2015-03-16 2 views

J'apprends le livre programmation intelligence collective. Ci-dessous mon code:AttributeError: l'objet n'a pas d'attribut 'title'

import feedparser 
import re 

# Returns title and dictionary of word counts for an RSS feed 
def getwordcounts(url): 
    # Parse the feed 
    d = feedparser.parse(url) 

    # Loop over all the entries 
    for e in d.entries: 
     if 'summary' in e: 
      summary = e.summary 
      summary = e.description 

     # Extract a list of words 
     words = getwords(e.title + '' + summary) 
     for word in words: 
      wc.setdefault(word, 0) 
      wc[word] += 1 
    return d.feed.title, wc 

def getwords(html): 
    # Remove all the HTML tags 
    txt = re.compile(r'[^>]+>').sub('',html) 

    # Split words by all non-alpha characters 
    words = re.compile(r'[^A-Z^a-z]+').split(txt) 

    # Convert to lowercase 
    return [word.lower() for word in words if word!=''] 

apcount = {} 
wordcounts = {} 
for feedurl in file('feedlist.txt'): 
    title, wc = getwordcounts(feedurl) 
    wordcounts[title] = wc 
    for word, count in wc.items(): 
     apcount.setdefault(word, 0) 
     if count>1: 
      apcount[word] += 1 

wordlist = [] 
for w, bc in apcount.items(): 
    frac = float(bc)/len(feedlist) 
    if frac>0.1 and frac<0.5: 

out = file('blogdata.txt', 'w') 
for word in wordlist: 
    out.write('\t%s' % word) 
for blog, wc in wordcounts.items(): 
    for word in wordlist: 
     if word in wc: 
      out.wirte('\t%d' % wc[word]) 

Quand je lance ce script, je reçu le message:

Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "generatefeedvector.py", line 38, in <module> 
    title, wc = getwordcounts(feedurl) 
    File "generatefeedvector.py", line 22, in getwordcounts 
    return d.feed.title, wc 
    File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/feedparser.py", line 416, in __getattr__ 
AttributeError: object has no attribute 'title' 

J'ai vérifié la version de feedparser est 5.1.3.

Alors, comment résoudre ce problème? Merci



L'URL que vous essayez d'analyser avec feedparser est soit pas un flux valide (vérifier avec feedvalidator), mais une page Web, ou l'alimentation est vide, ou title est vide.

Pour contourner ce problème, utilisez getattr():

return getattr(d.feed, 'title', 'Unknown title'), wc 

Voir aussi:


Merci beaucoup pour répondre. – epx