2014-05-17 5 views

J'ai une requête php oauth qui envoie une requête HTTP à yahoo, et je reçois des informations utilisateur privées qui me sont retournées. Je peux l'obtenir pour imprimer ce qui a été retourné, mais comment puis-je sélectionner une seule variable? Par exemple, je veux juste imprimer le nom de Jonathan Lucroy.Accès aux données retournées

Voici ce que je, 'utilise pour appeler:

** Heres a link to the oauth_client class for the referenced functions below **

if(strlen($client->client_id) == 0 
    || strlen($client->client_secret) == 0) 
     die('Please go to Yahoo Apps page https://developer.apps.yahoo.com/projects/ , '. 
      'create a project, and in the line '.$application_line. 
      ' set the client_id to Consumer key and client_secret with Consumer secret. '. 
      'The Callback URL must be '.$client->redirect_uri).' Make sure you enable the '. 
      'necessary permissions to execute the API calls your application needs.'; 

    if(($success = $client->Initialize())) 
     if(($success = $client->Process())) 
       $success = $client->CallAPI(
        'GET', array(
        ), array('FailOnAccessError'=>true), $user); 
         echo '<pre>'; 
echo '</pre>'; 
     $success = $client->Finalize($success); 
     $client->error = $client->authorization_error; 
     $success = false; 
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> 
<title>Yahoo OAuth client results</title> 
     echo '<h1>', HtmlSpecialChars($user->query->results->profile->nickname), 
      ' you have logged in successfully with Yahoo!</h1>'; 
     echo '<pre>', HtmlSpecialChars(print_r($user, 1)), '</pre>'; 
     echo '<h6>'.$user.'</h6>'; 

Et voici ce que je suis l'impression:

stdClass Object 
    [fantasy_content] => stdClass Object 
      [xml:lang] => en-US 
      [yahoo:uri] => /fantasy/v2/team/328.l.203329.t.12/roster;week=9 
      [team] => Array 
        [0] => Array 
          [0] => stdClass Object 
            [team_key] => 328.l.203329.t.12 

          [1] => stdClass Object 
            [team_id] => 12 

          [2] => stdClass Object 
            [name] => Kevin Matesi's Team 

          [3] => stdClass Object 
            [is_owned_by_current_login] => 1 

          [4] => stdClass Object 
            [url] => http://baseball.fantasysports.yahoo.com/b1/203329/12 

          [5] => stdClass Object 
            [team_logos] => Array 
              [0] => stdClass Object 
                [team_logo] => stdClass Object 
                  [size] => large 
                  [url] => http://l.yimg.com/dh/ap/fantasy/img/mlb/icon_1_lg.gif 




          [6] => Array 

          [7] => stdClass Object 
            [waiver_priority] => 3 

          [8] => Array 

          [9] => stdClass Object 
            [number_of_moves] => 0 

          [10] => stdClass Object 
            [number_of_trades] => 0 

          [11] => stdClass Object 
            [roster_adds] => stdClass Object 
              [coverage_type] => week 
              [coverage_value] => 7 
              [value] => 0 


          [12] => Array 

          [13] => stdClass Object 
            [managers] => Array 
              [0] => stdClass Object 
                [manager] => stdClass Object 
                  [manager_id] => 12 
                  [nickname] => Kmatesi 
                  [guid] => IYEZUHTVBYRLIB3OAQC5WRZPQY 
                  [is_current_login] => 1 





        [1] => stdClass Object 
          [roster] => stdClass Object 
            [coverage_type] => date 
            [date] => 2014-05-26 
            [is_editable] => 1 
            [0] => stdClass Object 
              [players] => stdClass Object 
                [0] => stdClass Object 
                  [player] => Array 
                    [0] => Array 
                      [0] => stdClass Object 
                        [player_key] => 328.p.8609 

                      [1] => stdClass Object 
                        [player_id] => 8609 

                      [2] => stdClass Object 
                        [name] => stdClass Object 
                          [full] => Jonathan Lucroy 
                          [first] => Jonathan 
                          [last] => Lucroy 
                          [ascii_first] => Jonathan 
                          [ascii_last] => Lucroy 


                      [3] => stdClass Object 
                        [editorial_player_key] => mlb.p.8609 

                      [4] => stdClass Object 
                        [editorial_team_key] => mlb.t.8 

                      [5] => stdClass Object 
                        [editorial_team_full_name] => Milwaukee Brewers 

                      [6] => stdClass Object 
                        [editorial_team_abbr] => Mil 

                      [7] => stdClass Object 
                        [uniform_number] => 20 

                      [8] => stdClass Object 
                        [display_position] => C,1B 

                      [9] => stdClass Object 
                        [headshot] => stdClass Object 
                          [url] => http://l.yimg.com/iu/api/res/1.2/LDlsOwlp8kcebcX0hWqbnw--/YXBwaWQ9eXZpZGVvO2NoPTg2MDtjcj0xO2N3PTY1OTtkeD0xO2R5PTE7Zmk9dWxjcm9wO2g9NjA7cT0xMDA7dz00Ng--/http://l.yimg.com/j/assets/i/us/sp/v/mlb/players_l/20130405/8609.1.jpg 
                          [size] => small 

                        [image_url] => http://l.yimg.com/iu/api/res/1.2/LDlsOwlp8kcebcX0hWqbnw--/YXBwaWQ9eXZpZGVvO2NoPTg2MDtjcj0xO2N3PTY1OTtkeD0xO2R5PTE7Zmk9dWxjcm9wO2g9NjA7cT0xMDA7dz00Ng--/http://l.yimg.com/j/assets/i/us/sp/v/mlb/players_l/20130405/8609.1.jpg 

                      [10] => stdClass Object 
                        [is_undroppable] => 0 

                      [11] => stdClass Object 
                        [position_type] => B 

                      [12] => stdClass Object 
                        [eligible_positions] => Array 
                          [0] => stdClass Object 
                            [position] => C 

                          [1] => stdClass Object 
                            [position] => 1B 

                          [2] => stdClass Object 
                            [position] => Util 



                      [13] => stdClass Object 
                        [has_player_notes] => 1 

                      [14] => stdClass Object 
                        [has_recent_player_notes] => 1 


                    [1] => stdClass Object 

2 astuces: objet ->, tableau [], par exemple $ variable-> fantasy_content-> team [1] ... – sunshinejr


Je reçois toujours cette erreur: "L'objet de la classe stdClass n'a pas pu être converti en chaîne" –


Regarding this line: 

    if(($success = $client->Process())) 

This is not a correct way to write the IF statement 
The problem is an assignment always returns 'true' 

A much better technique is: (use a comparison, similar to the following) 

if(false != ($success = $client->Process())) 

BTW: never compare to 'true' because 'true' can be/is defined as 'not false' 
where false is 0, so any non 0 value will be 'not false' 
where a compare to 'true' is looking for a specific value to match. 

merci pour les notes, je vais m'en occuper un peu plus. Avez-vous des notes sur la façon d'accéder correctement à un seul membre de l'objet utilisateur $? –