimeZoneYMD int?, 
Tier1WorkCompletionByBuildingTimeZoneDate DateTime?, 
Tier1WorkCompletionByBuildingTimeZoneYMD int?, 
ModifiedUTCDate DateTime?, 
ModifiedByPersonnelId int?, 
CompletionUTCDate DateTime?, 
CompletionUTCYMD int?, 
CompletionInBuildingTimeZoneDate DateTime?, 
IsActivityComplete bool, 
IsSLAMet bool?, 
OwningTeamName string, 
CostCenterCode string, 
CaseOriginType string, 
DeviceType string, 
FSCProviderAccountId int, 
CreatedFromSystemCode string, 
RequestorPersonnelId int, 
RequestorEmailAlias string, 
RequestorFullName string, 
RequestorIsSuperUser bool?, 
RequestorIsProviderUser bool, 
RequestorHeadCountTypeGroupDesc string, 
RequestorCSCompanyAgencyName string, 
RequestorProfitCenterCode string, 
RequestorCostCenterCode string, 
ContactPersonnelId int, 
ContactEmailAlias string, 
ContactFullName string, 
ContactIsSuperUser bool, 
ContactIsProviderUser bool, 
ContactHeadCountTypeGroupDesc string, 
ContactCSCompanyAgencyName string, 
ContactProfitCenterCode string, 
ContactCostCenterCode string, 
OwnerPersonnelId int, 
RoomTypeCode string, 
CreatedDate DateTime, 
CreatedBy string, 
UpdatedDate DateTime?, 
UpdatedBy string, 
OverriddenStatus string 



Cela semble être un problème connu qui fixe est sur le chemin. Si tel est le cas, la solution de contournement jusqu'à ce que le correctif soit déployé consiste à entourer la chaîne de requête avec des crochets, par ex.

SELECT * FROM EXTERNAL <data source name> 
EXECUTE @"(<original_query_string>)" 

J'ai réussi à le faire fonctionner en supprimant la colonne IDENTITY de la table externe.


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