2015-11-26 2 views

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<h1 style="color:green">BJBGaming1</h1> 
<h2 class="subheader">Happy Thanksgiving!</h2> 

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<h3>Minecraft <small>11/25/2015</small></h3> 
<img class="thumbnail" src="Minecraft.png"> 
<p style="color:white">Minecraft is a very popular game, on PC, Xbox, and  Smart Phones, played by millions of people every day. For more information go to  www.bjbgaming1.com/minecraft</p> 
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<h3>CS:GO <small>11/25/2015</small></h3> 
<img class="thumbnail" src="CS.GO.png"> 
<p style="color:white">CS:GO stand for, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and is a FPS game that is assosiated with E-Sports, and played by millions of people everyday. For more information go to www.bjbgaming1.com/cs_go</p> 
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<h3>Smite <small>11/25/2015</small></h3> 
<img class="thumbnail" src="Smite.png"> 
<p style="color:white">Smite is a game just like LoL (League of Legends). In  Smite you can pick from over 50 gods that ou unlock with Favor, favor is  basically the currency to buy gods, but in Smite there are tons of different game modes, and every day they feature a community made gamemode. Also, Smite is always coming out with new gamemodes to try. For more information go to www.bjbgaming1.com/smite</p> 
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