2016-05-06 2 views



Non, à moins que vous ne le programmiez vous-même. En outre, les styles de bordure dans NPOI ( sont buggés, essentiellement lorsque votre ICellStyle a le même style de bordure qu'un autre ICellStyle (par exemple, deux cellules ont une bordure supérieure noire) et que vous en changez un, le changement est propagé aux deux styles (par exemple, une fois que vous ajoutez une bordure supérieure gauche à une cellule, elle est également ajoutée à une autre cellule).

J'ai créé la demande de traction, mais cela devrait fonctionner pour l'instant (méfiez-vous de 64 000 limite de styles cellulaires):

public void CreateBorder(ISheet sheet, int firstRow, int lastRow, int firstColumn, int lastColumn, BorderStyle borderStyle) 
    // top line 
    for (int column = firstColumn + 1; column < lastColumn; column++) 
     ICell topCell = GetCell(sheet, firstRow, column); 
     ICellStyle topStyle = CreateCellStyle(topCell); 
     using (new CellBorderLock(topStyle)) 
      topStyle.BorderTop = borderStyle; 
     topCell.CellStyle = topStyle; 
    // top left corner 
    ICell topLeftCell = GetCell(sheet, firstRow, firstColumn); 
    ICellStyle topLeftStyle = CreateCellStyle(topLeftCell); 
    using (new CellBorderLock(topLeftStyle)) 
     topLeftStyle.BorderTop = borderStyle; 
     topLeftStyle.BorderLeft = borderStyle; 
    topLeftCell.CellStyle = topLeftStyle; 
    // top right corner 
    ICell topRightCell = GetCell(sheet, firstRow, lastColumn); 
    ICellStyle topRightStyle = CreateCellStyle(topRightCell); 
    using (new CellBorderLock(topRightStyle)) 
     topRightStyle.BorderTop = borderStyle; 
     topRightStyle.BorderRight = borderStyle; 
    topRightCell.CellStyle = topRightStyle; 

    // left line 
    for (int row = firstRow + 1; row < lastRow; row++) 
     ICell leftCell = GetCell(sheet, row, firstColumn); 
     ICellStyle leftStyle = CreateCellStyle(leftCell); 
     using (new CellBorderLock(leftStyle)) 
      leftStyle.BorderLeft = borderStyle; 
     leftCell.CellStyle = leftStyle; 

    // right line 
    for (int row = firstRow + 1; row < lastRow; row++) 
     ICell rightCell = GetCell(sheet, row, lastColumn); 
     ICellStyle rightStyle = CreateCellStyle(rightCell); 
     using (new CellBorderLock(rightStyle)) 
      rightStyle.BorderRight = borderStyle; 
     rightCell.CellStyle = rightStyle; 

    // bottom line 
    for (int column = firstColumn + 1; column < lastColumn; column++) 
     ICell bottomCell = GetCell(sheet, lastRow, column); 
     ICellStyle bottomStyle = CreateCellStyle(bottomCell); 
     using (new CellBorderLock(bottomStyle)) 
      bottomStyle.BorderBottom = borderStyle; 
     bottomCell.CellStyle = bottomStyle; 

    // bottom left corner 
    ICell bottomLeftCell = GetCell(sheet, lastRow, firstColumn); 
    ICellStyle bottomLeftStyle = CreateCellStyle(bottomLeftCell); 
    using (new CellBorderLock(bottomLeftStyle)) 
     bottomLeftStyle.BorderBottom = borderStyle; 
     bottomLeftStyle.BorderLeft = borderStyle; 
    bottomLeftCell.CellStyle = bottomLeftStyle; 

    // bottom right corner 
    ICell bottomRightCell = GetCell(sheet, lastRow, lastColumn); 
    ICellStyle bottomRightStyle = CreateCellStyle(bottomRightCell); 
    using (new CellBorderLock(bottomRightStyle)) 
     bottomRightStyle.BorderBottom = borderStyle; 
     bottomRightStyle.BorderRight = borderStyle; 
    bottomRightCell.CellStyle = bottomRightStyle; 

private ICellStyle CreateCellStyle(ICell cell) 
    var style = cell.Sheet.Workbook.CreateCellStyle(); 
    return style; 

private ICell GetCell(ISheet sheet, int row, int column) 
    IRow r = sheet.GetRow(row) ?? sheet.CreateRow(row); 
    return r.GetCell(column) ?? r.CreateCell(column); 

/// <summary> 
/// Make a border style of <see cref="ICellStyle"/> unique for duration of a lock 
/// so it doesn't propagate changes of border to other cell styles. 
/// </summary> 
public sealed class CellBorderLock : IDisposable 
    private readonly ICellStyle style; 

    public CellBorderLock(ICellStyle style) 
     this.style = style; 
     style.BorderDiagonalLineStyle = BorderStyle.Thin; 
     style.BorderDiagonal = BorderDiagonal.Forward; 

    public void Dispose() 
     style.BorderDiagonalLineStyle = BorderStyle.None; 
     style.BorderDiagonal = BorderDiagonal.None; 

est CC0.